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TOPIC: Hawk Fingle, Hardcore Bard-at-Large

Hawk Fingle, Hardcore Bard-at-Large 9 years 1 month ago #1

"Greetings, adventurers! Hawk Fingle's me name, telling tales of glory and daring-do is me game! I am looking for a group of stalwart heroes willing to accept me humble services in exchange for survival to tell the story at the tavern afterward. I be a fair shot wif a crossbow, can inspire greatness in the most dangerous of moments, and have a few surprises up me sleeves in times of great peril. As great of a bard as I am, I know me limits and would not be so foolish as to go off on me own into dark holes looking for trouble. That's why I am looking for those heroes that consider themselves Hardcore and can keep the jaws of beasts off of me as I provide cover fire from a distance. After all, the best vantage point for a storyteller is one that is not directly in the face of threatening claws and jaws.

"If you believe your adventuring party could use a really good bard, well, Widseth has hung up his lute. If you could use a decent bard, you could do worse than to consider Hawk Fingle, Bard-at-Large! Let me chronicle your party's greatness and help cover them in the glory they rightly deserve! Allow me to keep thy spirits light and entertained as monsters tear flesh from bone! Enjoy my wit and wisdom as it helps you solve the riddles within the pits of doom! Do not hesitate! Contact Hawk Fingle today and ask him to accommodate your party on all your Hardcore adventures!

"Well... maybe not ALL your Hardcore adventures. Perhaps two to four? Adventures are expensive endeavors these days..."

Translation: I'm a Bard. I got a ranged build, 5th level, with Lore and Widseth strategies to support the team on Hardcore runs. I'd like to join a couple groups on runs Friday through Sunday if possible. I like to be "in-character", and have over a decade of improv comedy experience in real life, so my songs are off-the-cuff as the challenges arise. I'd like to do both puzzle and combat runs. It's my second year doing TD, but I've invested into the token business to build my bard up. Looking forward to meeting those of you in the community here on the forums!
Avatar Image by Graven, 2015. Thanks, Graven!

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Re: Hawk Fingle, Hardcore Bard-at-Large 9 years 1 month ago #2

PM sent
You can't fix stupid but you can TPK it.

"Mamma always said that True Dungeon is like a box of Drow Poisons. Ya never know how you're gonna die."

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Re: Hawk Fingle, Hardcore Bard-at-Large 9 years 1 month ago #3

"In these final moments leading up to adventurer sign-up, remember Hawk Fingle, Bard-at-Large! For all your glorious deeds that need telling!"

Good luck everyone. Hope to join your group!
Avatar Image by Graven, 2015. Thanks, Graven!

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