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TOPIC: Costuming into the dungeon

Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 4 months ago #1

I adventured with, and have seen on the forum people who have developed costumes either specifically for True Dungeon, or just in general for the con. I was rather curious how people go about designing and making such an outfit from scratch? I've done some costuming before, but always off a reference character, however doing a costume for True Dungeon does sound fun.
~Meta: Don't worry, it is perfectly "safe" to follow the drunken dwarf into the dungeon!

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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 4 months ago #2

Choose what TD class you are building a costume for. Look into common outfits for that kind of character then scrap everything and make what sounds cool to you ;)

Seriously tho, research, find something you like and SLOWLY work on building it. Costuming is an endurance sport not a sprint.

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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 4 months ago #3

  • henwy
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I've been cosplaying a misanthrope for years

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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 4 months ago #4

Think about the most physical puzzle you have ever had to solve. Then think about doing it in the costume you are considering.

Think about sliding. (slide and move, slide and move, slide and move) Then think about doing it in the costume you are considering.
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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 4 months ago #5

Adeya costumes in a variety of outfits each each into the dungeon. In fact I don't know if I ever not seen her in a costume at GenCon. She also does multiple other cons as characters I would talk to her about it if she doesn't see this thread.
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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 4 months ago #6

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Harlax nailed it mobility is key. Whatever your wearing can't get in the way or your not going to enjoy it.
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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 3 months ago #7

Ah yes. Many costumers copy from an existing character. Then there are the folks that create a character from scratch. With the characters from scratch you can never fail because no one can tell you its wrong or not screen accurate. :) The TD costumes are generally just generic mediveal fantasy costumes. They often include all store bought pieces, just not always from the same store.

Your complete costume can either be built up through time or built quickly through money. Boots and/or armor tend to be the most expensive bit of a costume. I'd suggest against armor as its very hard to wear for extended periods. For shoes and boots I'd suggest making sure you can wear it for extended periods without fatigue.

If you're really into making it all from scratch just head to your local fabric store and pick up some patterns of the various bits you want to wear and start sewing. Add belts, pouches and dangly bits. Layers make a costume look more impressive.

For TD I would suggest Function over form. Make it all very functional. Poofy sleeves are neat but they catch on everything. Pouches are cool but unless you can access them easily to get tokens there is no point.
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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 3 months ago #8

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You can also take your favourite character from any TV show, movie, anime or comic book and modify it using cool costume bits, armour or just the colour scheme. Hopefully before next GenCon I will have an awesome surprise for all you TD people. But seriously check out Pinterest, google image search, and reddit. They are full of tutorials and inspiration.
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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 3 months ago #9

I dressed up for the first time this year. I got a lot of compliments on my "dashing rogue" costume but the weight of it, plus the heat, plus how much it just got in the damned way makes me hesistant to try again. Definitely keep in mind how much you'll have to move and how much it will get in the way.

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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 3 months ago #10

I went through 2 dungeons and a grind in my pirate costume this year and just 1 dungeon last year. Avoid anything that hangs away from your body. My sword got caught on things and people last year. Knowing that, I used my AG bag check to have it safely out of the dungeon this year. Heat is an issue as well as you're moving around in the dungeons. Most importantly, have fun with it.
I finally found a use for the Crown Royal bags ... Tokens!

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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 3 months ago #11

I grew my beard out to be a more convincing Dwarf Fighter!

And when I got home my wife promptly made me shave it off.

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Re: Costuming into the dungeon 10 years 3 months ago #12

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Harlax wrote: Think about the most physical puzzle you have ever had to solve. Then think about doing it in the costume you are considering.

Think about sliding. (slide and move, slide and move, slide and move) Then think about doing it in the costume you are considering.

Nod to Harlax!

Then think about it even MORE! Seriously - I've run the dungeon many times with other DDA folk who like costumes - (e.g. Raven...) I myself am fond of my Arch-Mage robe - (yes that is in fact me in my icon...) But it is RARE that I wear that thing into the dungeon. When we do chose to wear our cool costumes - it is usually after having been in that particular dungeon - so we know it's ok, or we "garb-down" - Modify the costume to something that begets functionality. (Make no mistake - I will still wear my robes, and carry my staff o' power, to the exhibit hall and for other purposes... BUT... in the dungeon it is all about being in the dungeon and getting through the challenges. Don't get discouraged - the costumes are awesome - especially in the storyscape - but when you actually enter the dungeon, if you've got lots of billowy flowy stuff, it would be of some substantial benefit to you and your mates, to be able to doff the more problematic items - into a belt pouch or backpack.

Just food for thought. No intent to stomp or stifle your creative spirit. Best wishes! :)
They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to use. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to use once! Oh - and if you really need to think about whether you're going to use the fireball or the + umpty staff of butt-whooping - you're likely to find yourself full of arrows, or fangs, or nasty knives & swords and such. Don't think - just shoot!

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