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TOPIC: Schedules out

Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #13

Funny things is that I been volunteer for about 5 years now and then to be on the maybe list for just one shift volunteer and also I'm always reliable and completed my schedule with no problem. To go to show you all that I could been a volunteer for 5 years doesn't guarantee still a volunteer slot. So having seniority as a volunteer is nothing at this point and talk about be consistent of saying that you will be consider first over newbie. Then to be on the maybe list for last minute when consider that they will suggest their times after I buy events schedule. Then the real conflict of interest begin, when I try to avoid that scenario, but hey if I knew it would be this way, then what bother? When my credence as volunteer has been great, but not that good to be consider once again. At this point if the volunteer coordinator will like to have it cake and eat it too. Will just end up being cancellation by other when I never has done that and only then that suggest a schedule after I buy event that will end up conflict with their possible, but not my? Once again it will lose out on this continue consisting pattern this way. Then to not to consider my loyalty to TD in factor is how it's get more in common loosing volunteer this way because you can't please everyone to the last minute attitude especially with little window opportunity to no window opportunity to show they were start working on it over the weekend on most schedule, but not all. I hope they restart to rethink this process again because I feeling redisposing volunteer then an proud and confidence volunteer that I should be feeling. At this point, I'm start to rethink my trying afford toward volunteer itself as ending it altogether, even after showing my history of loyalty and financial commitment on a consisting basis to TD to be on the maybe list. Sorry, but that how I feel about it?

Out of the Phoenix's fire, I burned into one arm demon.
Out of the Phoenix's tear, I healed into mortal man.
Out of the Name is Eversuede!!!

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #14

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Druegar wrote: Don't give up. Spaces will open up.

Quoted for truth.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #15

There always has to be a Wave 1. Holding in reserve your most flexible people for wave 2 to fill in the gaps makes sense to me.

Doing the schedule is no small feat.
Sweet a combat room, we won't take damage!

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #16

Incognito wrote: This is a bit of a shame since nearly every year, TD ends up short staffed as people back out right before GenCon.

Maybe it would be better for them to just book some extra volunteers now with the expectation of filling those slots later. And worse case scenario, you end up with some extra hands during GenCon.

That is what I had for coaches for morning session at WYC. So I acted as an assistant. Just getting them cookies/drinks/ then jumping in if they were behind.

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #17

Though I think it's FAR better to have too many volunteers than not enough, I have a feeling Gen Con has restrictions on how many people can be claimed as a vol.
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #18

Badge costs are probably a factor as well.
D&D teaches all the important lessons in life - the low blow, the cheap shot, the back stab, the double cross. - Jerry Marsischky

Let them trap us. We have our swords. - Elric of Melnibone.

You try to get them to play the game, but all they want to do is play the rules. - Ardak Kumerian

I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend - Faramir

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #19

valetutto wrote: There always has to be a Wave 1. Holding in reserve your most flexible people for wave 2 to fill in the gaps makes sense to me.

Doing the schedule is no small feat.

While I understand the logic behind multiple waves, nonetheless it seems like TD could be handling wave 2 better since a lot of people seem disheartened and/or are making alternate plans on the assumption that they aren't volunteering. Better communication with the people held in reserve could greatly alleviate the issue.

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #20

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote:

Incognito wrote: This is a bit of a shame since nearly every year, TD ends up short staffed as people back out right before GenCon.

Maybe it would be better for them to just book some extra volunteers now with the expectation of filling those slots later. And worse case scenario, you end up with some extra hands during GenCon.

That is what I had for coaches for morning session at WYC. So I acted as an assistant. Just getting them cookies/drinks/ then jumping in if they were behind.

I have to give credit to the veterans and executive staff for putting this complex schedule together. Even though I appreciate the fixed schedule, TD keeps me so busy, I'm lucky to get two or three runs in. Since I started in 2012, I've only been in the TD hall for each GenCon. Last year, I didn't even get to the Exhibit Hall. But, I helped hundreds of people enjoy a game I love for four days. These are the best of times (well, there is WYC, too!) I hope the people that don't get to volunteer will get to run, though? And you get to actually play, because volunteering is a responsibility
True Dungeon IS teamwork. Tokens offer a better chance of survival for the team. :-)

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #21

I am definitely Schedule Out indefinitely by this point. Here is the issue with me as I requested only one shift volunteer, which is really problematic from the very beginning. First I and other has address this issue before and the tendency most volunteers has left due to this issue.

I will be objective as I can about this issue that one. Two, the volunteer coordinator is never easy job to mantle in the first place. But I took a care look on facebook on what being said that to keep the rest update is fine. But I notice that the coordinator first mission was to fill in all the full times volunteers because available spot for the hotel room has to be use as part of the agreement with Gen Con. There are about 50 DM and less of that amount for player coach as maybe about 20 with one head player coach. Some of the player coach can do part-time volunteers without the benefit of hotel room’s requirement. Then next to that is the Local Union Builder that actually set up and tear down for before and after the event and is the blunt of the volunteer go to about 70 to 90 volunteers needed. The same times the PC character are also important fill in at this point also as about 16 to 20 volunteers needed and they must be veteran volunteers as tradition use and they are either the full-times or the part-times as entrusted from before. As appropriate as it is seem now 156-180 volunteers that is a must and that leave out the one shift volunteers for about as much availability for open shift as about 70-94 need more from the maximum amount volunteer slot is 250 person. Then you got the administrate is the majority of the placement of volunteers as maybe 40-50 slot, my famous bag checker that could be about either 5 to 8 slot, and coach wrangler is about another 5 or 8 maybe. What left is the inner staff that is required to fill-in the rest of the slot?

This started a little over a week ago as the process was announce to all and the functional was shown on facebook. The official sent out was the 10th, but the same time there was the Synergetic Group began to form about week before the 10th. I started to jump on the posting as I did and gave reason to the situation as I apply volunteer as one shift only as of this moment none has come through as to wait on confirmation that I'm in. But nothing and the meanwhile the Synergy has gone ahead to decide without me. Now I have to readjust my position in these group as I'm 8 level player and hardcore player as well. But I have a problem that it seem that the sponsor has choose for me to play twice wizard on two different run. When I don't mind playing wizard at all, but knowing that this could be hardcore or nightmare and I thought it would be best that I just play once as wizard. The other factor here is that since I'm 8 level player and the only one in these group as highest player has earn me the right to be consider character class or compromise at least. But that was not to be so as I kept insist my case and Sage has in the deviously did what he did as to change my third run that I was fine with from begin. Still I have to two wizard for two run that is unchanged. So my option was to pullout altogether if they can't it straight out and the main reason for the sponsor to do this is that he get to cherry pick, which I have no problems with at all. The same times I'm not going to pay $104.00 for both runs something that I knew how the likely possible outcome will be because I well-experience should know that wizard is target practice in combat monster and great for puzzle, but the only lowest HP as 12 minute push damage likely to take a chuck out of my HP especially for nightmare mode, where it could reach into higher teen damage to normal standard of HP is 21 as 5th level character as wizard. The funny thing is that I still haven't heard from the volunteer coordinator yet and at this point I don't get the courteous call to either if I'm in the first wave or second wave or even that I'm out completely. This is what it like for me to fall through the crack of the system process when all the while it was address before me and other. As for me being a veteran volunteer for 5 years should have seniority and this is indicate before that was the prefer choice because of my past performed as being reliable and punctual with politic communication addition respectable approach when is understood the ruling and regulation is requirement.

But there has been times that things get awkward as one times that I was doing the position of training room coach as I did a great job at it. I make sure that the group as individual character get each of their own individual character deserve to be well inform and correctly knew what tokens is best for their class. By this point I was well knowledgeable as a coach player/training room coach as volunteer. As this point as well I was well accomplish tokens trader under 3 years with highest viewer for trading thread posted on True Dungeon Forum and the second highest for overall. Able to assist other trader as well as gamingetc because of my market technic as not afraid to devalue a tokens where most like to over establishment the value of certain token. There is times that even when I was being fair and trying to give the correct information as all the context of being true dungeoneer that I were. I'm always come across taking the blame for people that accidently misleading or intentional twist it toward their benefit. For example:

One time as an volunteer as training room coach, where I inform this guy who wanted to be a Bard and at time I inform correctly in how to use the Lyre of Echoes as you could imagine it about the year of 2012 for this token. After 2 hours later, I was told by Druegar about what that player has done and create problem that was directly toward me. To settle it, Druegar ask me three questions which I response each them correctly and that was the first time that I knew what role that Druegar play in True Dungeon as head coaching, which were replace the past head coach like Rob or the other guy that I forgot his name at the moment. If he knew me like Lazlo did, then he will had known that I'm pretty knowledgeable about tokens more ways than one. I didn't want to come off the wrong foot when working for someone who was and is head coach, but it seem it did because after that I never held player coach again.

Then there is another instant that again when I was at the Marriot Hotel that held TD events and my first job as volunteer was bag check. Once again it happen when I went for a smoke break and came back the guy that cover for me make a human error as to the bag check process as the guy came over to claim his bag, but didn't have the number ticket, but recognize his bag, but started yelling and complaining in front of Lori as standing aside from the bag check area. I knew that I was going to take the hits for this one as well.

Then there was a tale about Molda being abuse by volunteer that held staff position and was fired on the spot and banned from True Dungeon events. So it does go both ways and for me being in the wrong place and the wrong times end up making me look bad.

Let me take up the issue what it is not always good to have more than enough volunteers at hands. The main reason is that many of newbie end up taking the spot for the DM and coach as full-times volunteer slot that end up been cancel by most and last minute replace is very hard to find especially when people are already commit to completing their purchase events ticket is super hard to get in the first place. Then to have newbie not well knowledgeable of TD policy or D&D were supposed to be, but not apparently so or evening the misdeed less of being tardiness, misstep on the inform direct to the story line. This happen every years and couldn't come up with proper and correct format to this constant problems. The more volunteer is not necessary equal to the consistent quality of work from the veteran can bring, but really more problem with customer service problem to deal with which take time off everything else.

Then to had Jeff said that he will held a meeting with other veteran player and staff volunteer to address any other problem that TD has by early in the year, but that never came to forth wishing as Who Yer Con happen instead. Then stuff like the parent with crying baby went through the dungeon that became issue. The problem is that if ask for consistently from volunteers make sure you set example first by demonstrate first. It doesn't make sense at all if I have to work 5 times as harder than the consumer or volunteer when I gave so much than the usual forumites could or can. On a fix budget that I'm on as a veteran from armed force to veteran hardcore player/token trader/four times volunteer as veteran volunteer. It seem to me that I'm only tokens trader with over 22,000 viewer under 3 years of doing it for my trading thread as Phoenix's Tear Shop and with 700 profile check as same under three years and also started as a wreck forumite to the point that I kept improve and improving as I was seeing result of my accomplishment and establish as fine and well round reputation as trading and player and also as fellow forumite.

The bottom line is that it will be my motto as always as to say that when I'm right about something then everybody get to benefit, but you are right, you get to benefit yourself. I'm not go to sugar coat it at all, we just need to take care of this before it happen again to someone else. This is the main reason what that people don't go to forum anymore for that purpose. There has been a lot of people that left TD for good in one way or another. Since majority of the new people are most conservative buyer than before and edgy about buying in the first place and just need reason to drop it. Another six years more and they will raise TD event ticket another $8 for 2021 for grand total $60.00. The cost of living is keep going up as rising cost does and still no increase the minimum wage as it still $8.55. Then doing all this in the middle of wartime with terrorist and their country they occupies. The amount of corruption and barrage news flash media on the constant basis of being fear and intimidate as what it is not safe anymore. But True dungeon has a great potential that mean more than just a gaming lifestyle and more than gaming community. Please don't let deteriorate itself this way it couldn't be prevent it.

Side note: I'm going to catch hell for this among the regular forumites and I'm sorry, but I felt that it's needed to be address correctly like everything else.

Druegar is full-time volunteer as head coach

Incognito is full-time volunteer as DM of true grind and planning and designing it.

Lazlo is Full-time volunteer as player coach

Eversuede has just left the building after 4 years of volunteer.
Out of the Phoenix's fire, I burned into one arm demon.
Out of the Phoenix's tear, I healed into mortal man.
Out of the Name is Eversuede!!!

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Last edit: by Eversuede.

Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #22

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Eversuede, I have known you for several years through True Dungeon, and know you have had your difficulties (especially in the area of communication) but I also know you mean well, and try your best. If you feel Volunteering for True Dungeon is no longer a good fit for you, I understand and respect your decision.

It's an unfair and frustrating thing that some people have to work harder than others to get their meaning across, or to be respected, or to be given the same chance. Sometimes you have to fight to get that recognition, and sometimes - especially at an event which is supposed to be fun & enjoyable - it's not worth the aggravation.

I don't want to create a giant text-wall by responding to everything you said, but please allow me to make a few quick comments:

With regards to Volunteering: I understand why "Single Shift" volunteers get scheduled last, and get the least desirable jobs. True Dungeon gives priority to people who can do multiple shifts, for the sake of training and consistency. Plus, when considering people for positions, they need to look at who is right for the job, and many of the positions require good communication skills. It's not a slight against your personality or dedication; it's the nature of the work. It sucks, probably a lot more than I can imagine, but True Dungeon has to make those hard decisions.

With regards to Scheduling Dungeon Runs around unknown Volunteer hours: Man, I feel for you. I can't count the times when I've planned runs, or made arrangements to get in with a specific group, but held off because I didn't know my schedule, and then missed my opportunity. Or worse - I *had* my schedule, made a commitment to a run, and then something happened to change my schedule. I've had to return $480 worth of tickets to the GenCon system due to last-minute shift changes, and it sucks. Please don't feel alone in this. It affects many of us.

As for the changes to your class choice in Synergy runs.. perhaps this is not the best place to be airing those frustrations. That sounds like less of a problem with the TD Volunteer scheduling, and more like a communication problem between team mates.
This isn't a situation where seniority makes a difference, either. That's only between players who show up to a pick-up group, and the Level 3+ players get to pick before Level 1&2. When someone buys a slot of 10 tix and puts together a group, they have a say in who they give the tickets to, and how classes will be picked. If there's an argument about classes, they have a right to give the ticket to someone else, refunding your money if needed.

I really hope it gets sorted out - I've run the Dungeon with you before, and know you are a solid player.

Best wishes for Event Registration tomorrow, Dial. I hope you will continue to enjoy TD as a player for many years, even if the Volunteering has come to an end.

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: Schedules out 9 years 1 month ago #23

This is my first year as a volunteer and unfortunately I didn't find out until this morning at about 1AM. It was a bit of a pain because I had lots of things planned (including sponsoring a Team Synergy run), but fortunately it didn't conflict with too many of my plans so it worked out OK. But I certainly would have liked to have known at least a week earlier.

I'm new so I can't comment on Dial's situation, nor can I pass any of my own judgement, but I think if the whole volunteer scheduling had started a week earlier it would have helped a lot of us. I know, easier said than done, especially when you aren't the one doing the work. I imagine managing and scheduling 250+ volunteers has got to be quite a task and as a player I'm happy they can pull it off at all. So thanks to Lori and Jeff!
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We buy, sell, and trade True Dungeon tokens. We also have a convenient consignment program where you can sell your own tokens.

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