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TOPIC: Child Friendly Group

Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #1

Last year I was walking my son (now 9) through the starting area and explaining what True Dungeon was. We stopped by the transmuting table and a really nice staff member (who also gave him a few tokens of his own) suggested that even though he was below the age limit, that I might try the forums to see if there was a group that would be willing to have him along.

So here I am. :)

This would be the highlight of my son's year to take part in a TD run. Would he be up to contributing as much as a regular adult would in his place? Probably not. But he and I would make sure that he doesn't get in the way of anyone's enjoyment, and there's the potential he could be useful. There has been a puzzle or two that small hands able to fit through small holes have been helpful.

Maybe there are other parents who would like to bring their children?


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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #2

Last year my 10 year old and I did TD for the first time. What a good time he had (so did I). He has been looking forward to doing it again this year. I think a kid friendly adventure would be fun. Count us in if you like.

Marc and Max

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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #3

my advice. Buy all 10 slots then back fill with people that are okay with running with children that young.

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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #4

I strongly advocate Lazlo's suggestion!
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #5

I started True Dungeon in 2007 when my 11 year old son (at that time) and I walked through the staging area and he was excited and wanted to play. There were a few frowns from uninvolved players seeing a child walk in, but very nice volunteers ushered us through and found a group that accepted us. I thought we were lucky and the kid was a whiz at D&D anyway. He knew how to play D&D better than the adults. We have enjoyed TD every since.

I would echo Laslo's suggestion that you buy all ten tickets to a run if possible. If you advertise for players for your run on the forum, you should be able to fill all the slots with no problem. There are some people who would not be happy to run with a child and it would not be optimal to surprise them with that scenario.
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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #6


Just a point of order for the coaches (as i had the experience of many young adults last year in the coach room)

We (coaches) are suppose to ask if the child is over the age of 12. I believe it may be in the gencon physical activity waiver, or just a note in the coaching guide but the unfortunate matter is there is a TD rule for this.

As I have a young nephew (9 this year) and typically do buy a few full group for my guild members, have the rules changed?

Now I will preface this all with anytime I had a verified child under 12, I did call a director and the ruling was good to go, but it was case by case.

The reason I bring this up is I would hate to have Shawn buy the run and not be able to take his child due to a rules stickler or a mandatory gencon rule we are forced to comply with.

Regardless If you could put clarification on the coaching volunteer forum that would be great ! (BTW been waiting for access since last year this time :-) )

Hope this turns in Shawn's favor.

Best Regards,
Anthony Brown
Anthony Brown
a.k.a. Kartas Starfurie

Rage of Dragons Co-guild Leader
TD Certified DM, Coach

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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #7

Druegar wrote: I strongly advocate Lazlo's suggestion!

it wasnt even in the token data base

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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #8

Anthony brown wrote: We (coaches) are suppose to ask if the child is over the age of 12. I believe it may be in the gencon physical activity waiver, or just a note in the coaching guide but the unfortunate matter is there is a TD rule for this.

As I have a young nephew (9 this year) and typically do buy a few full group for my guild members, have the rules changed?

The rules have not changed, but there may be special circumstances under which the Directors have some discretion.

I made a post in the coaches' sub-section of the volunteer forum addressing this. Thanks for the good suggestion Anthony.

Phadras: Before buying any tickets for underage players, I would highly recommend sending a PM to "Lori Martin" explaining your situation. She may be able to offer some guidance on how to proceed.
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #9

Thanks for all the thoughtful responses.

Last year I had told my son that there was an age limit, and he had to wait a couple years. I'm only asking this now, because one of the TD people suggested it.

I'd appreciate some clarification, and will gladly accept any "rulings" one way or the other.

Thanks again!


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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #10

I was never sure if the age limit was for liability concerns (kids getting trampled in the dark) or to avoid an immature youngster ruining the run for others who paid a hefty price for their tickets. The latter is easily resolved as you're doing here, especially if you buy all 10 and sell them to like-minded people. The latter is something else.

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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #11

Call me a rule follower. My son turned 13 this year so i am finally letting him do runs with my daughter (15) and I. But it was easier for me to say no since we are local and they really only came to see the costume parade on saturdays when they were younger. I can understand how folks who travel to Indy would have a harder time leaving their kids in the hotel room possibly while they took runs.

There are a lot of family friendly groups Shawn. I have had a ton of fun in groups watching parents and their kids enjoying it. I would echo the buy and post spots as most of us who run with our kids are fine with other kids in the group. Sometimes it makes them have a bit more fun with it too.

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Re: Child Friendly Group 10 years 2 months ago #12

I guess at this point I will plan on buying out a time slot and seeking out child friendly adventurers. Unless the powers that be rule otherwise on age limits.

I appreciate everyone's advice.

Now the question is: what class is best for children? :)


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