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In 2013 our plans call for us to add an additional adventure to the event. There will be two consecutive adventure modules, and each module will have two variations of either a combat or puzzle orientation. The first module called “Lycans Afoot” tasks the party to travel through a dark forest in search of a tower, while the second module called “Golembane” challenges the party to reach the top of tower.
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TOPIC: How did you use your Gear?

How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #1

I am sure we all carry around gear tokens, I was curious how others used (or tried to use) the gear/miscellaneous item tokens.

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #2

I use three token bags for healing potions. One of the small gray ones for 1 pointers. A light purple for 3 pointers and a dark purple for anything more than 3.

After a couple of years of fumbling through one big "bag o' healing" I finally wised up.
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Let them trap us. We have our swords. - Elric of Melnibone.

You try to get them to play the game, but all they want to do is play the rules. - Ardak Kumerian

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #3

We used a tankyard to fill up water from the waterfall in the lilac room. I believe it healed the first drinker of the water when we did it.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #4

To impress the ladies at the Classy Chassis. They love a man with 100ft of rope and a grappling hook.

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #5

  • Picc
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One bottle of rum went to the wondering NPC as payment for a secret, as did a water skin when he needed sobering up.

We managed to use a second bottle along with earcuff of the fae to bribe the drunken satyr to abandon the fight in grind after his sturgis blown down by our horns of blasting.

And while not so much gear persay the minotaur horn of awakening was an mvp on the werewolf ambush room.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #6

Well, lots of Polymeric Decoys were left around... >:)

I tried to tell the DM in the egg/tree room that I was trying to use a rope (previous year) to lash together three of the sticks into a triangle-supported net. The idea was to lower the contraption into the tree, roll the eggs into it, then haul it out. Her reply was "you'd need an actual rope and to actually do it". I then smacked myself in the forehead, having remembered that a rope was lying around the prop gear on the floor in the previous room (lycans campfire). Not sure if we would have been allowed to take that rope with us though.

Note to self: Bring actual gear into the dungeon to help with puzzles. :)

I imagine the mortar/pestle was used in the "fix the tree" challenge, but of course one was already provided. Not sure what the whetstone could have been used for, except perhaps as a non-magnetic missile weapon against the automaton. :)

The mirror was, I suspect, a representation or additional tool for the water fountain in the "fix the tree" room as well. But that wasn't really necessary, as the water in the fountain pool was usable as well.

I seem to remember some NPC asking for a Bottle of Rum at one point, but no one had one (of course, the ONE year I leave it at home...). Not sure what that would have done.

Finally, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the gear was geared (ha) towards next years' adventures, as it is now obvious many other items in this year's set were.

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #7

  • Picc
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We tried using a mirror to read the fix the tree message but were told we couldn't for some reason. No big since we used the water but it was still odd it was disallowed IMO.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #8

Picc wrote: We tried using a mirror to read the fix the tree message but were told we couldn't for some reason. No big since we used the water but it was still odd it was disallowed IMO.

You should have been able to use the mirror, once you stopped the water.

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #9

We used our Polymeric Decoy to jam the Magic Missile Barrel in the Sentry Battle. It did require a slide to get it there, but our cleric did it, and the backfire definitely added to our swift victory.
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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #10

Ohhh I forgot in one of sealed games I playing as Barbarian "threw" a decoy at the Golem. It slid to hit him square in the face. When the DM said it did no damage I enabled my rage that my ducky friend was so ineffective.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #11

We tried a bunch of different things with token items.

Grappling hook an rope to climb down the tree to get the egg. - Answer No not allowed

Chain wrapped around the genie chain to pull it off the bar - Answer No not allowed.

Distract the werewolf with a turkey leg! - Answer No not allowed

There were a bunch of other things but every time... was not allowed. I mean say something like... You wrapped the chain around the genie's chains and give it a huge pull but the chain doesn't give.

Just asking for a little imagination here folks!
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Re: How did you use your Gear? 11 years 6 months ago #12

Garrison wrote:
I seem to remember some NPC asking for a Bottle of Rum at one point, but no one had one (of course, the ONE year I leave it at home...). Not sure what that would have done.

If I was the NPC, I probably would have enforced needing to give me a physical prop for that one too.

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