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In 2013 our plans call for us to add an additional adventure to the event. There will be two consecutive adventure modules, and each module will have two variations of either a combat or puzzle orientation. The first module called “Lycans Afoot” tasks the party to travel through a dark forest in search of a tower, while the second module called “Golembane” challenges the party to reach the top of tower.

TOPIC: Class selection. First time and have some?

Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #13

Rafiq wrote: The higher the level doesn't equate to priority in class selection. 3rd level players and higher have priority over those under 3rd. After that you could be 8th or 3rd and you have the same right to play a character class. Though you may want to differ certain classes to those who can play them better (more experience) or who are better equipped. This, however, is not mandatory.

One thing that has always been ambiguous (as far as I am aware), is if you first do:

1. Everyone gets a first choice for classes
2. If multiple people want the same class, figure out a fair way to determine it
3. The person who didn't get that class chooses from the leftovers


1. First figure out if there are any conflicts and resolve those
2. Continue doing that until there are no conflicts

The main issue is if you don't get your first choice, do you still get a chance at your second choice (which is someone else's uncontested first choice), or might that have already been allocated away.

Fortunately, things don't normally get this complicated, but I can imagine potential scenarios where things get really hairy!

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #14

If 10 people show up that have not cordinated what they will play beforehand then the highest level person chooses first which they want to play. This continues on down the line until everyone chooses. There will always be a choice (though maybe not much of one). There are 12 characters to play and at most 10 people playing.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #15

Jedibcg, That's not accurate:

3rd: 3,000-5,999 XP - REWARD: You get first pick of character class before 1st and 2nd level players. (All 3rd level+ players will roll off for order of choosing.)


Incognito is right to question how it gets resolved. Although, it is generally played as highest level player gets first choice.

To the best of my understanding this is the order it is supposed to happen:

1) Everyone sits at the table
2) Level 3+ figure out what they want to play, and resolve disputes
3) Lower level players figure out what they want to play, and resolve disputes.

So to actually answer Incognito's question:

3rd + level players always get to pick their class before the lower level players. If Monk was my 5th choice, and the other four players above 3rd level picked my first 4 choices, I can choose to take monk away from a new player. (As I still get to choose before they do).
The Worst Rogue Ever!
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Last edit: by darkangel866.

Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #16

David Miller wrote: Thanks a ton for the answers.

One more question is how do I get on the wait list? And can I do it for specific times? Or is the wait list basically you show up to play and if the group is not full then you go in.

You can do the wait list. Or look on here. People will need to fill empty slots Some people have extra tokens to loan out for the runs with them
I do that. I will not loan out a weapon(s) those get lost

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #17

darkangel866 wrote: So to actually answer Incognito's question:

3rd + level players always get to pick their class before the lower level players. If Monk was my 5th choice, and the other four players above 3rd level picked my first 4 choices, I can choose to take monk away from a new player. (As I still get to choose before they do).

Yeah, but my question is what if you have 10 players (A through J), each player is 3rd level, and their preferences are:

A: Barbarian
B: Bard
C: Cleric
D: Druid
E: Fighter (Dwarf)
F: Fighter (Human)
G: Monk
H: Paladin
I: Ranger
J: #1: Barbarian, #2: Bard, #3: Cleric, #4: Druid, #5: Dwarf Fighter, etc.

A & J roll off and A gets to be Barbarian. Now does J have a chance for his second choice (Bard), which B also wants. Or at this point is J already forced to choose among the 3 leftover classes (Rogue, Wizard, Elf Wizard)?

From a "fairness" standpoint, it seems like it might be "better" for everyone to get their second choice, than for 9 people to get their 1st choice, and the 10th person to get their 10th choice.

Then again, if J gets to roll off with B for Bard, you have the potential possibility that J wins, and then B gets to compete for his second choice, which could be the Barbarian which A won a rolloff (against J) for. So you could get some circularity.

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #18

Sorry I misread it somewhere else. I thought it was in reverse order for everyone 3 and above.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #19

  • Raven
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In my practical experience, the way classes are determined is like this:

People who arrive first talk to each other a bit, and take the character cards they hope to play.
People who arrive a little later check whether their favorite classes have already been picked, and then either pick from what's left, or talk to the people who picked their #1 choice and see if they can work out a compromise.
Then a couple more people show up with tons of tokens, and say that they *REALLY* want to play class X and class Y because that is what they are geared up for. If the group is amenable to it (or their choice of classes haven't been picked yet) then things go smoothly. But if someone has already picked, say, Rogue, and really wants to play it, then there's a bit of friction while the person with more tokens/more experience makes his case that he is a better candidate for that class, and offers to supply tokens so the other guy can play one of the remaining classes. Eventually they come to a decision, and people get ready to play.
Then one or two stragglers come in just as the group is about to go into the training room, and say "but I want this!" or "I have experience/tokens for that!" and they are told "Please just pick from what's left, because your group is going in!" and they each grab a card, and go.

Moral of the story:
Being early really helps, but doesn't guarantee you the class you want.
Being prepared with tokens for your class helps, but doesn't guarantee anything.
Being high experience helps, but doesn't guarantee anything, especially if you are late.

Being able to contact your party members beforehand (either on the forums, or because you know each other locally and bought your tickets together) so you can work out classes amongst you? Thats the best way to go.

Failing that, be flexible!

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #20

What Raven said—sing it sistah!
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #21

Raven has a point. There's the rules on how it's supposed to work and then there's how it really works as the Horns are sounding. In the words of Dr Sheldon Cooper, Time is even more of a heartless, uh, "witch" than Gravity. You can't reason with either of them.

But I've never been in a party that fought over characters. Ten mostly-random people sat down and in 60 seconds or less everyone was happy... except for the stragglers who just took whatever was left, and they never made a fuss because, hey, they were stragglers, and none of them dared face the peer pressure.

Character choice seems like one of those things that a lot of people worry about ahead of time and then turns out to be a non-issue every time. But maybe I've just been lucky.

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #22

Brad Mortensen wrote: Raven has a point. There's the rules on how it's supposed to work and then there's how it really works as the Horns are sounding. In the words of Dr Sheldon Cooper, Time is even more of a heartless, uh, "witch" than Gravity. You can't reason with either of them.

But I've never been in a party that fought over characters. Ten mostly-random people sat down and in 60 seconds or less everyone was happy... except for the stragglers who just took whatever was left, and they never made a fuss because, hey, they were stragglers, and none of them dared face the peer pressure.

Character choice seems like one of those things that a lot of people worry about ahead of time and then turns out to be a non-issue every time. But maybe I've just been lucky.

I did get stuck in a group back in... 2009? where we had half of the tickets and the other half were taken by an outside group. The other group had shown up 2 hours before start time because they "didn't have anything better to do" and had taken every single one of the melee slider classes. I'm geared fighter and prepared to play cleric or paladin or whatever. I ended up getting stuck with bard. That kind of sucked. Especially when I discovered the guy playing fighter had only Uncommon or Common tokens.

On the other hand I did a waitlist run this year, knowing that I would be taking the castoff classes, played Elf Wizard and had a blast.

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #23

  • Picc
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Toran wrote:

Brad Mortensen wrote:
I did get stuck in a group back in... 2009? where we had half of the tickets and the other half were taken by an outside group. The other group had shown up 2 hours before start time because they "didn't have anything better to do" and had taken every single one of the melee slider classes.

I cant even begin to understand how you can hang around at gen con for two hours with nothing better to do XD

Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #24

Picc wrote:

Toran wrote:

Brad Mortensen wrote:
I did get stuck in a group back in... 2009? where we had half of the tickets and the other half were taken by an outside group. The other group had shown up 2 hours before start time because they "didn't have anything better to do" and had taken every single one of the melee slider classes.

I cant even begin to understand how you can hang around at gen con for two hours with nothing better to do XD

That sounds like almost enought time for another run!!! and I believe that downtime is what truecraft is for!

You don't have to outrun the monster, just the guy next to you - The buddy system.

Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Character Generator for Android

Amorgen's Excellent Excel Character Generator

Have you checked the Token DataBase ?

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