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In 2013 our plans call for us to add an additional adventure to the event. There will be two consecutive adventure modules, and each module will have two variations of either a combat or puzzle orientation. The first module called “Lycans Afoot” tasks the party to travel through a dark forest in search of a tower, while the second module called “Golembane” challenges the party to reach the top of tower.

TOPIC: Class selection. First time and have some?

Class selection. First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #1

So this year will hopefully be my first time doing TD but I am slightly confused.

Do I make a character before hand? Or when the group meets do we just collectively decide who is playing what?

I was wondering because I was thinking about buying some extra tokens before hand but if I can't use some of them due to class I don't want to be stuck with a class and have tokens that I can't use.

Or I was looking at getting a few for specific classes.

Also what class is pretty noob friendly? Though I suppose it doesn't matter much if its decided on just before.

How man tokens can I have? Ie weapons, armor, potions, scrolls?

And lastly. Is it hard to get in and play? Ie will there always be openings at least for me and a friend?


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Last edit: by David Miller. Reason: Thread has changed subject

Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #2

As a new player, if you get into an experienced group, you may not get to choose a class. The higher level player you are, the more likely you are to get the class you prefer...and yes, this is a rule. A lot of times, you can find a group before the convention and ask for a class you might want to try out.

As far as equipment goes, you can carry as many weapons as you would like, but may find this a bit tough when it comes time to enter combat. Sliding quickly helps your party win combats more frequently, and shuffling through weapons may bog you down. You can only equip one item in each of the other slots, and you are 'stuck' with it through the entire run. Check out the character generator, which will let you plug in all the holes that you have tokens for.

If you want to get some tokens beforehand, I would suggest things that are not class specific, so they will help you no matter what class you end up with.

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #3

I think I can help answer your questions.

1.Try and pick between slider class (fighters/monk) and caster class (Wizard/cleric/druid) before you start. Fighters requires sliding skill but very little in the way of memorization. The other (caster) requires memorization to get the most out of your spells. A healing spell will always heal but it will heal better if you know the leaf, plane, bead, etc. that the DM asks you to name.

2.See above for noob friendly, it really depends on you and what you like to do.

3.You can have as many tokens as you want but how many you can use on each character is dependent on slots. There is one main hand slot for a main hand weapon but you can bring multiple weapons. The other slots like armor, head, neck, rings cannot be switched out during play and have limitations. 2 rings, one amulet, one pair of boots, etc. Many items like scrolls and potions are slotless (carry as many as you want!) but get turned in when you use them. I do agree with Ian though. Be ready to play any class your first time. Sharing tokens back and forth from the 10 each person gets with each TD ticket can help a lot in getting a new party going.

4.Getting a full run (all ten spots) can be difficult but getting a pair of tickets should not be too bad. TD usually comes close to selling out in the first day each year but this year there will be 25% more tickets. There will be 4 dungeons rather than the usual 3. There are always people looking for more people to fill out runs all the way up until GenCon.

Tokens are rarely useless because they can be traded in for crafting items and higher level tokens are traded between players all the time. If you want to check out the slots and the tokens that can go into them click the My Account at the top right of the forum page the the View My Characters & Parties. In there you can create a character and play with the tokens available. Be aware that all the tokens are listed and that means lots of very rare tokens are in the program also.

One thing that I will say is that you do not need a whole lot of tokens to have fun with True Dungeon. My first TD run I had all the spots full (barely) and maybe 4 rare (red lettering) tokens to my name. Had a blast and we beat the dungeon!
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"Mamma always said that True Dungeon is like a box of Drow Poisons. Ya never know how you're gonna die."

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Last edit: by cdsmith.

Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #4

David Miller wrote: So this year will hopefully be my first time doing TD but I am slightly confused.

WooHoo! I'm sure you'll have a great time. You are wise to check out the forums. There's a lot of great people here and there's also Henwy. ;) (I keed, I keed)

David Miller wrote: Do I make a character before hand? Or when the group meets do we just collectively decide who is playing what?

Unless you know who you'll be playing with ahead of time, the latter.

David Miller wrote: I was looking at getting a few [tokens] for specific classes.

That's not a bad idea, just be flexible. Try to get some tokens that can be used for more than one class. The Token Database may help you in that search.

David Miller wrote: what class is pretty noob friendly?

Monk is the class that requires the least amount of tokens to be effective.
The heavy melee classes (Barbarian, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Paladin) are pretty straight forward and easy to learn. However, they require decent hand-eye coordination to successfully land combat slides.

David Miller wrote: How man tokens can I have?

You may own as many as your bank account (and signifficant other) will allow. You may bring as many as you can carry into the adventure. (non-bulky backpacks are okay, rolling carts are not) But if you have a large collection, you really want to make sure it's organized. You get 12 minutes per room—not a second more. Fumbling around for a token is not a good use of time.

David Miller wrote: Is it hard to get in and play?

No. It's true that TD usually sells out. However, it's also true that spots always open up. There is a team of volunteers who manage the wait list and as long as you can be somewhat flexible, there is an excellent chance you can get in some runs. The first four years I played TD, I did nothing but waiting list runs and I was able to play several times each year.
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #5

Thanks a ton for the answers.

One more question is how do I get on the wait list? And can I do it for specific times? Or is the wait list basically you show up to play and if the group is not full then you go in.

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #6

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David Miller wrote: Thanks a ton for the answers.

One more question is how do I get on the wait list? And can I do it for specific times? Or is the wait list basically you show up to play and if the group is not full then you go in.

While at GenCon in the TD area just find a TD Volunteer and ask them who has the Wait List. Usually it's someone right at the entrance.
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Have you checked the Token DataBase ?

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #7

Point 1 - you'll have a blast.
Point 2 - don't stress out. You've fallen in with a great bunch of people. It will all work out.
Point 3 - if you're going to buy tokens ahead of time, and you really don't have to, set a budget and don't feel pressured to go over it. Zero will work. $5 to $10 will get you to your goal have feeling ready for anything. About $8000 will deck you out in artifacts and ultra rares. (do the last and everyone hear will think you're a either a trust fund baby or insane, so don't go there. First impressions are lasting impressions...)

New people tend to forget, if budget is an issue you're better off with lots of cheap common equipment than with one super token and nothing else. The token's price goes up almost exponentially with power. A +2 magic sword will set you back about $100 and many would say it's well worth it - but not if it's your only token! A +1 weapon is no more than $2. A common no-plus sword is 10 to 25 cents. Your character can "wear" around 25 tokens so you're really better off spending $5 for a bunch of well-chosen commons that would outfit any class than $100 on that +2 sword and leaving the other 20+ slots empty - especially since several characters can't even use a sword.

A lot of people buy all ten tickets on the run, then advertise here for folks to take slots. They aren't scalping. I've never heard of anyone trying to sell them for more than they pay. They do it so they can find people to negotiate characters well in advance and that bit of administrivia doesn't take up any prep time at GenCon. So if tickets sell out again this year, don't worry, just keep watching the forums or post your own LFG and I'd be surprised if you don't have your tickets lined up before you go.

The on-site wait list is a great service, but it's for last-minute folks who dont mind sitting for hours waiting for a slot to appear, and it usually does eventually. But since you found us, use the forum instead. Srsly. :)

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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Last edit: by Brad Mortensen.

Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #8

I sent a PM--once you decide what classes you like, let me know. I'll set you up with some tokens to get you started. :)
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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #9

David Miller wrote: Thanks a ton for the answers.

One more question is how do I get on the wait list? And can I do it for specific times? Or is the wait list basically you show up to play and if the group is not full then you go in.

Secret TD hint: Do runs with your friends, and bring as many as possible! Youll have Great stories to share.
When all signs point to Rome, Diane, it’s time to buy Lira and go. - Agent Dale Cooper
2004 Gen Con's True Dungeon ○ 2005 Assault Atop Castle Greyhawk ○ 2005 Battle Beneath Castle Greyhawk ○ 2005 True Heroes "Avengers Assemble!" ○ 2006 Escape the Spider Cult (VIP) ○ 2008 Hope for the Lost ○ 2009 With Smoak Comes Fire ○ 2009 The Five Aspects ○ 2009 True Grind ○ 2010 DragonWard ○ 2010 The Evading Hilt ○ ... and beyond!

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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #10

As mentioned earlier having a character equiped with a bunch of common/uncommon/rare tokens is better than having a single ultra rare and nothing else. That said it might behoove you to look at the $250 package in the store. For that you get 30 packs and an ultra rare of your choice. With that you will get several uncommon and rare items that will allow you to outfit most any class you wind up with. Or alternatively you could get specific tokens from the secondary market. Ebay has a decent list, Gamingect.com a large stock, and there are several members here on the forums that have stores.
Also if you go the specific token route try to buy gear that is usable by as many characters as possible. That way if you get stuck with some random character on your first run you will be more likely to have usable gear.

I'm going to second the monk as well. It has an innate armor class of 16(at 4th level), doesn't require weapons, and has good saving throws. The hit points are a little on the low side, but you can't have everything. And if you get the right gear for it you can make it even better.

One last piece of advice; avoid joining nightmare mode runs for your first time. Those runs are aimed at people who are predominantly equiped with ultra rare or better gear. I speak from experience. The only reason I survived to the end was the benevolance of several vetran players in the group.
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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #11

The higher the level doesn't equate to priority in class selection. 3rd level players and higher have priority over those under 3rd. After that you could be 8th or 3rd and you have the same right to play a character class. Though you may want to differ certain classes to those who can play them better (more experience) or who are better equipped. This, however, is not mandatory.


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Re: First time and have some? 11 years 3 months ago #12

Good call Rafiq, some of us tend to forget that and assume that the higher level you are the more you get character choice. That isn't the case.
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