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TOPIC: Official word on Ingredients and the 2010 4C token

Official word on Ingredients and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #1

To All,<br />There has been some confusion as to what will be needed for the 4C token.  <br /><br />It will not include ingredients from the 2008 module (that is: feather, spittle, and ooze)<br /><br />The 4C will be made from any ingredient (monster trophy) exclusive to 2009, and two from 2010.<br /><br />So the ones needed for the 4C would be: tusk, tooth, slime, wine, thorn, and talon.  It would also include at least two ingredients from 2010's module(s).<br /><br />Dave
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #2

Thank you for the clarification.
A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #3

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #4

Dave, do you mean "any combo" or "all 6 combos required"?

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #5

I know it was discussed at one point, but will there be uses for ingredient tokens from previous years? such as the spittle etc?
-Master Li Lou Bahn, Terror of the East, Master of Shadows, Pillager of the province of Ch'in, Mandarin of the Emporer Shou Wei, Ambassador to the foreign devils of the West, and the most dangerous ninja in all of Greyhawk."cause I'm the only ninja in all of Gwehawk!!!"

2015 Adventure Coordinator for Sable Gauntlet

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #6

I would keep all Ingredient tokens!  Someday...you never know...what we could ask for...but for 2010 you won't need any.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #7

<br />I would keep all Ingredient tokens!  Someday...you never know...what we could ask for...but for 2010 you won't need any.<br />

<br /><br /><br />Ha ha. That would be a fitting scavenger hunt for the Arcane Recipes. Maybe also require a Ring of Three Wishes, or an Artisan Token, or a Bucknard's Everful Mug....

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #8

<br />Dave, do you mean "any combo" or "all 6 combos required"?<br />

<br /><br />I meant to say ingredient or monster trophy.  I have corrected the post.  You will need one of each...<br /><br />Dave
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #9

Now we anxiously await to see just what the 4C token will be.<br /><br />Kim
"It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years."Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #10

I think I have some cool ideas, but Jeff and I will have to pow-wow on this.  Meeting will be in the next two months.<br /><br />
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #11

<br />I think I have some cool ideas, but Jeff and I will have to pow-wow on this.  Meeting will be in the next two months.<br /><br /><br />

<br /><br />I hope you do something that most or all classes can use - but doesn't take up the Neck Slot this time.  That slot is getting pretty crowded with awesome stuff  =)

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Re: Official word on Ingredidnets and the 2010 4C token 15 years 6 months ago #12

I had an idea on ingredient tokens I wanted to put out there and see what folks' think. Firstly, I do like the new stamp system for treasure draws at the end... even though people seem overly worried about missing the stamp on the party card, I really like the centralized distribution of the tokens at the end of the run and also that "treasure draw tokens" can be used for things other than draws from the treasure box (this last item I think could be expanded upon beyond TD themed cups or shirts).<br /><br />That being said, for collectors, the ingredient tokens are very precious... you may or may not get any, though, from the draw at the end. My group did not get many (1 or 2) ingredient tokens this year... which leaves us wanting for the ability to make combo tokens next year. I don't know the mix of ingredient tokens to regular tokens in the treasure box draw, but I do have a suggestion to make distribution of ingredient tokens more even.<br /><br />Since ingredients are linked to a particular monster most of the time, how about having the DM award a party with a single ingredient token of the appropriate type to the monster when they have defeated the monster in combat (and perhaps two of the ingredient if done on nightmare)? If a party choses a puzzle path which means they do not encounter a particular monster in a given dungeon, the puzzle room could have the matching ingredient as a reward.<br /><br />
Legally... its questionable. Morally... its disgusting. Personally... I *like* it.

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