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TOPIC: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here!

2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #1

Okay, I thought I should start this now as your ideas have been great.  Heck, there might be more than one idea I can use -- so please post away.  Any UR token idea that we use will give the poster a free token of that specific idea.<br /><br />This contest will end fairly soon.  Like THIS FRIDAY at noon (Central).<br /><br />Thanks!<br /><br />Post away and thanks for all the awesome ideas!
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #2

Staff of the Druid:  +2 to hit and damage  This staff allows the druid to summon animals of the type carved on the staff.  The summoned animals act as if under a animal control spell.  The staff can also be used to cast animal control on any animal in sight of the staff.<br /><br />Spellbook:  The owner of this spellbook may select three spells that are not currently available through tokens or player card abilities for use in the dungeon.  These spells would be selected from a list provided by True Dungeon.<br /><br />Ioun Stone Brass Lozenge:  Gives 2d4+2 extra hit point to the user.  Extra hit points to be rolled for in the marshalling area.<br /><br /><br />Kim
"It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years."Abraham Lincoln

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #3

  • henwy
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Horn of Valor (charged item): Takes an action by the bard to use. Expend a charge to grant a +4/+4 bonus for duration of combat. Does not stack with bardsong.<br /><br />Bracelets of Spell Splitting: Allows a caster, once per room, to cast a spell that normally has a single target to hit 2 targets at full effect. (Can be limited to just one particular casting class, or or just damage spells or whatever based upon how the power level needs to be adjusted)<br /><br />Gauntlets of Striking: +2 to damage dealt with any melee weapon, Fighters Only: Increases damage of their power attack. (I think it's 10 currently, right? If so, I think a bump to 15 would be good) This would be a good case where fighters would get something good out of an item that's has an extra class-specific bonus.<br /><br />Bracelets of Repeating: Once per roomt: Any combat spell cast from memory is automatically cast again during the next combat round for 'free' (aka, dosen't take up a spell slot or action). Wizard can take any non-spellcasting action during that round as well.<br /><br />Amulet of Preparation: Once per encounter allows wearer to gain a free action before combat begins. This action cannot be offensive in nature. Allows buffing or spell casting or scroll reading or salve applying or whatever.<br /><br />Amulet of Salvation: Once per encounter allows wearer to force any one monster to make a reroll before the effect of the roll takes effect. This can only be used to affect to hit rolls or saving throw attempts. Once the effect is announced, it's too late to use the amulet. Multiple amulet effects cannot be stacked (ie, forcing monsters to reroll 8 times if everyone is wearing an amulet).<br /><br />Luckstone: Allows the possessor to reroll any one saving throw. As per the MW items, one use per dungeon.<br /><br />Something of Impact: All blunt weapons used by the individual are +1 to damage.<br /><br />Gauntlets of Whirlwind Attack: When facing multiple opponents this amulet allows any attack to affect two monsters equally.(eg. one slide would count as an attack against both targets)<br /><br />Belt of Stability: +2 to all saving throws.<br /><br />Bracers of Multishot: Causes an arrow to multiply when facing more than one enemy. Any hit affects up to two targets equally. (And/or Ranger bonus: One slide shoots two arrows at the same target)<br /><br />Torque of Ironguard: Any damage from a iron/steel weapon causes 2 less damage<br /><br />Holy Hand Grenade of Retribution: Any attack which causes death (due to HP loss) to the wearer results in twice the amount of damage being dealt to the monster. (Expend)<br /><br />Ring of Shielding: At the beginning of combat the wearer may designate a fellow party member. Any damage taken by that individual is halved and is also inflicted upon the wearer.<br /><br />Girdle of Mighty Strikes: Once per combat, declare an attack to be a mighty strike. Doubles damage.<br /><br />Masterwork Crib Sheets (Helm of Brilliance/Headband of Intellect): +1 AC and allows spellcaster to bypass one skill check per dungeon allowing for automatic success in case of failure. <br /><br />Gauntlets of Elemental Mastery: Allows wearer to cause wielded weapon to deal 2 extra points of fire/cold/ or lightning damage with each successful hit. Element damage type must be declared at start of round<br /><br />Leech Blade: Upon a succcessful hit, the weilder can choose to leave it embedded in the victim and the same amount of damage is done each turn as long as the slider is not 'bumped'. If bumped, weilder must use an action to recover the blade. (Critcals count as normal hits on subsequent rounds. Wielder can take non-combat actions while blade is snacking.) Damage wheel should skew high and low. Not a lot of numbers in the middle.<br /><br /><br />

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #4

Ring of Advancement.  Wearer plays Level 4 Character (you've got the Level 4 Cards, might as well use them).  <br /><br />Belt of Granite Skin:  +2 AC<br /><br />Scimitar of Ste'Ele (vanity pick   =)):  +2 Scimitar, +3 to non-natural creatures for Druid<br /><br />Amulet of Transmutation:  Turn in any Rare token to heal 4 points, turn in any Uncommon Token to heal 2 Points.  <br /><br />Girdle of the Bear:  +2 Strength, +1 AC<br /><br />+2 Amulet of Armor<br /><br />+2 Bracers of Defense (I know they are created, I'd just like them as PYP)<br /><br />Belt of Super Retrieval:  Wearer can quaff a potion as a free action two different times per room<br /><br /><br /><br />

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #5

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise<br />   Lets the wearer use one weapon that is not normally allowed to that class (if necessary for balance reasons, you could use a limited list, but that would be extra book-keeping).<br />   Also, when using a weapon that your class is already proficient in (instead of using the above power) you instead get +2 to hit (if that is too strong it can be just +2 to damage). This secondary power makes the Gauntlets useful for Fighters/Barbarians/Paladins who can already use most weapons. And by only giving a bonus to hit, it doesn't completely eclipse the Gauntlets of Ogre Power. It's yet another *option* for the Gauntlets slot, with pros and cons vs. Ogre Power.<br />   Many players have weapons only usable by classes that they don't normally play. This is a way to let them actually use those tokens instead of letting them collect dust.<br />   This could also fit into the current theme. Since the Druidic society is destroyed by a Rome-like empire, the Rome-like empire would clearly have a martial bent, and the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise makes perfect sense.<br /><br /><br /><br />Ring of Counterspelling (could also be an Amulet or a Hat)<br />   Lets the spellcaster attempt to counterspell a spell cast by a monster. The user loses his/her next action as a result. (So if you attacked or cast a spell this turn, and then the monster casts a nasty spell, you can try to counterspell it by forfeiting your next turn). There aren't that many monsters that actually cast spells, so a once per combat restriction really isn't needed. Would have been ideal against that Drider!!!<br />   To counterspell, you need to expend memorized spells (or spells per day for the Bard). And you roll a dice (vs. a specified DC) to succeed. The DC can be higher on Nightmare+ difficulty levels, and particular monsters or specific spells might have a higher DC. (Normally in D&D the spell level is a major issue, but since we're only playing 3rd or 4th level characters that limits our options). The user may get a bonus to the counterspell roll if he expends a higher level spell (or you could allow him to expend multiple spells for a bonus). You have some leeway on the exact mechanics.<br />   Thematically, this could be developed by the Druids as a last minute weapon against the onslaught of the Roman-like armies. Or perhaps this was the key that allowed the eeeeevil Romans to overcome the holy Druidic magic.<br /><br /><br /><br />Ring of the Martyr (could be an Amulet or Hat, and it could also be called of Shielding or something else)<br />   Once per combat, as a free action, you may shield another character when that player is attacked by a monster (this free action hinders neither you or the person you shield).<br />   Furthermore, you get an additional benefit when using the standard shielding action. Either it lessens the hindrance to you or the other player (maybe you can still attack but at a significant penalty?). Or you get an AC bonus or take less damage when hit, while you are shielding.<br />   A good way to encourage teamwork and cooperation. Plus, it emphasizes the under-utilized shielding rules.<br /><br /><br /><br />Boots of Levitation<br />   Lets you levitate at will. Only up and down (so it doesn't completely obsolete the Fly Scroll), but you could find creative ways to move horizontally. Great way for countering pits or falling off ledges (better than Feather Fall in this case since you don't actually fall). And perfect against that Illithid!<br />   Since the above benefit seems very adventure-reliant, it might be good to have a secondary combat benefit as well. When using the Boots you can gain a bonus to hit (because of the height advantage), but at the cost of an AC penalty (i.e. gain +1 to hit but -1 AC). The opposite is potentially feasible (+1 AC but -1 to hit), but then it's just an extra AC boost for spellcasters who don't need to attack.<br /><br /><br /><br />Helm of Telepathy<br />   Comprehend Languages at will, allowing you to communicate with any intelligent creature.<br />   Also lets you speak (but only you) when under the effects of a Silence (or similar) effect. You can also speak without making noise (i.e. waking the Giant) since you will be talking telepathically.<br />   Both of those might be too limited for a Purple, so you may want an additional concrete benefit. Once per combat, you may use the Helm to telepathically Command a monster (just like the spell). Or if you want, you can give some sort of + bonus (to hit, AC, shielding, etc.) to emphasize how telepathy helps with teamwork, coordination, and flanking.<br />   Thematically, this could be some sort of sacred relic used by the Druids in their rituals.<br /><br /><br /><br />Amulet of Bribery<br />  Once per room, the user may attempt to bypass the puzzle or monster by bribing the GM. This requires Gold or at the very least reds, to be given (permanently) to the GM. A roll is required, with a bonus depending on how generous the bribe is.<br />  Inspired by the 2008 Riddle Reveal, when it was learned that the Giant could be bribed not to attack. Plus, people have been suggesting more gold sinks, and something to do with their extra +1 weapons....<br />

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #6

+2 Bastard Sword:  Fighter & Barbarian only<br /><br />Boots of Haste:  Wearer can reslide one slide per combat<br /><br />Ring of Reverse Missiles:  A hit from a missile weapon reverses and hits the wielder<br /><br />Ring of Invulnerability:  +2 AC<br /><br />+2 Longsword of Sharpness: If wielded by Fighter, extra +3 Damage vs. material creatures<br /><br />+2 Longbow<br /><br />+2 Flaming Longbow<br /><br />Ivory Ioun Stone:  Wearer heals 1 point per room, must be worn the entire dungeon<br /><br />+1 Dancing Greatsword or +1 Dancing Longsword:  After wielding it for 2 turns in combat, Sword fights by itself and user can take another action.  Limit of one Dancing Longsword per person.  <br /><br />Platemail of Thorns:  +8 AC, 2 damage to monster if it hits you<br /><br />+2 Bracers of Offense:  +2 Damage to successful melee attacks<br /><br />+1 Broadsword of Piercing:  Always hits on a 13 or better<br /><br />Ring of Life Transfer:  Take any amount of damage and heal a teammate that same amount.  <br /><br />Amulet of Healing:  Healing Spells (not scrolls) for wearer heal an additional 2 points <br /><br />Gloves of Shattering:  +2 Damage to hand-to-hand combat, wearable by monks<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #7

Ring of Carbon:  +1 AC, +2 AC when also wearing Ring of Dale.  Must be worn the entire adventure.  <br /><br />Ring of Dale:  Heals 1 Pt per room, Heals 2 pts per room when also wearing Ring of Carbon.  Must be worn the entire adventure.<br /><br />(note:  other effects could be substituted for these two rings, which would be enhanced if wearing both)<br /><br />Gloves of Searching, Rogue only:  When wearer touches a surface, they will detect any secret doors on that surface.  <br /><br />Amulet of the Third Eye:  Wizard only:  Wearer can Detect Magic for up to 30 seconds once each room.  <br /><br />Mithral King's Helm:  +3 AC:  Fighter only<br /><br />Holy Platemail:  +8 AC, extra +2 AC for Paladins and Clerics against Evil Creatures<br /><br />+1 Heavy Mace of Returning:  Will return to hand if thrown.  Must miss one turn of combat after throwing while catching the Mace.  <br /><br />Griffin-Hide Armor:  +6 AC, wearable by all classes that could wear Leather Armor<br /><br />+2 Sling<br /><br /><br /><br />

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #8

Gloves of the Spider:  Wearer can climb any surface<br /><br />Gauntlets of Burning Hands, Magical Flame which surrounds any weapon and gives +2 Damage to attacks<br /><br />+3 Cloak of Resistance<br /><br />+2 Helm of Seeing:  +2 AC, can see Invisible Beings<br /><br />Bracelets of Casting:  Once per room, gives wearer a second chance at a spell skill test (choosing beads for cleric, identifying leaf for Druid, etc).  <br /><br />Gloves of Mage Hand, Wizard:  Lets Wizard cast Mage Hand once per room, for 10 seconds in duration<br /><br />Headband of the Afterlife, Paladin, Cleric, Monk, Druid:  Allows wearer to speak to the dead (ghost characters) for up to 10 seconds once per room.  <br /><br />+1 Bracers of Archery:  +3 Damage with Missile Weapons<br /><br />Helm of Mind Blank: +2 AC, wearer cannot be mind-controlled or charmed<br /><br />Tim's Wand of Magic Missile, wizard:  Wielder can cast Magic Missile once per turn<br /><br />Scabbard of Keen Edge:  Lets weapon critical hit on 19 or 20 the first turn of each combat (after that the keen edge has worn off)<br /><br />Gloves of Wizardry - Bard, Druid, Cleric:  Let's wearer use Magical Wands<br /><br />Ring of Crossing Over:  Ghost Character wearing ring can melee attack once per combat.  <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #9

Some of this I have posted elsewhere...<br /><br />UR +2 Defender Falchion (longsword) (1 hand, 3,5,6,7,8,10 and adds +2 AC)<br /><br />UR +2 Dagger of Venom (1 hand, 3,4,5,6 a "20" results in FORT save of target or take an additional 10 points of poison damage, not usable by Cleric, Monk, or Paladin)<br /><br />UR +1 Spear - Dragon Slayer (2 hands, 2,4,6,8,10,11 and double damage versus dragons... similar Slayer type weapons can be made for other creature types)<br /><br />UR +2 Gladius (shortsword) of Speed (1 hand, 2,4,6,8 and First Strike, i.e. user always strikes first regardless of initiative)<br /><br />UR +1 Moon Scythe (druid only, 2 hands, 2,3,4,5,6,7 and natural 20 heals all party members 2 points of damage<br /><br />UR Diadem of Telepathy (Allows speech in silenced room with other members of party, not spell casting)<br /><br />UR Efreet/Djinn Bottle (summons an NPC for one room to help with puzzles, combat, etc. - the downside of this is that you have to have someone suited up to play the NPC unless the DM takes the role... usable once per dungeon)<br /><br />UR Counterspell (wizard only, negates any one spell cast by monster wizard must correctly guess plane of existence- token is expended)<br /><br /><br /><br />
Legally... its questionable. Morally... its disgusting. Personally... I *like* it.

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #10

Staff of the Hand  +1 staff, allows user to "wear" one extra ring.<br /><br />Dagger of the fist +1 dagger, allows user to "wear" one extra ring.<br /><br />Improved Amulet of Armor +1 AC and allows user to "wear" one extra ring.<br /><br />Sling of seeking +2 (3 4 5 6) <br /><br />HenWy's Harp - works as MW instrument, but causes confusion (1 round no action) to monster on 11-20 roll of D20. once per combat.<br /><br />Robe of confusion - if monster succesfully hits wearer, monster is confused instead (1 round no action) once per combat.<br /><br />Ball of confusion - (could not resist!) can be thrown for no damage or used in sling for sling damage (1 2 3 4) plus monster hit is confused for one round if 11-20 roll on D20.  once per combat.<br /><br />Wondrous figurine of life - (no slot, just possess it - could also be IOUN Stone) +1 to hit and damage VS undead or constructs.<br /><br />Armband of reaction - +1 reflex saves +1AC vs missiles or spells.<br /> <br />G
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #11

How about some love for the rogue.<br /><br />Lyro’s Lucky Lockpicks:  Lyro DuBrey was a thief, err..Ex-lock smith, of some renowned who at times had difficulty unlocking those pesky, difficult locks. This was particularly annoying when his magic user friend was not around to cast knock. This, of course, was the case quite often considering where Lyro’s travels took him. The “Lucky Lockpicks” would allow the rogue to open the treasure chest, but he still suffered any magical traps placed upon it. It is even rumored that a rogue may receive specific divine insight and treasure at the cost of the Lockpicks being consumed.<br /><br />UR Lyro’s Lucky Lockpicks:  <br /><br />Useable by rogue only. Once per dungeon the rogue may use the Lockpicks to bypass the rogue skill test. Of course any traps that are on the box remain in effect and opening the box will result in the appropriate damage. It is a “knock” like token which comes in handy when your MU is dead or not part of a group. Upon dire needs the rogue may turn in the token as a consumable and receive a specific helpful “clue” from the room DM and receive treasure pulls from the box. This will also eliminate any traps on the chest.<br /><br /><br />Larry Anthony

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Re: 2009 Ultra Rare Token Ideas Go Here! 16 years 4 months ago #12

  • henwy
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I sorta like the idea of multiple types of bardsong based on the instrument.<br /><br />Harp of somnolence: Instead of normal + to damage, monster must roll a saving throw each turn, DC 12, or fall asleep (skips turn)<br /><br />Piccolo of Hesitation: Instead of normal + to damage, monster with multiple attacks can attack one fewer times<br /><br />Horn of countersong: Instead of normal + to damage, monster cannot cast spells unless it makes a DC 20 save.<br /><br />Mandolin of Protection: Instead of normal + to damage, +2 AC to all party members<br /><br />Lute of Defense: Instead of normal + to damage, +2 to all saving throws for all party members<br /><br />Really, I guess whether or not it also provides the base damage effect can be adjusted. The idea being that you can only use the other songs with the correct instrument.

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