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TOPIC: Wizard in need of advice

Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #1

Hi all,<br /><br />I have read over a bunch of information and my head is spinning. I am playing TD for the first time this year. I am playing with people who have played before and they asked me to be a wizard. I can't figure out exactly what I need and how many of each to bring. For instance is it possible that if I am a complete idiot I could go through 4 or 5 Potion of Death's Door or is 1 more likely? Same with Cure wound potions. I am feeling completely lost and incompetent and I don't want to ruin the run for the  others. Please let me know what you think I should bring, what are the acceptable ways to carry them in, do they all have to be showing? can they be in a binder? Any advice anyone could give me is great.<br /><br />Michelle<br />Gamingetc

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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #2

You may bring tokens in a binder if you wish.  Since a Wizard can not wear most armor, spells, amulets, etc. that augment AC would be useful.  You should bring Arcane scrolls if you have them.<br /><br />Remember that the Wizard is mainly about casting spells, don't worry too much that you do not have powerful weapons.  <br /><br />The big thing to consider is do you use your one turn per round to cast a memorized spell, that you could augment with the skill check, or just use a scroll.  <br /><br />If time is running short and the party is in a crunch, spells cast from scrolls may be better as then the momentum is not slowed to perform the skill check.<br /><br />Your main task will be to focus on the Wizards Planes during the practice session, then in combat, find a vantage point and cast spells.  Other than that, the rest of game play is your own wits pitted against the dungeon.<br /><br />
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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #3

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Armor and anything which doesn't have a conditional effect only has to be shown once and marked as to effect. Conditional effect items (boots of free action, ioun stones, ring of iron will, etc) should be kept around for display as necessary. If you have a good badge holder, you can always pop them into there where they're visible.<br /><br />Binders are fine, but heavy. It's often better just to have something that has a lot of compartments, whether a lot of small pouches (easily identified by touch) or pockets. I usually bring the kitchen sink but it's almost never really necessary. Have 2 bags of healing handy. One should contain the big lump sum scrolls for use in combat and the other can have lotsa cheapies (rations, pots) for when time isn't a factor. I always carry at least 3-4 antitoxens. They're the only thing that's always come in handy as far as pots and salves have gone. <br /><br />The key is just not to bring so much stuff that you have to scramble to find it. work out an organizational system beforehand whether it's alphabetical or braile or whatever. Just make sure it works in lowlight conditions.

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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #4

Organization EEK! I am one of those people that takes a handful of bunched up money out of my pocket like a little kid. I will have to work on that. How hard is it to memorize the Wizards Planes? Can a wizard only cast Arcane spells?<br /><br />Michelle

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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #5

How hard it is depends on your spacial and visual association skills.  The planes are in a pattern, if you can get the pattern, you should be fine.<br /><br />Wizards can cast spells from scrolls marked "arcane" and "all"
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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #6

I don't know if they have changed the map of the planes, but even if they haven't, you can use the time in the training room to memorize patterns in the chart.  If you concentrate, you should do fine.<br /><br />Bring healing potions and anti-toxins, like henwy said.  Bring "arcane" and "all" scrolls.  If you have tokens to improve AC, bring a few of them (if you don't have a Scroll: Mage Armor, I will send you one if you pm me your address, or I can give it to you at GC).<br /><br />Breon the Mage (a.k.a. Brian)<br />
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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #7

Thank you for your responses! I have definite issues defining shapes, that being said I tend to think of things and explain them by color or things like You know the  purple and blue squiggly thing with the point on the top. People usually look at me funny but generally understand what I am talking about. Am I a lost cause if this is the case? If all the patterns are very different I think I'd be ok. If they all look very similar I may be screwed. Please let me know what you think.<br />Michelle<br />Gamingetc

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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #8

Hi. I played TD for the first time last year and I played a wizard. It went find even though I didn't know I had to memorize the chart of the planes until I sat down in the tavern. I suggest that you not get overly concerned about perfectly memorizing the nifty chart. If you want to, you can get through the entire adventure with scrolls and other wizardly accoutrements just fine and be of great use to the party. You can also use a sling or quarterstaff in a pinch. The most important thing everyone brings to TD is a desire to entertain and be entertained. A careful eye and discerning mind are more important than what character class you play. Good luck
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #9

Since the Wizard has the lowest Hit Points and Armor Class, it is probably a good idea for you to bring lots of healing potions, and a couple of Death's Doors wouldn't be a bad idea.  I would recommend that you get as many AC enhancers as you can (Robe of the Mage, Cloak of the Mage, +1 Ring of Protection, +1 Amulet of Armor, +1 Bracers of Defense, Gloves of Dexterity).  A bunch of offensive scrolls would also be a great idea, and that would take away all the pressure of knowing the symbols. 

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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #10

<br />Thank you for your responses! I have definite issues defining shapes, that being said I tend to think of things and explain them by color or things like You know the  purple and blue squiggly thing with the point on the top. People usually look at me funny but generally understand what I am talking about. Am I a lost cause if this is the case? If all the patterns are very different I think I'd be ok. If they all look very similar I may be screwed. Please let me know what you think.<br />Michelle<br />Gamingetc<br />

<br /><br />You can always divide and conquer with the memorization.  Just focus on one or two sections.  Remember though, that all spells work, remembering the wizard's challenge just adds more effect to some of the spells.  I really would not stress it too much.  Focus on having a good time, everything else will sort itself out.  <br /><br />If you are really worried about the skills memorization, try to have scrolls at hand, like I said before, using scrolls sometimes makes more sense if time is an issue.  You could get away with token use only.  But even non augmented Wizard's spells are still effective.<br /><br />Henwy had great advice when it comes to organization.  Figure out some sort of quick sorting scheme for tokens.  The easier it is to retrieve tokens you want, the less stressful it will be for all.  12 minutes can go by really fast.  <br /><br />Treat the game not as a Wizard with maybe some limitations (your's), rather it is really you in the event with a couple of additional skills you did not have before (spell casting).<br /><br />Dave<br /><br /><br />
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #11

A Quick Plug:<br /><br />The DDA is offering the seminar "TD101" on Thursday at 1 pm and at 6 pm. This seminar is free and is designed to answer just these kind of questions. We won't help you with the memorization tests or stuff (but you got some good advice from others on that)-- our goal is not to help you survive the dungeon; instead, our goal is to help you avoid common mistakes, to help you feel prepared, to reduce any stress that might come from not knowing what to expect, and to help you have as much fun as possible as you a descend into a horrible and painful death.  <br /><br />The 6 pm seminar, SEM0118, appears to be sold out-- but there will probably be some no-shows that open up some room. <br /><br />The 1 pm seminar, SEM0119, has three seats still open. <br /><br />The seminar will be held in the True Tavern, I think. <br /><br />-Scott<br /><br />BTW, DDA stands for Dungeon Delvers Anonymous (not the best acronym ever, but what the hay). We are a group of TD fans, kind of like Team Token-- not as well known, but just as dedicated. 
-Scott<br /><br />'an object at rest cannot be stopped'

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Re: Wizard in need of advice 16 years 7 months ago #12

hmmm....would there even be a Team Token if it wasn't for DDA??<br /><br />Hat's off to DDA for being a very TD dedicated group of folks and not to mention a fun one to watch game every year!
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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