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TOPIC: first world newbie problems

first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #1

Found out last night my friend and I could've made some cool transmutes if we had more time, haha. She apparently did a $250 order of tokens for the joint collection that I didn't know about. I only found this out because we met up irl to actually organize the collection. But we don't have loose pieces transmuted to the correct reserve bars and trade items, so even if we sent those in, the recipes we could've made expire today (on my birthday no less!). I get why we can't send in component materials as part of a bigger recipe, it's a necessary policy, but I'm still a twinge disappointed. Pour one out for us getting into the game too late in the calendar.

Gonna have to get it together for 2022 (ง •̀_•́)ง

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #2

The good news is the trade goods and GP retain value over time, and depending on which transmutes you wanted, it might not be too hard to trade for them, if not buy them.
I came here to sing and collect tokens, and I'm alllll out of money.

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #3

You may be able to trade for what you were trying to transmute. It doesn't hurt to put up an offer of the ingredients for the completed item in the trade sections, you may find someone willing to swap.

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #4

Which expired transmutes were you looking to do? People have been known to deconstruct transmuted items into their constituent parts.

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #5

Agree with everything said above. Especially if you were looking at the 3 star or 4 star transmutes, you might be able to find the items themselves for a modest price—either for cash, GP, or trading for other tokens (components or not). And even with relics and legendaries, sometimes folks are willing to trade for components. It’s worth asking.

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #6

voiceactresskurutta wrote: Found out last night my friend and I could've made some cool transmutes if we had more time, haha. She apparently did a $250 order of tokens for the joint collection that I didn't know about. I only found this out because we met up irl to actually organize the collection. But we don't have loose pieces transmuted to the correct reserve bars and trade items, so even if we sent those in, the recipes we could've made expire today (on my birthday no less!). I get why we can't send in component materials as part of a bigger recipe, it's a necessary policy, but I'm still a twinge disappointed. Pour one out for us getting into the game too late in the calendar.

Gonna have to get it together for 2022 (ง •̀_•́)ง

If the order was in 2021 then those recipes don’t expire until the end of 2022

Edit link to what’s still available for 2022


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Last edit: by Wayne Rhodes.

first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #7

Happy Birthday!

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #8

Thanks for all the comments! :3

I do still need to send things in to get the corresponding trade items bc even if someone did a deconstructed trade, they would likely want the trade items rather than the stacks of 25 tokens/units for different trade items lol.

It's pretty difficult to manage trades and such with my friend and I sharing our tokens unfortunately. Since she's not involved in the forums and I am, she offered to leave all the tokens with me, but she pretty much exclusively has been paying for our modules and she's the one who got me into the game, so I don't feel right taking them from her.

As for the deadlines, the problem here is that at least some of the ones we could make are 2019/2020 ones that had gotten extended but did finally expire. Ones on the site that explicitely did say they were only valid if postmarked by Dec 1, 2021. But we couldn't postmark them bc we didn't have some of the components transmuted yet (Philosopher's Stone, etc).

We definitely had enough (after mulching) to make a Ring of Fervor or a Ring of Stamina (can't remember if we have enough PSs for both; I have to double check, we spent a lot of hours organizing tokens and trying to decide which ones to turn into trade goods and which to keep, but we haven't mailed any of them yet). And we had a lot of materials for the Gem of Last Hope, which is unfortunately we didn't have time to do more PS mulching or at least buy some to make up for it. We haven't been playing long enough to have a hoard of trade items on hand at any given time, haha. If I had bought a couple more 2019/2020 monster parts we could've made a Charm of Treasure Boosting (though I know that's ultimately not a very good one to get).

Though I am surprised, looking at some of the recipes versus the price some people sell for online? The sheer number of trade items needed versus the amount of tokens it takes to make them versus the number of tokens you get per module and the cost for 10 packs and even the shipping on top of it. Does seem cheaper just to buy some transmutes outright, haha, though not really as fun. There's so many dedicated players that the monetary value of component pieces seems to be worth less than it takes to acquire them. I'm the type of person who wants to transmute excess tokens into trade items right away to save space, but with the shipping complications, it's only cost-and-space-friendly to wait and then do a bunch all at once. And even looking at how much it takes to make some blue chips, I wonder if maybe we should just save up what we have and wait for better things to come along? Even playing every module a year, I can't imagine getting enough to make most things. Like people really have Aragonite and Golden Fleece and thousands and thousands in reserve bars just sitting around? It's so strange to me.

Phew sorry for the long post, I can't seem to talk concisely on here.

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #9

It's almost always cheaper to buy the transmute outright rather than craft it.

The ones for sale are often excess, someone's bonus loot, or extras they picked up in a trade, etc.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #10

I'd modify that to say it's cheaper to buy the transmute than it is to buy the components and transmute the token. Transmuting is for when you already have most or all of the components.

Components don't have the value of what someone might pay for them, only what you could definitely sell them for.

This is why anyone bothers to transmute. People aren't dumb. If someone transmutes tokens for sale, they aren't trying to lose money. Without the people transmuting extras, there would be no market for the transmuted tokens. Sure, there are some in treasure - not nearly enough to support the market that exists.

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #11

I mean we are mulching extras so it is our own excess/stuff we already have most components for, but it almost seems like it would be smarter to try to sell our extra tokens than to transmute them? Ofc that's more work and the small but additive material costs of bubble mailers/packing tape/etc. I guess I would have to figure out what value most of the lower stuff has. I know UR+ is gonna be worth a lot, but at best we have some extras of a few rares.

It just almost seems like if someone sells a transmute for less than it costs to make, then even though they did it with their own extras, they're still 'losing money' in the sense that they could've sold the components separately for more. Just, again, it would be work and time and all that.

Idk I'm kind of mentally wandering. Just a lot to think about I guess.

In other first world problems, I found out my friend did a $250 order in 2021 and didn't tell me, so I couldn't recommend she choose the Shirt of the Oaf for PYP and now you can't order 2020 purples anymore. >_< I wish she would just join this forum so she can start learning too, haha.

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first world newbie problems 3 years 2 months ago #12

If you're looking at it as a strictly financial problem, it is almost always better to sell your crafting materials and buy what you want. That being said, I personally find it more satisfying to craft my own tokens.

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