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TOPIC: New to True Dungeon

New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #1

Hey everyone!

I’m relatively new to True Dungeon, I’ve participated in two runs this year. My question is how do you know what tokens are good? Are there certain stats you look for? I have a ton of tokens and absolutely no clue how to go through them. Thank you all so much for your help.

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #2

Matthew Kunz wrote: Hey everyone!

I’m relatively new to True Dungeon, I’ve participated in two runs this year. My question is how do you know what tokens are good? Are there certain stats you look for? I have a ton of tokens and absolutely no clue how to go through them. Thank you all so much for your help.

Hi Matthew!

First off, Welcome to the forums and the game.

When it comes to good tokens, the best ones typically affect stats (str, Dex, con in particular), saves (such as fortitude, reflex, will), or damage (+melee, range, or spell).

The less good tokens are the ones that are conditional. For example, +4 reflex save vs webs, or free movement while outdoors. If you have a particular class in mind, check out the class section of the forums. I have threads for starter characters that try to focus on the "good" tokens and avoid the conditional ones. There is also a lot of overlap between characters - for example, a paladin and fighter might use a large number of the same tokens. Ones that get reused between a lot of different characters are generally really pretty good.

Hope that helps!

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #3

First, welcome!

Next, there are a lot of ways to define "good."

If a token fills a slot on your character that would otherwise be empty, it's good for you.

If you are comparing 2 tokens, it depends on which class as to which is "better" in most cases.

Token value is, at it's most basic level, based on rarity. This can be determined by the color of the writing in most cases. Of course there are innumerable exceptions to this.

The "best" tokens tend to be in highest demand, and cost more from token resellers.

There are a lot of good sites to check out, including tdtavern.com and trenttokens.com, as well as the token stores here in the forums.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #4

Matthew Kunz wrote: Hey everyone!

I’m relatively new to True Dungeon, I’ve participated in two runs this year. My question is how do you know what tokens are good? Are there certain stats you look for? I have a ton of tokens and absolutely no clue how to go through them. Thank you all so much for your help.

Our Matt legion increases - welcome!

I've written a guide to answer questions like, this, and link to some of the better tokens for new players that are affordable:

Recommended Stats per Difficulty and Uncommonly Good Tokens

Endgame has some great builds posted in each of the class on the forums under All-> Guild HousesGuild Houses

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #5

I'll add +hp items as generally being quite good, especially for newer players. There are a bunch of +1 to +3 hp items at the c/uc/r. It reduces stress on the party's healers.

You can learn a lot about individual tokens at the official token database On the page for a token, if the "Source:" is anything other than Standard Pack there's a good chance it has a higher monetary value than the c/uc/r rarity classification, but that shouldn't be considered as meaning the token is good to equip, just harder to get.

Also, for tokens you end up not wanting to equip, there's a 2 letter code at the top indicating what type of transmuting components it breaks down into (like PS for a philosopher's stone for example). See Transmuting Program for details. New recipes for things to transmute for usable gear will be announced in the next few months. There tend to be a few options that only take a few tokens that are often very nice for new players.

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #6

Hi Matt, and welcome!

In addition to all the great advice you've received already, one way to tell if a token is particularly good for you is to set up your build in one of the TD character generators available via the Resources page. There's a free Excel spreadsheet, a free web-based character generator, and an app (IOS and Android) that costs a few bucks. Once you have your current build set up, you can play around with additional/alternate tokens to see how they improve your stats, which might help you decide whether it's worth spending money to acquire a specific token.

Also, feel free to post any specific questions you have. The Guild Houses have threads for each class, if you're wondering how to build a better X, and you can always ask about a particular token if you don't understand what it does or why it costs more/less than it seems like it ought to.

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #7

  • Grekel!
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Hi Matt and welcome!!!

I’d say that the advice already given pretty thoroughly covers and solidly answers your question.

I would say read the suggested guides, and play with character generation programs... (and maybe also add tokendb.com to your browser favorites to look up details on each token’s full rules...). There is a wealth of great info on the TD website too. The main consideration for you will be how far into tokenaholism you want to go. The reason - there are multiple tiers of “best gearings” - Common, uncommon, rare - though legendary... each with a definite expense associated. Decide that first, and then with that in mind - go through and optimize for BIS at that level with the character generation app.... then let that be your collection guide.

I’ll add one more thing - If you want to get a build for a specific character build... that’s fine, but you may not always get your preferred class selection, so consider a backup build (even if it’s it quite as buff as your “A-list” build... it really helps in several ways.
1) you end up less stressed about getting “your” class
2) you have multiple builds ready which:
a) speeds things up in coaching
b) lets you readily see potential items in your possession not on your build that you might “loan” to a newer player to help their build...
3) You might even find out that you enjoy playing the “backup” class as much as your preferred class...

Hey - the most important thing is have fun with it! And definitely feel free to come back to the forums with questions... it really is an awesome community!!!
They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to use. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to use once! Oh - and if you really need to think about whether you're going to use the fireball or the + umpty staff of butt-whooping - you're likely to find yourself full of arrows, or fangs, or nasty knives & swords and such. Don't think - just shoot!

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #8

Welcome Matt,
It seems like you’ve got some good advice from everyone so far. I’ll just echo Belinda that the token apps are a great way to compare tokens and play around with various builds.
Please visit my fledgling token store.

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #9


I won’t repeat what others said.

When looking for stat bonuses, aim for even numbers. Stats all start as odd numbers, so you want odd pluses.

For example: if your starting STR is 13, then +1 and +2 STR give you the same benefit (+1 to melee hit & damage, and thrown weapon damage). So if you have a token that gives you +1 STR, another +1 STR doesn’t do you any good.

STR, DEX, and CON are the most important. Getting to 16 CHA let’s you have a second Figurine. WIS will give you WILL save bonuses, but +WIS is hard to come by. INT does one thing, but it’s currently 100% useless unless you’re a Wizard with a Mad Evokers Charm. It’s the narrowest of corner cases, so you can safely ignore it altogether.

Note the characters are going to be redesigned in a year or two, so a lot of what I said may cease being true.

Also give some thought to building alternate characters. You can’t assume you’ll always be able to play the same character all the time, unless you prearrange all your runs on the forum. Even then things can go wrong, so have several backup plans. Don’t be too quick to mulch or trade away tokens that don’t fit your favorite class.

The important thing is to have fun.

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #10

  • Grekel!
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Brad Mortensen wrote: Welcome!

I won’t repeat what others said.

When looking for stat bonuses, aim for even numbers. Stats all start as odd numbers, so you want odd pluses.

For example: if your starting STR is 13, then +1 and +2 STR give you the same benefit (+1 to melee hit & damage, and thrown weapon damage). So if you have a token that gives you +1 STR, another +1 STR doesn’t do you any good.

STR, DEX, and CON are the most important. Getting to 16 CHA let’s you have a second Figurine. WIS will give you WILL save bonuses, but +WIS is hard to come by. INT does one thing, but it’s currently 100% useless unless you’re a Wizard with a Mad Evokers Charm. It’s the narrowest of corner cases, so you can safely ignore it altogether.

Note the characters are going to be redesigned in a year or two, so a lot of what I said may cease being true.

Also give some thought to building alternate characters. You can’t assume you’ll always be able to play the same character all the time, unless you prearrange all your runs on the forum. Even then things can go wrong, so have several backup plans. Don’t be too quick to mulch or trade away tokens that don’t fit your favorite class.

The important thing is to have fun.

Is there a thread on the upcoming character redesigns? Or just a statement that it’s coming... I’ve completely missed that.
They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to use. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to use once! Oh - and if you really need to think about whether you're going to use the fireball or the + umpty staff of butt-whooping - you're likely to find yourself full of arrows, or fangs, or nasty knives & swords and such. Don't think - just shoot!

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #11

Grekel! wrote:

Brad Mortensen wrote: Welcome!

I won’t repeat what others said.

When looking for stat bonuses, aim for even numbers. Stats all start as odd numbers, so you want odd pluses.

For example: if your starting STR is 13, then +1 and +2 STR give you the same benefit (+1 to melee hit & damage, and thrown weapon damage). So if you have a token that gives you +1 STR, another +1 STR doesn’t do you any good.

STR, DEX, and CON are the most important. Getting to 16 CHA let’s you have a second Figurine. WIS will give you WILL save bonuses, but +WIS is hard to come by. INT does one thing, but it’s currently 100% useless unless you’re a Wizard with a Mad Evokers Charm. It’s the narrowest of corner cases, so you can safely ignore it altogether.

Note the characters are going to be redesigned in a year or two, so a lot of what I said may cease being true.

Also give some thought to building alternate characters. You can’t assume you’ll always be able to play the same character all the time, unless you prearrange all your runs on the forum. Even then things can go wrong, so have several backup plans. Don’t be too quick to mulch or trade away tokens that don’t fit your favorite class.

The important thing is to have fun.

Is there a thread on the upcoming character redesigns? Or just a statement that it’s coming... I’ve completely missed that.

AFAIK, it’s just a few vague statements, idle speculation (“are we going to levels five & six?”), and a few threads started by players where people are starting to debate potential balancing changes.

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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New to True Dungeon 5 years 6 months ago #12

  • Grekel!
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Brad Mortensen wrote:

Grekel! wrote:

Brad Mortensen wrote: Welcome!

I won’t repeat what others said.

When looking for stat bonuses, aim for even numbers. Stats all start as odd numbers, so you want odd pluses.

For example: if your starting STR is 13, then +1 and +2 STR give you the same benefit (+1 to melee hit & damage, and thrown weapon damage). So if you have a token that gives you +1 STR, another +1 STR doesn’t do you any good.

STR, DEX, and CON are the most important. Getting to 16 CHA let’s you have a second Figurine. WIS will give you WILL save bonuses, but +WIS is hard to come by. INT does one thing, but it’s currently 100% useless unless you’re a Wizard with a Mad Evokers Charm. It’s the narrowest of corner cases, so you can safely ignore it altogether.

Note the characters are going to be redesigned in a year or two, so a lot of what I said may cease being true.

Also give some thought to building alternate characters. You can’t assume you’ll always be able to play the same character all the time, unless you prearrange all your runs on the forum. Even then things can go wrong, so have several backup plans. Don’t be too quick to mulch or trade away tokens that don’t fit your favorite class.

The important thing is to have fun.

Is there a thread on the upcoming character redesigns? Or just a statement that it’s coming... I’ve completely missed that.

AFAIK, it’s just a few vague statements, idle speculation (“are we going to levels five & six?”), and a few threads started by players where people are starting to debate potential balancing changes.

Absolutely fascinating! That could be awesome...
They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to use. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to use once! Oh - and if you really need to think about whether you're going to use the fireball or the + umpty staff of butt-whooping - you're likely to find yourself full of arrows, or fangs, or nasty knives & swords and such. Don't think - just shoot!

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