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TOPIC: 2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final)

2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #1

These images were sent to the factory today. I reversed some of the changes I made last time.

I am super-soaked about how well the system worked this year, and how much great feedback we got from the community. These tokens are a good testament to what cool folks can do together on a group project lead by a slightly bent fanatic. Thanks for putting up with me.

Thanks so much!

BTW, please refresh your cache -- or you might see the old versions.

Common: www.truedungeon.com/files/Common20.jpg

Uncommon: www.truedungeon.com/files/Uncommon20.jpg

Rare: www.truedungeon.com/files/Rare20.jpg

Ultra Rare: www.truedungeon.com/files/UltraRare20.jpg

Transmuted: www.truedungeon.com/files/Transmuted20.jpg


For several reasons, we decided to start and end the token development process in July rather than September. This may or may not affect the pre-order delivery time, but we will still start the pre-order time on Nov. 1st as before.

This is going to be a special year for TD adventures as we are starting a new story-arc. We'll present three stand-alone modules. The 2020 tokens center around these modules and they should be a lot of fun to play. One will be in the Underthing (the underbelly of a wizard school) in the world of Pat Rothfuss. Another is a classic haunted house adventure where players must banish a baneful presence. The third one tasks the group with surviving the legendary Tomb of Terrors.

UR "Arcane" Set: Wearing all three of these items grants a caster the power to not mark off the first 0th-2nd level spell that character casts in a game.

UR "Lucky" Set: Wearing any two of these items increases the wearer's maximum HP by 5.

Multi-Year UR Shirt Set: Over the next four years we plan to release four Shirts. The first three give bonus/penalties toward the STR, DEX, CON stats and the final year grants +2 Focus (+2 to cast healing spells, cast damage spells, and polymorph damage.) At the end of the four years, all four can be combined so they make one Shirt that gives +2 to all those 3 stats and has the Focus power.

The 4-Year Shirt is not an Eldritch item. We are capping the Eldritch set at five. It is time to forge a new line of multi-year tokens that hopefully will use hidden RFID chips to make some cool effects for the players. Any "set" benefits won't be manifest for many years (since it takes at least two of these multi-year tokens), but I would not rule out giving the first "Arcanum" multi-year token (light purple token that's coming in four years) a cool little RFID chip enabled ability. I have so many cool ideas.

Vets and Newbies
It's worth noting that the ranks of the Treasure Token collectors have swelled considerably in the past few years. While it is vital to always accommodate the wants/needs of veteran collectors, we also need to keep new players in mind. Some tokens might not be best in slot for veterans, but newer players might really enjoy something like a set of new Armor tokens. It is always a tough thing to balance all the various collector groups, so I could be wrong on some of the mix this year. Let me know if you think I did.

New Powers Mentioned on Transmuted Tokens
Animal Friend: Once per room, rangers can use any polymorph potion token to summon a spiritual animal friend for one room. The summoned creature can't be dispelled, damaged, or buffed. When attacking with a 2H projectile-firing missile weapon, the ranger player puts that polymorph token into the second slider and slides both in the same manner as a ranger normally would on a melee attack slide (one puck in each hand, slid simultaneously.) The spiritual animal friend uses the ranger's To Hit modifier as written on the party card. The damage done by the spiritual animal friend is determined solely by the amount shown on the polymorph token--damage is not subject to any modifiers whatsoever. The ranger does not get any "side bonuses" from the polymorph token. (E.g., a spiritual asp friend would not reduce the ranger's Poison damage received.) The polymorph token must be turned in at the end of combat like other polymorph potions normally would be.

Fury: One per game, barbarians (whether Raging or not) can announce that they are going to "Fury" before making their attack slide. If they hit, the damage done with that one slide is treated as a standard 2× critical hit. It does not count as a natural 20, it's "just" a crit. That said, a Fury-fueled attack that actually lands on the 20 spot still counts as a natural 20 and can trigger effects which require a natural 20.

: Either once (relic) or twice (legendary) per game, a paladin may instantly activated her "Grace" power to allow the roll of TWO d20 dice for any saving throw and take the higher result. Whether Grace is used to affect a multi-person saving throw roll or an individual's saving throw is up to the paladin. The use of Grace must be declared before the die is rolled.[/color].

Slot Expanders Cap

We've put a hard cap on the number of Charms (10) and Ioun Stones (9) one can equip. We feel it's important to rein-in future slot-expansion. At this time, only the Charm and Ioun Stone slots are being capped, but it's possible that at some point in the future we may need to cap other slots.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"
Last edit: by Jeff Martin.
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #2

This time for sure...

Glad to see it done.

When can we start arguing about discussing the recipes? ;)
D&D teaches all the important lessons in life - the low blow, the cheap shot, the back stab, the double cross. - Jerry Marsischky

Let them trap us. We have our swords. - Elric of Melnibone.

You try to get them to play the game, but all they want to do is play the rules. - Ardak Kumerian

I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend - Faramir
Last edit: by Harlax.
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #3

Thanks for all the hard work and a great set!
Fall down......Go boom!

Adam Guay
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #4

  • James
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This doesn't really affect the tokens so I would still like to debate it, I would like the Arcane affect to work with 2 of 3 of the arcane tokens like the lucky affect.
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #5

James J Krot wrote: This doesn't really affect the tokens so I would still like to debate it, I would like the Arcane affect to work with 2 of 3 of the arcane tokens like the lucky affect.

If the set effects are debatable, I'd also like to discuss if we can shift the lucky set to not duplicate half the Redoubt set bonus. Please give me a reason to pursue blessed redoubt.

I'm also loving the little sub theme on bow boosters in the commons. The hunters leather armor is going to have legs in many ranged builds I think.
Last edit: by Endgame.
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #6


Or maybe it doesn’t mean what we think it means. :P
D&D teaches all the important lessons in life - the low blow, the cheap shot, the back stab, the double cross. - Jerry Marsischky

Let them trap us. We have our swords. - Elric of Melnibone.

You try to get them to play the game, but all they want to do is play the rules. - Ardak Kumerian

I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend - Faramir
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #7

Still need an answer. Can I throw two Asher's viper strike fangs in a single round?
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #8

First, thank you for posting the images and really for all of this madness. :laugh:

Second, a few questions about the Monk Legendary.

all FoB weapons may be thrown & gain Returning

Does throwing a FoB weapon in this way count as "using a Flurry of Blows"?

Can Dazing/Stunning Fists trigger off a thrown FoB weapon?

Do monks gain +7 damage when throwing FoB weapons?

Can a monk throw 2 FoB weapons per round?
Forum Name: Milambus
Real Name: Jake Fitch
Main Class: Monk
Last edit: by Milambus (Jake).
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #9

For the Arcanum shirt-

A clarification will have to be made for Polymorph regarding how +2 focus and +2 melee damage work on a token that'd increase both.
"IMHO we like to solve problems here on the forums that are only perceived problems due to a myopic view." -Bob C
Last edit: by dokkaebi.
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #10

Super-soaked, Jeff?

Working without A/C? Or you probably meant super-stoked?
Tenth level achieved! Now for the long journey to 11th level!
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #11

Hi Jeff!

Thank you for taking all of our feedback into consideration this year. As always, I am excited for the new tokens and relish the opportunity of being involved in the token development.

I want to make sure I understand the mechanics of the monk legendary. If any of the following is incorrect I would appreciate a clarification.

  • The monk legendary allows the monk to throw 2 FoB melee weapons (and have them return) each round.
  • The +7 damage is added to melee FoB AND when the FoB weapons are thrown.
  • There is no retribution damage when throwing the FoB compatible weapons.
  • The FoB weapons can be thrown even if the enemy can be melee'd.
  • Thrown FoB weapons and melee FoB weapons gain the ability to crit and stun on 19-20.
  • When throwing the FoB weapons, any + to hit from the weapon itself is added to the to-hit calculation. For example, when throwing an Asher's +5 viper strike fang,
    +5 is added to the to-hit AC calculation. This basically means that FoB compatible melee weapons can be equipped in the monk's ranged slot for party card ranged to-hit calculations.
  • The relic's +4 damage is added when the monk is throwing 2 shurikens per round.

Thanks again!
Playing True Dungeon since 2012.
Last edit: by Philip Goodman.
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2020 Treasure Token Collection Images (Final) 5 years 7 months ago #12

Thanks for the final image, now to start planning my purchase.
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