Fred K wrote: Interestingly, the difference between the necklace and belt for the druid isn't huge - it's important but you still lose spell-casting. The legendary one is pretty significant as it allows most everything.
I really dont get why so many think of the druid necklace in terms of 'not allowing spell casting'. That is a really backward way to think of it...and also completely untrue.
First, if you want to cast spells, just dont polymorph. Sure, that means if there is a combat where you want to cast instead of slide, your relic doesnt do anything, but thats the same for any item that works in one type of combat and not others (i havent seen people complain that their girdle only helps melee but not spells). And if you are casting, all the relic would get you is the DR.
ALSO, good news, you actually CAN have that DR every other round even while casting.
Round 1: cast then polymorph to elemental.
Have DR
Round 2: turn back to human, then cast.
Round 3: cast then polymorph to elemental again.
DR again...
Now, all that said, get the druid item first iff your druid will use it as primary attack. Otherwise, the rogue item is far better.