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TOPIC: Uncommonly Good Tokens

Uncommonly Good Tokens 6 years 3 weeks ago #1

This guide is for players looking to optimize their builds at the rare level, or looking to better understand how character stats operate in TD. All of this is opinion based - but is intended to be a introduction as you develop your own insights and play style.

This post contains two sections:
  1. Uncommonly Good Tokens - A curated list of useful uncommon and rare tokens by class, slot, and purpose
  2. Character Building Guide - Some notes on how to gear up to face Normal, Hardcore, and Nightmare

Uncommonly Good Tokens

As of 2019, there are nearly 2,000 tokens in tokendb.com ! As players look to fill out slots and upgrade theirs builds, the choices can be overwhelming.

This sheet organizes uncommon and rare tokens that may be worth a slot in your build, organized by purpose.

How to use the sheet:

Start with either the filter view for all tokens, or for a particular class:

You can then sort and organize your view by Slot, or by purpose (e.g. boost AC, or Class Abilities, or Spell Healing) to bring the tokens you want to the top.

For example, sort on the "Class Abilities" column to see all the items with "Yes" for the selected class.

Buying Tokens: Column R a link to where these tokens may be purchased on my webstore. Over time I hope other token vendors will work with me to add links to their stores in columns S and beyond.

Contributing To Sheet: Did I miss something? Is your favorite token not listed? Shoot me a PM with your suggestion!

Character Building Guide

Much more can, and has, been said on this topic. This is intended to be a short, need to know guide for new players. Some familiarity with D&D concepts is assumed (e.g. that Armor Class: AC, measures how hard you are to hit in combat, and what saving throws are and how they work).

Why do tokens matter?

In True Dungeon, you will encounter monsters you must fight. Tokens are the primary means of boosting you chances to damage these monsters, and reducing the chances they can harm you.

Tokens can also help you avoid the perils of the dungeon, such as traps, choking smoke, or freezing cold.

As players attempt greater difficulty - e.g. Hardcore, Nightmare and beyond, it is useful to increase your characters offensive and defensive capabilities to match the increased challenges in the dungeon.

How do tokens work?

As you begin your True Dungeon session, a Coach will fill out a "Party Card". This card will list the relevant character statistics that the room DMs will use to determine how combat unfolds.

Broadly there are two categories of tokens:
  1. Those that affect stats on the Party Card
  2. All the rest

In selecting tokens for your character, those that impact the party card are often prized, as the DMs will know and calculate those benefits for you. For all other tokens you as a player must pay attention to situations where they may be relevant and apply them.

Example: An adventurer is wearing Gorgonbane Goggles , which convey a +6 to save vs. Gaze attacks. When facing a Chain Devil the DM announces "someone make a save" - the party rolls a die, and the DM starts announcing players who must sit out this round of combat. What has happened is the Chain Devil is using its Unnerving Gaze ability. Did the player get any benefit from their Gorgonbane Goggles? No! Because the DM doesn't know they get a special Gaze bonus, and the player didn't interject and ask whether this was a Gaze attack, and then inform the DM they get a special +6 bonus.

Things that impact the party card:

Unconditional effects that boost:

- Melee to-hit or melee damage - including things that boost Strength
- Ranged to-hit - including things that boost Dexterity
- Ranged damage
- AC - including things that boost Dexterity
- Reflex Saves - including things that boost Dexterity
- Fortitude Saves - including things that boost Constitution
- Will Saves - including things that boost Wisdom
- Spell damage booster
- Spell healing boosters
- Things that grant the Free Movement ability (Immunity to hold, slow, and other hindrances)
- Things that grant immunity to surprise
- Things that boost party initiative
- Things that boost the number of treasure you draw at the end of the adventure

To see the impact various tokens have on your party card stats use the various Character Builder tools.

Did you know? - you get a a bonus +1 HP if you prepare your build in one of the character builders and bring it to the coaching room, either printed out or on your smartphone, and +2 HP if everyone in the party does!

How do stats work?

Your six attributes of STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA all have a numeric value depending on your class, and further modified by certain tokens you may equip.

At each even number greater than 10, you gain enhancement bonuses for things based on STR, DEX, CON, and WIS:
Attribute value:   10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24 | 26 | ...
Enhancement bonus: +0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 | +6 | +7 | +8 | ...

Your enhancement bonuses affect the following:

STR enhancement bonus: melee to-hit, melee damage, thrown weapon damage
DEX enhancement bonus: AC, ranged to-hit, Reflex save
CON enhancement bonus: Fortitude reflex save, and you get 4*CON enhancement bonus maximum HP for a 4th level character
WIS enhancement bonus: Will save

What stats do I need

Based on years of adventure module designs, I'd recommend these stat ranges for these difficulties:

Normal difficulty:
Preferred combat mode (melee or ranged) to hit bonus: +5-+15
AC: 18-28
FORT/RFLX/WILL Saves: 8-18

Hardcore difficulty:
Preferred combat mode (melee or ranged) to hit bonus: +8-+18
AC: 22-32
FORT/RFLX/WILL Saves: 10-20

Nightmare difficulty:
Preferred combat mode (melee or ranged) to hit bonus: +11-+21
AC: 26-36
FORT/RFLX/WILL Saves: 12-22

Keeping within these ranges will ensure you:

Hit on slides somewhere between 15+ (low end of range) and 5+ (high end of range).

Monster miss you around 50% of the time (low end of range) - 95% of the time (high end of range).

Make your saving throw around 50% of the time (low end of range) - 95% of the time (high end of range).

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

Uncommonly Good Tokens 6 years 3 weeks ago #2


I'd recommend highlighting unusually good items. For example, the +1 bliss hammer is, literally, broken good since it used a damage wheel assuming +2 rather than +1 but TD decided against errata-ing it (I agree - too much trouble).

Others for that list:
Any of the Paints from 2019
Ring of Dark Health
Ring of Pandemonium
Many of the slotless items such as the horns, coffer, etc.
Defender Set
+1 Fae Blowgun (bardsong plus attack in a rare - normally needing UR to do this)
Lenses of Heimdall sight (+1 to hit plus see invisible)
2019 Hood of Shadows - does what prior Hood of Elvenkind does plus allows a +1 to AC

Good list!

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 6 years 3 weeks ago #3

Fred K wrote: Matt

I'd recommend highlighting unusually good items. For example, the +1 bliss hammer is, literally, broken good since it used a damage wheel assuming +2 rather than +1 but TD decided against errata-ing it (I agree - too much trouble).

Others for that list:
Any of the Paints from 2019
Ring of Dark Health
Ring of Pandemonium
Many of the slotless items such as the horns, coffer, etc.
Defender Set
+1 Fae Blowgun (bardsong plus attack in a rare - normally needing UR to do this)
Lenses of Heimdall sight (+1 to hit plus see invisible)
2019 Hood of Shadows - does what prior Hood of Elvenkind does plus allows a +1 to AC

Good list!


They paints are awesome - however I'm not putting any consumables in here except runestones - agree on all the rest - those are some premium tokens! The nice thing about the list is that there are rarely more than 5 items for a given class/slot to consider.

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

Uncommonly Good Tokens 6 years 3 weeks ago #4

Fred K wrote: Matt

I'd recommend highlighting unusually good items. For example, the +1 bliss hammer is, literally, broken good since it used a damage wheel assuming +2 rather than +1 but TD decided against errata-ing it (I agree - too much trouble).

Others for that list:
Any of the Paints from 2019
Ring of Dark Health
Ring of Pandemonium
Many of the slotless items such as the horns, coffer, etc.
Defender Set
+1 Fae Blowgun (bardsong plus attack in a rare - normally needing UR to do this)
Lenses of Heimdall sight (+1 to hit plus see invisible)
2019 Hood of Shadows - does what prior Hood of Elvenkind does plus allows a +1 to AC

Good list!


I went through and highlighted some of the super-awesome-approach-or-maybe-exceed-UR level tokens.

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 6 years 3 weeks ago #5

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 5 years 5 months ago #6

Matthew Hayward wrote:

Fred K wrote: Matt

I'd recommend highlighting unusually good items. For example, the +1 bliss hammer is, literally, broken good since it used a damage wheel assuming +2 rather than +1 but TD decided against errata-ing it (I agree - too much trouble).

Others for that list:
Any of the Paints from 2019
Ring of Dark Health
Ring of Pandemonium
Many of the slotless items such as the horns, coffer, etc.
Defender Set
+1 Fae Blowgun (bardsong plus attack in a rare - normally needing UR to do this)
Lenses of Heimdall sight (+1 to hit plus see invisible)
2019 Hood of Shadows - does what prior Hood of Elvenkind does plus allows a +1 to AC

Good list!


They paints are awesome - however I'm not putting any consumables in here except runestones - agree on all the rest - those are some premium tokens! The nice thing about the list is that there are rarely more than 5 items for a given class/slot to consider.

What is the rationale for adding runetones and not paints?
I play Wizard.

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 5 years 5 months ago #7

Add Frostnut and it's fire counterpart to the list. With the clarification on how it works, a ranger can now do wizard kind of area effect damage. The downside - most of us transmuted our frostnuts 2 years ago :(

2020 tokens will have a TON added to this list. Easily 4 or 5 tokens will be BiS for rare or less. A handful could replace some URs in builds.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 5 years 4 months ago #8

Which ones are you thinking of?
I play Wizard.

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 5 years 4 months ago #9

Anthony Barnstable wrote: Which ones are you thinking of?

Non participation / volunteer Rare or less BiS or near BiS items off the top of my Head:
Assassin's blade (BiS Rogue and Monk)
+1 Heavy Claymore (BiS 2H Rare)
Amulet of Vigor (BiS for Melee builds)
Boots of Shocking Step (BiS Melee damage booster)
Hunter's Leather Armor (BiS Missile Damage Torso Slot)
Gloves of Focus (BiS healing gloves)
IS: Tourmaline Tear (In top 5 rare or under IS)
Pants of the Oaf (Best damage dealing Pants)
Shield of the Stag (Specifically for Offhand Ranged shield)

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 5 years 4 months ago #10

Endgame wrote:

Anthony Barnstable wrote: Which ones are you thinking of?

Non participation / volunteer Rare or less BiS or near BiS items off the top of my Head:
Assassin's blade (BiS Rogue and Monk)
+1 Heavy Claymore (BiS 2H Rare)
Amulet of Vigor (BiS for Melee builds)
Boots of Shocking Step (BiS Melee damage booster)
Hunter's Leather Armor (BiS Missile Damage Torso Slot)
Gloves of Focus (BiS healing gloves)
IS: Tourmaline Tear (In top 5 rare or under IS)
Pants of the Oaf (Best damage dealing Pants)
Shield of the Stag (Specifically for Offhand Ranged shield)

I would submit Stout Mail as a BiS armor for melee Ranger, Bard, and Rogue. +1 CON to round out the stat for rare level builds.

Also, +1 Wooden Shield gives +3 AC to significantly more classes than Defender or Tower Shield. Mostly applies to Druids.

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 5 years 3 months ago #11

I was hoping for a bit of clarification on the "What Stats do I need" section. Do the "to hit" modifiers you list factor in bardsong or bless/prayer at all? I'm just wondering if I should plan for less if those are involved.

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Uncommonly Good Tokens 5 years 3 months ago #12

James Bennett wrote: I was hoping for a bit of clarification on the "What Stats do I need" section. Do the "to hit" modifiers you list factor in bardsong or bless/prayer at all? I'm just wondering if I should plan for less if those are involved.

Hello James,

The target to-hit modifiers would include all your bonuses, so yes to Bardsong and Prayer.

So, if you want to be hitting on a ~10 on Normal you need around +10 to hit, which you could get from:

Level 4 Bardsong: +1
Prayer: +2
Rare +1 weapon: +1
Enchanter's Whetstone: +1
Base 15 STR on fighter: +2
Built in Fighter weapons expertise: +2

You're at +10!

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