Please feel free to comment, debate, suggest changes, etc.
Note: What I am trying to put together is a *simple* document which can be downloaded from the Resources section of the web page, OR printed out for display/distribution at the Con. I want it to be 2 pages, max (so it can be printed on a single piece of paper, double-sided). In theory, it should be possible to give copies to newbies and inexperienced traders at the Con. It is not meant as a definitive document, but a starting place, to introduce new players to token trading.
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Raven's Rough Guide to
~ True Dungeon Token Trading ~
Tokens are a fun part of the True Dungeon experience. Over the years many have been printed, and a small token-trading economy formed. You don't need to trade tokens, but you'll find that buying and/or trading lets you equip yourself better & increases your chances of survival in the dungeon.
Due to the sheer volume of tokens printed and the ever-changing nature of True Dungeon, it's not possible to print a definitive list of values. Instead, this guide is a quick primer on the token-trading economy, to give you a rough idea of what your tokens are worth, so you can trade with confidence.
Common | BLACK | Low-end weapons, armor, scrolls, basic gear |
Uncommon | GREEN | Mid-range weapons, armor, decent scrolls, good potions |
Rare | RED | Magic rings, +1 weapons, good armor, top-tier scrolls & potions |
Ultra-Rare (UR) | PURPLE | Best weapons & armor, magic items, amulets & rings |
Transmuted (crafted) | BLUE | Rarity varies, depending on star points or "cauldron" icons.
Roughly, 3 pt star = Rare, 4 pt = UR, 5pt = better than UR |
Trade goods | MAROON | Rarity varies; represents gold (GP), goods & crafting materials |
Ingredients | BLACK | Monster trophies. Found only as Treasure. Used for crafting |
You can buy tokens directly from True Dungeon's administration desk at GenCon, or online at
$7.99 = One bag of 10 tokens (1 rare, 2 uncommon, 7 common, 1% chance of a random UR)
$250 = Ultra-Rare Value Pack (30 bags, 1 UR of your choice, plus 30% chance of a random UR)
average price for GP on eBay = $.02 - $.05 per GP (depending on demand)
average value of commons = 1 - 5 GP … Except for healing & good potions/scrolls
average value of uncommons = 10 - 50 GP … Except healing & good potions/scrolls
average value of rares = 100 - 500 GP … Prices vary a lot in this category
average value of an ultra-rare = 2000 - 6000 GP
average price for an UR token on eBay (current printing) ~ $75 - $150
average price for Out-Of-Print UR token on eBay: ~$100 - $250, but some go for much more.
Note: Ultra-Rare tokens from the current year are usually shown on large posters outside the True Dungeon admin desk. These tokens, PLUS last year’s UR's, are available for purchase (while supplies last) as part of the Ultra-Rare Value Pack. See above.
First, a Disclaimer: If you work out a deal with a friend or a token trader, and you're both happy with it, then
IT IS A GOOD DEAL. There's no hard & fast rule for what counts as fair. One man's steal-of-a-deal may be another's rip-off. If you get wrapped up in calculating the exact value of each token, you're likely to hoard them instead of trading for gear which could actually increase your life expectancy in the dungeon. Shop around if you like; browse eBay or the TD forums; visit sellers in the Dealers Hall; but when it comes down to it, make a transaction you are both happy with.
That said, here are some guidelines on what to expect…
COMMONS - If you are looking to buy commons, many traders will sell them for Gold Piece tokens (GP). You are less likely to trade or sell commons to token collectors tho. They have plenty already. The exceptions are healing (everyone likes healing) and gems (worth GP.)
Healing: On average, 1 point of healing costs ~25 GP. So, a 1-pt Cure Minor Wounds Potion would have an average value of 25 GP. A 5-pt Cure Minor Wounds Scroll would have an average value of 125 GP. Potions tend to be worth slightly more as anyone can drink them, vs. healing scrolls which can only be used by Divine castors (Clerics, Druids & Bards)… but it's roughly comparable.
Damage Scrolls: On average, these cost 1-10 GP per point (less for low-end damage, more for high-end). Scrolls which require a save, or to hit an AC, are worth a bit less; scrolls which hit multiple foes or are marked "Divine" are worth a bit more. So a common scroll of Magic Missile (4pt, no save) could cost 12 GP, while a rare Lightning Strike (12pt, no save) goes for 120+ GP.
UNCOMMONS - Although some potions & scrolls will be sought after, most big traders don't buy these. However, if you look around, you may find traders who will trade you commons for a couple uncommons, so your basic gear is covered. You can also buy uncommons with GP.
RARES - These vary considerably in price. Rare weapons & armor usually trade for 100 - 150 GP. A Magic Ring is often 200 - 250 GP. A Potion of Death's Door can be 250 - 500 GP. Most traders can outfit you in class-appropriate weapons & armor in trade for GP, or high-end rares.
URs - Many new players wander around trying to trade their uncommon and rare tokens for the sought after Ultra-rares. This is mostly a waste of time (Sorry!) You are unlikely to find a trader who’ll part with an UR for anything less than another UR. However, there are some who will sell them for GP. An average UR can fetch 2000 - 6000 GP. Out of Print URs will often cost more.
If you are lucky enough to find an UltraRare token in your bag, or draw one from a treasure chest, you will have a much easier time finding someone who wants to buy it from you! Some people choose to hold onto their URs, and that is totally cool. (We all understand the lure of a shiny +2 sword, or magic armor!) If you want to sell it for cash, you can probably get $50 - $150 for it (depending on the token). If you want to trade it away, look for a token trader who will give you 20+ rares in exchange. You will probably find that a single +2 weapon contributes less to your survival than having +1 melee and +1 ranged weapons, top-tier armor, rings on both hands, magic boots, belt, cloak, an amulet raising your AC, and a pocketful of healing, scrolls, and useful potions.
TRANSMUTABLES & TRADE GOODS - Not everyone gets involved with Crafting, as it takes time & effort. Certain transmuted tokens can be created at the Con, but Trade Goods must be mailed in during the year. Occasionally Transmuted tokens can be found as Treasure. Their value is proportional to how hard they are to make. A 3-pointed star at the bottom of the token= easy (trade value similar to rare), 4 pts = hard (trades like URs), 5pts = UR+. Recipes may be found online.
INGREDIENTS - Some players are happy if they reach into the Treasure box and draw out ingredients (aka monster trophies, representing monsters encountered in the dungeon.) Other players, who don't get involved with Transmuting/crafting, are disappointed. The good news is many traders are looking for ingredients and will give you a nice deal for them.
Ingredients can be worth anywhere from 250 - 750 GP, or can be traded for Rares like +1 weapons and magic rings. Some traders are only looking for specific ingredients, where others will buy any & all of them. Ingredients from previous years (whose Transmutation recipes are no longer valid) tend to be worth less, so this is one situation where holding onto tokens does not increase their value.