I don't usually power-game to this extent, but this one struck me as a fun one to share. I was mulling over potential strategies for dealing with DracoSmoak and thought of a fun six person run next year against her using the Draco Snack load-out. Due to the Mithral class restrictions, the team would need to be Barbarian, Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, and one wildcard who would be Guarded by the Paladin (probably a Cleric to handle the massive amount of healing required).
The goal would have everyone except the wildcard equipped with the following Draco Snack equipment:
- Mithral Quintet Set (Sword, Cap, Chain, Gauntlets, Boots)
- Amulet of Thorns
- Dragonbane Surcoat
- Ring of X Elemental Command
- Ring of Y Elemental Command
- Charm of the Urchin
- Bracers of Greater Stunning
Everyone would also wear Violet Prism Ioun Stones.
This would mean that on a successful melee attack (against the valid targets) DracoSmoak would take 28 points of damage back, 32 if she kills the target. If she misses with a 1, she does 6 damage to herself and ends her turn. If she shoots spells, they fizzle (unless she's tossing out 4th level or higher spells). So, either she does massive amounts of damage to herself, wastes spells, or has to rely on some Dracolich ranged attack. The Cleric either gets to toss out fun undead hurting magic or play team medic.
As an undead, DracoSmoak might be immune to certain forms of elemental damage, so the total might drop down to 26 per hit with only the Supreme Ring of Elemental Command equipped.
This build would rely on a a lot of healing consumables and all the Snacks can't get to 5th level. But, it still struck me a fun concept.
"Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq.