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TOPIC: combo tokens from previous years

Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #25


<br /><br />Maybe we'll get an Intellect Devourer Brain Ingredient token one of these years.<br />And then we'll all have more brains available to us!
When all signs point to Rome, Diane, it’s time to buy Lira and go. - Agent Dale Cooper
2004 Gen Con's True Dungeon ○ 2005 Assault Atop Castle Greyhawk ○ 2005 Battle Beneath Castle Greyhawk ○ 2005 True Heroes "Avengers Assemble!" ○ 2006 Escape the Spider Cult (VIP) ○ 2008 Hope for the Lost ○ 2009 With Smoak Comes Fire ○ 2009 The Five Aspects ○ 2009 True Grind ○ 2010 DragonWard ○ 2010 The Evading Hilt ○ ... and beyond!

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #26

  • Raywind
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The only time I've ever been annoyed at a group of people is when they showed up for a True Grind event.. (IE: All combat), and didn't bring a single token with them. >.>

Caution: May contain cynicism and snark. Handle with care.

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #27

  • bpsymington
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And most tokens don't help with puzzle solving, which is just as important as combat in TD.<br />
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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #28

  • Raven
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<br />tobin is right. tokens make some things easier, but not all. THERE WILL NEVER BE A TOKEN EQUAL TO A GOOD BRAIN!

<br /><br />Woot!<br /><br />I am stealing that line.

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #29

  • bpsymington
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BRAINSSSS!!!!<br />
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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #30

Also, please keep in mind that other than the four tokens offered exclusively at Gencon, Trade items, Reserve bars, and the Trade item combos could be turned in to me at any time with the caveat that I have 24 hours to get counts verified and back to you.  <br /><br />As of Friday night (and Saturday and Sunday) all combos will be available for trade at the comboing times.  So other than a minor risk of us running out of one type of token, you only would need to show up to one of those times.  <br /><br />During the year, with a few blackout exceptions, I allow trades for Trade items, Reserve bars, and the Trade item combos to be mailed to me.<br /><br />I am taking a big chance this year based on how efficiently things have run in the past, and am offering two different combos per night (Thursday and Friday) so all combos will be available on Friday.  This is instead of offering one combo each day, in progressing difficulty to make, to ensure the lines move fast...<br /><br />So while I do understand your not wanting to have your life revolve around TD (as some of us do), I think I have tried to be as accommodating as I can for people's schedules and special circumstances...<br /><br />Dave
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #31

<br />tobin is right. tokens make some things easier, but not all. THERE WILL NEVER BE A TOKEN EQUAL TO A GOOD BRAIN!<br />

<br />So being new, with no uber tokens, I'm seriously screwed....  =D

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #32

Maybe you can borrow a brain? I think I saw a depository for them somewhere . <br /><br />If you need to return it after 5:00 P.M., slip brains though slot in door.
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #33

I think you can do just fine with a set of red colored text (rare) tokens.  Check out the True Dungeon handbook.  Hang around the True Dungeon event, and see who would sell/trade you some rare tokens to outfit your party.  Check out eBay to get the general idea of the value of a rare (most are about $5, weapons tend to be lower than $5, a few rare tokens are $10-$35 . . . just get lower cost items).  I bet with less than $40, you can outfit yourself really well with reds.  Also there are green text tokens (uncommon) that sell for about $2, so you can outfit yourself for about $16 with those.  You can fill in black text tokens likely for free (if you buy some red or green tokens, you can make them part of the deal easy).<br /><br />If you pull any Dungeon Only tokens .  .  . you could trade them for the sky ($5-$30).  <br />
"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered.  I have fought my way here to the castle, beyond the Goblin City.  To take back the child which you have stolen . . . for my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great . . ..”<br />Sarah _The Labyrinth_

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #34

You could probably also work with one of these forum folks to get the xC tokens traded in for you. Ahead of time give them the tokens needed for the trade, and one of them would probably stand in line and get them for you at the alotted time. 

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #35

Maybe you can borrow a brain? I think I saw a depository for them somewhere.

<br /><br />Right through that door there is a chasm.  On the other side is a friendly mind flayer.  I'm sure he has a spare or two.
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #36

First and foremost Dballing, my group has been nothing but casual players  since True Dungeon began and we truly enjoy ourselves every year.  We love the adventures, the puzzles, the atmosphere, most of the people and 6 out of us have never bought more then the starter pack that they give us when you play an adventure.  We have never cared to turn in any of  our tokens and have never really thought much about it.  We have never died, never failed to finish a quest and even defeated a nightmare run.  All this with just a few packs of tokens and our teamwork!  Like anything, you can be as into it as you want to be, there is an amazing amount of activities going on at Gen Con and it never killed anyone to not get a token.  So you can be a casual player and still have fun.<br /><br />   With that said, and for most of you this does not apply to you but yes some people out there are way to token crazy and seemingly have lost the point of True Dungeon.  When the whole reason for going on 20 runs is just to get 200 token pulls it can ruin the game.  By this I mean, the point should be to have fun, to try to accomplish the quest and survive each room.  The fun is in playing the game.  I was unfortunate enough to play a round at True Realm where it was our group and 1 other player, I had two purples, the rest of the group none, this one player was a purped out monster with a horn of plenty, he proceeded to kill most every monster and run to the judge to find the token pull stamp.  When he discovered that most of the rooms contained no draws he bitched and bitched and wined.  With every room it got worse and worse.  While our group was having fun trying to solve the puzzle, he was talking each room's judge ears off about why there wasn't more treasure.  He was in such a foul mood that it dragged our party down and almost ruined it for the rest of us.  He ended up storming off muttering under his breath about how he was going to make sure that this kind of adventure was never run again and that whoever wrote it was "fired"  Don't get me wrong, I like tokens and a cool token for staying alive is great, but the whole event is the reason for playing.  PLAY FOR FUN PEOPLE!!!<br /><br />  I am just going to come out and say it, True Dungeon rocks, it is awesome and it is thanks to Jeff and company's hard work throughout the year that makes it possible, it is the volunteers that make it great, you guys deserve the props people they do all this work for our happiness! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.  Thank you to all of the writers, judges, and anybody else who pours their blood sweat and tears so that I can have a great Gen Con.  Dballing, just enjoy your runs through the adventure, you can have all kinds of fun without worrying about tokens.  Also, I have read from one of the administrators that the old ingredients tokens might come into play at a future event so I'd keep your old ones as you might find that they are valuable again.
Proud member Dungeon Delver's Anonymous.

Team Kraken Killers

My name is Sean Hanlin, you killed my father, prepare to die.

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