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TOPIC: combo tokens from previous years

Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #13

this is a really good example of why i try to get extras of all the combos. it helps out the casual player that missed out or the person that got caught up in another event, that is when i can trade with them.
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #14

I think you can have fun as a casual player in TD or in CCG. My group has been playing Magic since 1993 and all we do now is drafting new sets, so we aren't chasing the top cards. In TD, we played with very few tokens from 2003 - 2006, and had a blast. It wasn't until 2007 that I became a big token buyer, which is also fun. I agree with everyone that says you can have very few tokens and have fun in normal mode - which is what the vast majority of players do. One difference between this and CCG is that you are not competing against others, so their having more tokens doesn't impact your game play.

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #15

How many of you folks who say you would enjoy "casual play" have ever tried doing it when you're in the same group as a bunch of token-heavy folks?  Again, I think a lot of folks here probably get together with bunches of friends and do full/almost-full runs just in their particular group (or at least, that's what it seems like).<br /><br />When you're equipped with nothing but a lowly Scimitar and leather armor, and you AREN'T friends with your run-mates, and they're doing decent damage with blues, reds, and purples, and looking on with you with scorn and disdain as you do your paltry damage or miss entirely....<br /><br />It's all well and good when an entire run of folks gets together and says "we're going to just use daggers" or "we're all going to trust our fate to the sealed bag we get", because there's a shared camaraderie accepting that fate. But when you're the "weak one" in a party full of token-hoards, my experience has not been a good one (which is why, last year, I decided to try and jump-start my ability to "do well" with like $400 worth of tokens)<br /><br />Again, maybe this is just me, but it seems to be consistent year-over-year with the groups I've been stuck with (2 runs each year for three to four years running now), so my quantity of data-points seems safe to me.

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #16

<br />this is a really good example of why i try to get extras of all the combos. it helps out the casual player that missed out or the person that got caught up in another event when i can trade with them.<br />

<br /><br />Always thinking smak.  =)<br /><br />I'll have to see about catching up with you next year to hopefully pick up some of the things I have missed out on for the last couple of years.
Proud owner of a +3 Holy Great Sword .

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #17

  • jtillots
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I think what you're really complaining about is having to run with strangers. I've been in several parties where I didn't know the other people in the group. I've been lucky and have had pretty decent groups. Last years was awesome. Two guys were token-heavy, but they passed out tokens to the rest of the group - gave my youngest son who was running the paladin and entire set of (dragonscale?) armor to wear. He then played the wizard and spent the entire dungeon hiding behind the paladin. It was so fun! The other people in the group were casual players. I think one of them even turned down the offer to borrow tokens. But none of us treated each other poorly. I figure if a token-heavy player doesn't want to play with the token-lite players, then they need to get an entire block. Also, I'm a terrible slider. All I do is ask to go first. No one ever said one word to me about the fact that I didn't hit much of anything.<br /><br />I'm sorry that players have been rude to you. You might consider these forums for tickets in the future. Most of the people on the TD forums are good people and a blast to play with. You might find that you have more fun.

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #18

Please take this with a grain of salt, because I do usually run with friends I have made at TD, but not always.  Every year I run at least one run with people I don't know at all.  I feel bad you've had experiences like you have shared with us, but I have never seen that in any of the groups I have run with that are kind of thrown together groups.  Often heavily token laden players loan, share, equip, and just plain give tokens to people who need them.  I know on one run, I used 2 deaths door, and about 50 pts of healing scrolls and potions on people in a party I didn't know.  We all had a great time.  The two or three experienced players could have been very critical of some of the dumb mistakes the newbies made, but I have never seen anyone look down on other players with "scorn".<br /><br />I'm sorry you've had those experiences.  I certainly would welcome you on any run we might run together.
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #19

i have had good and bad experiences. the number one rule is to have fun....and please remember, it's just a game. tokens don't mean anything.  ;/
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
TD Patron since 2005.
Completed 24 runs at GC 2017 and 21 at GC 2022.
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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #20

<br />i have had good and bad experiences. the number one rule is to have fun....and please remember, it's just a game. tokens don't mean anything.  ;/<br />

LOL<br /><br />Smak and J are right though.  I think it might just be a matter of how you are perceiving things, most of the token heavy players are great people and you will have many instances like what Widseth does.  I think you just need to remember to have fun with the game and that all the doubts about you as a player come from you.  If you don't have a completely purped out character no big deal, because your still there offering your solutions to the puzzles and strategy, which in my mind more than makes up for that.
Proud owner of a +3 Holy Great Sword .

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #21

I've been playing TD since the beginning and even though I would dearly love to do a run with seven of my good friends, I never have. Every single run I've ever done has been with people I didn't know previously. Only one run in all those years have I ever been in a group I didn't like and even then it was only three of the players. They were three little douchebags who didn't listen and screwed around the whole time. I honestly think they did it just to annoy the rest of the group. One out of the dozens of runs I've done through the years is pretty good odds. The overwhelming majority of TD players are a delight to play with.<br /><br />I have never, ever been in a group where the token-rich vets looked down on those with few tokens. On the contrary, it's been my experience that those with tokens to spare gladly loan out weapons & equipment to help. Hell, it's in their best interest to do so.<br /><br />I'm sure it's possible that you really did have the misfortune of grouping with a-holes. If you did, I'm sorry for you because True Dungeon has always been fun for me and that's why I keep coming back year after year. If you're not having fun playing any game, you need to stop playing it.
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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #22

<br />

<br />i have had good and bad experiences. the number one rule is to have fun....and please remember, it's just a game. tokens don't mean anything.  ;/<br />

LOL<br /><br />Smak and J are right though.  I think it might just be a matter of how you are perceiving things, most of the token heavy players are great people and you will have many instances like what Widseth does.  I think you just need to remember to have fun with the game and that all the doubts about you as a player come from you.  If you don't have a completely purped out character no big deal, because your still there offering your solutions to the puzzles and strategy, which in my mind more than makes up for that.<br />

<br /><br />I agree with everything said above.  I've never had anybody look down on me because of a lack of UR tokens (before I acquired some) and actually had some 'loaned' to me (armor-wise and such) for a run.  Really in my mind, the only advantage to having URs is that it makes the game easier.  For some, that can help allay the frustration factor of the game at higher difficulty. <br /><br />Another thing of note is that there is something you can do with the 'junk' is turn it in for trade item tokens.  I know for a fact that if it weren't for that, a good number of the higher-volume token buyers would be lost under the sea of tokens.<br /><br />Just my thoughts on the subject.
Tobin Blake, High Paladin of the Church of Francis, Testudine Shield, Adamantine Wall


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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #23

<br />I'm sure it's possible that you really did have the misfortune of grouping with a-holes. If you did, I'm sorry for you because True Dungeon has always been fun for me and that's why I keep coming back year after year. If you're not having fun playing any game, you need to stop playing it.<br />

<br /><br />Well, maybe this is all just pre-game anxiety/bitterness of some sort. Who knows. One kind soul has come forward and been very generous in helping me get the things I was looking to get from last year's combos, so I definitely feel a little better about things than I did earlier this morning. I've still got my runs planned for next Saturday*, so maybe the "fun of the run" will cheer me up and overcome my other misgivings. =D<br /><br />*next saturday, holy cow, is GenCon that close already?!! yayyyyy<br />

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Re: combo tokens from previous years 13 years 10 months ago #24

tobin is right. tokens make some things easier, but not all. THERE WILL NEVER BE A TOKEN EQUAL TO A GOOD BRAIN!<br /><br />as for the "junk", thank the gods for trade items. would anyone want to guess at the size of my "sea of tokens", if i did not trade so many back in?
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
TD Patron since 2005.
Completed 24 runs at GC 2017 and 21 at GC 2022.
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