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TOPIC: Token questions from a newbie

Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #1

Having never experienced TD, and being new to the whole thing, I can't help but wonder about the importance of tokens in the game. I have read many places that you really don't need a lot of tokens to finish the dungeon successfully, but that they definitley help. Personally, I ordered 30 tokens. But I am reading all these posts about people buying enough for multiple complete sets and it makes me want to purchase more! (good marketing job guys) <br />Right now I have myself and my daugher who are going try our best to get into one TD run. I could possibly have as many as 4 other players so that we could have the better part of a group. Since we will probably never get to do this again, I want the experience to be the best it can be. Having played D&D for years, we kinda want to go into this like a well equipped adventuring party would do. So we would like to have all the fundamental equipment, appropriate arms and armor, and a few magic items. We are not looking for large amounts of rare and ultra rare items, just enough stuff to make it enjoyable. I mean, who wants to pay a fighter who goes into a dungeon with no armor, a small shield and an orcish dirk simply because we didn't plan this better?<br />So, I have these important questions. <br />How many "bags" of tokens; on average, do you need to purchase to have a reasonable change of getting a complete set of common and uncommon tokens? <br />Is there enough of a market for rare and gp value tokens that I could possibly trade these types to get some more mundane itmes?<br />Is any of this trading done here online and before the Con or does it all take place at the show? (obviously there has to be an exchange of the tokens so I assume it has to be done in person.)<br />Finally, I assume that most of the forumites here are collectors as well as adventurers and volunteers so that is why large amounts of tokens are purchased, but are they really that important in game? If we are not able to afford or trade for everything we want can we still enjoy our run?<br /><br /><br />Edited to include: I have had no good experiences with ebay and really do not consider that an option for any purchases that I make. I have not searched there to see if tokens are available, but I would probably not consider it anyway.

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #2

At the beginning of TD, tokens were not needed to play - and now they aren't always - some people plan on going on commando runs (a dagger token only).  But, they do help a LOT if you are tring to finish the run, and esp if you are not used to how TD plays out.  Good armor, weapons and some healing items are pretty important to have.<br /><br />A lot of the people who buy tons of tokens are collectors, and/or people who want to help TD out.  (This Golden Ticket thing is making people want to buy more as well.)  Don't forget that each person gets a bag of tokens right before entering the dungeon, so you will have a few more to play with.<br /><br />As far as trading goes - rares and gp usually do pretty well if you want to trade down for commons and uncommons.  Depending on the actual rares, you might be able to get a good deal of the smaller stuff.<br /><br />Hope that helps.

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #3

Tokens aren't required, but I think that they do add to the flavor of the game.  Each player is given one bag of tokens as part of their ticket price.  You receive that when you sign in.  Once you proceed to the marshalling area and sit down at the table designated for your timeslot, it's a good idea to try and trade amongst your party to make sure that each character class is properly equipped.  Also, the player coaches will have a certain amount of tokens on them in case a party's equipment is really out of whack.  My big question is how old is your daughter that you're wanting to take on a dungeon run.  TD does have an age limit.<br /><br />Kim
"It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years."Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #4

She is 14. I checked the age limit and I believe that is OK. <br />If it were just me and her, I wouldn't worry too much about the tokens. Between the 30 I have preordered and the 20 we will get at the Con I could be happy with whatever we get. But if I get the other 4 players to commit (about 75% chance right now) I will want to step it up a little and go all out. <br />

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #5

There should be enough of a market for you to trade rare and gp tokens for other items (up to rare).  It's rare be able to trade for UR without another UR or cash but that also possible.  Post what you need.
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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #6

  • Raven
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Rsparks, I would be really surprised if you couldn't get ALL your Common and Uncommon token needs met, just by posting online what you are looking for. There's enough of us token addicts who making large purchases that we are happy to supply new players with their basic needs, to increase their odds of surviving the dungeon.<br /><br />For Rares, post what you have, and what you're looking to trade for, and it's pretty easy to find someone who can help you out with the basic stuff. if you're looking for a Potion of Death's Door per party member, that might be trickier. But a +1 Sword, or a nice magic scroll, you will find people who'll trade for GP (or in this case: rings, candlesticks, etc.) or for other Rares.<br />

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #7

We really are looking for nothing more then some basics. I plan/want to play a Paladin and my daughter has her heart set on a Ranger. Our wish lists would include armor, weapons (hand and ranged), adventuring equipment like rope, grapple, tinder and the like, and maybe a healing potion or two. Just enough to represent the characters that we play so often. <br />Hopefully my pre-order will arrive soon and I can see what we have. I have no problem trading off any rare items we get to help bulster our inventory. Since this will most likely be our only trip through TD (unless I catch the bug so bad I have to go back)the tokens will really just be souveniers of our grand adventure. <br />Am I being too optomistic that I am even going to be able to purchase tickets when they go live? I plan to be sitting at the keyboard when the time comes!

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #8

  • Raven
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<br />Am I being too optomistic that I am even going to be able to purchase tickets when they go live? I plan to be sitting at the keyboard when the time comes!<br />

<br /><br />Yeah, sitting at the computer when the time comes is a pretty good idea. the tickets go fast!<br />But even if you don't get them when they first go online, don't be disappointed. Sometimes people store events in their cart and it looks like things are sold out even when they aren't. Sometimes people cancel events after talking to friends and deciding they can't do everything they wanted to. Keep checking event registration regularly and you might luck out (persistence is the key). Or, hop onto this forum and see if anyone is looking for a couple members for their group... many members buy the full 7 (or 8) tickets for a run, so they can hand-pick their team mates and don't end up with random strangers. If all else fails, come to the event and get yourself on the standby list. It make take time, but if you really want to run, you can make it work.<br />

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #9

<br />We really are looking for nothing more then some basics. I plan/want to play a Paladin and my daughter has her heart set on a Ranger. Our wish lists would include armor, weapons (hand and ranged), adventuring equipment like rope, grapple, tinder and the like, and maybe a healing potion or two. Just enough to represent the characters that we play so often. <br />Hopefully my pre-order will arrive soon and I can see what we have. I have no problem trading off any rare items we get to help bulster our inventory. Since this will most likely be our only trip through TD (unless I catch the bug so bad I have to go back)the tokens will really just be souveniers of our grand adventure. <br />Am I being too optomistic that I am even going to be able to purchase tickets when they go live? I plan to be sitting at the keyboard when the time comes!<br />

<br /><br />As long as you're sitting there ready to go, you shouldn't have a problem.  Last year was my first year, and I made the mistake of not having an idea in my head about what time I wanted to run, and wasn't sure if I wanted puzzle or combat, so I wasn't as 'efficient' as I could have been - still scored 3 tickets for my group with no problem, though.<br /><br />And don't let the tokenholics on here scare you - I think some of them must grind up the tokens and either snort or inject them.  I'm sure one of us can hook you up - including me!  Just look through the token list and get an idea of what you need.  You're right, you can actually get pretty well outfitted with just commons/uncommons.<br /><br />binia

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #10

You can outfit the party pretty well relatively cheaply - I'd think many people might donate tokens, and you should have a lot of trading material with 30 bags of tokens.  Fighters/Paladins/Clerics can do well with Half Plate Armor, Large Shields, Great Helms (all Uncommons) and an Uncommon or Common Weapon.  For the rest of the classes, you can outfit them pretty well with the right commons and uncommons, with some Rares scattered in. 

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #11

Welcome to the forum, Rsparks410!  =D I can vouch for these guys here, they will help you out, fit and fine.  Good luck, and hope to see you grinning from ear-to-ear after your first run with your daughter.
Fotoz by Fritz

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Re: Token questions from a newbie 16 years 6 months ago #12

Of course it might be fun to see her grinning from ear to ear because she survived and dad bit it.  Ha  =D<br /><br /><br />Widseth
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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