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TOPIC: New Token Ideas

New Token Ideas 18 years 4 months ago #73

dbradical wrote: On that line of thinking, however, I was under the impression that the original compass systems were very large, expensive, and fairly exclusively used on ships and even rarely then due to the cost and rarity. A small handheld model was much later in showing up.

I confess, I have yet to do any real research on the subject, but it is worth consideration however as a potential token whether common or rare.


Dave are you referring to sextants ?

As for the compass , the magnetized needle instead of use of loadstone was introduced in 8 century A.D.
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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New Token Ideas 18 years 4 months ago #74

I think dbradical was implying that the ancient style compasses were not the hand-held things of today, but large cumbersome items like this:

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Not to change the topic from compasses, but I did have a thought about a new tokens that I wanted to share...

I was thinking that some sort of wondrous item/ring that would give the user damage reduction (either per room, or per damage taken). Some folks that have the ring od regeneration have stated that it can get cumbersome to always have to stop and get healed every room (and we all know how important time is), this item would function like the ring of regen, but would streamline the process... though it would probably have to have a similar level of rarity, or couldn't be worn with the ring of regeneration...

I also was thinking (after seeing countless thieves fail to disarm/open traps & locks) that an item that made the theif more "skilled" and allowed them a slimmer stylus (and thus an easier time navigating the trap) could be neat...

Just some thoughts, I'm sure they have plenty of holes.

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New Token Ideas 18 years 4 months ago #75

The idea of a special stylus as a “masterwork tool” has been bantered about. We actually have much thicker stylus that we considered using for hardcore mode, but they were darn near impossible to use. So in a sense you are already using the easier stylus. The problem with having several or even two styluses (styli ??) is that they were getting misplaced and lost. This is why the masterwork Thieves tool became a mulligan with the standard tool. When we initially tried letting the thief carry around their special thinner tool, we never got them back (imagine that).

As far as a different type of ring is concerned, that is not out of the realm of possibility as the token set has not yet been finalized. The plans are to decide on that information soon, as soon as Jeff finishes work on the new modules and we have all the details worked out on the locations.

You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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New Token Ideas 18 years 4 months ago #76

Is there going to be a quiz later?
Except for Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism, War Has Never Solved Anything.

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New Token Ideas 18 years 4 months ago #77

Only if you want to get to the special super secret room in the dungeon. ;)
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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Re: New Token Ideas 18 years 2 months ago #78

if there is going to be a monk class i would to see special tokens for that class<br /><br />Monk:<br />Knuckles<br />Wood (common token)<br />Brass (rare token increased damage)<br />Steel (very rare basically functions as a +1)<br />Mithril (ultra rare +2 knuckle weapon with a secondary +1 dexterity enchantment (because mithril is light))<br /><br />Peasent Weapons: usable by monk and some other classes (i would also make +1 and +2 versions of these weapons)<br />Kama (scythe like weapon with standard damage useable by fighter, monk, bard, or ranger)<br />Numbchucks (martial arts weapon similar damage to mace +1 dexerity usable by monk or bard)<br />Three Sectional Staff (a staff broken down into 3 sections held together by a chain which has quarterstaff damage and +1 to defense) I would make this weapon usable by monks only<br /><br />Ultra Rare Ideas (for all character classes)<br />Ring of Damage Reduction (allows the first 1-2 points of damage to be absorbed in combat) you could make the damage reduction greater but it might unbalance the game<br />Grimore (gives the wizard 1-2 inherent extra spells at the DM's discretion)<br /><br />Very Rare Idea<br />Ring of Light (gives the user a lightsource to carry around in the dungeon but if they take it off the light is extinguished)<br />Gauntlets of Undead Slaying (gives the user +2 enhanced damage vs. undead creatures when worn by a cleric these gauntlets could increase their turn undead skill)

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Re: New Token Ideas 18 years 2 months ago #79

<br />Only if you want to get to the special super secret room in the dungeon.  ;)<br />

<br /><br />I didn't get to go into the super secret room last year.    :mad:  Of course since you had to die, perhaps I don't really mind so much.  :lol:
A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

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Re: New Token Ideas 18 years 1 month ago #80

I had a great idea for a non-game level benefit:  You get a token named in your honor.  <br /><br />I can see it now:  [glow=purple,2,300]Arcbat's Dagger of Venom[/glow]<br /><br />Maybe not this year, but perhaps for next year?<br />

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Re: New Token Ideas 18 years 1 month ago #81

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I think Gary's already made it to that level!  ;)

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: New Token Ideas 18 years 1 month ago #82

HOOT HOOT...<br /><br />And I'm not telling the secret combination of what it took to get that token...but it involves, volunteer time, token purchases, module contribution, token purchases, prop construction, token purchases, forum participation, token purchases...and generally Jeff's kind hearted appreciation for someone who PESTERS him about a preferred class weapon of choice...<br /><br />hehehe<br /><br />EDIT - Just kidding - I would never pester Jeff about not having a +2 mace in the game...especially now that there is one!
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Re: New Token Ideas 18 years 1 month ago #83

There is always a possibility, this year Jeff had each director come up with a special item for the artisan tokens, so I would not be surprised to see "legendary" veteran's names appear from time to time in other ways.<br /><br />I am still keeping Henwy's Greyhawk Orphans fund on the list as an open possibility.<br /><br />Dave
You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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Re: New Token Ideas 18 years 1 month ago #84

Anyone watching The Unit on TV?...last night I could have sworn Henwy was behind all the kids being used as sentry guards...hehehehe  JK
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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