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TOPIC: Re: what makes one a "tokenholic"?

Re: what makes one a "tokenholic"? 15 years 4 months ago #301

A Goblin Babe?
Tobin Blake, High Paladin of the Church of Francis, Testudine Shield, Adamantine Wall


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Re: what makes one a "tokenholic"? 15 years 4 months ago #302

What babe?
Fotoz by Fritz

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Re: what makes one a "tokenholic"? 15 years 4 months ago #303

<br />     Well, under the beliefs of the court system, since he could financially support the children he received custody of them.  She was so emotionally beat down she was unable to barely care for herself, let alone the children, and therefore couldn't be awarded custody.  <br /><br />     In an ideal world the children would've gone to their mother, but thanks to the wonderful advocacy of social workers and other people who love to remind us to 'think of the children' and such things, financial stability to support the children causes the courts to overlook the abuse of their mother.  It was a terrible catch-22, unfortunately, since putting them in the foster care might have been as just as harmful to them in the long run, seeing as how there was no record of him abusing the children.<br /><br />     Not that I'm disrespecting foster parents or social workers, but unfortunately the system is so overloaded nowadays that case workers have far too many families and children to keep track of that inevitably either the social worker burns out or the child falls through the cracks.  It's really quite sad.<br />

<br /><br />I am very close to a friend who does custody evaluations and yes, the system is incredibly over-loaded and as she puts it, often determining what is best for the children in question is "chosing the lesser of two evils". Some of the situations are just unbelievable and sometimes it comes down to chosing which of the parents are less abusive or mentally unstable. <br /> <br />
Legally... its questionable. Morally... its disgusting. Personally... I *like* it.

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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #304

The babe with the power.
"It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years."Abraham Lincoln

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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #305

What power?
Tobin Blake, High Paladin of the Church of Francis, Testudine Shield, Adamantine Wall


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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #306

<br />

<br />     Well, under the beliefs of the court system, since he could financially support the children he received custody of them.  She was so emotionally beat down she was unable to barely care for herself, let alone the children, and therefore couldn't be awarded custody.  <br /><br />     In an ideal world the children would've gone to their mother, but thanks to the wonderful advocacy of social workers and other people who love to remind us to 'think of the children' and such things, financial stability to support the children causes the courts to overlook the abuse of their mother.  It was a terrible catch-22, unfortunately, since putting them in the foster care might have been as just as harmful to them in the long run, seeing as how there was no record of him abusing the children.<br /><br />     Not that I'm disrespecting foster parents or social workers, but unfortunately the system is so overloaded nowadays that case workers have far too many families and children to keep track of that inevitably either the social worker burns out or the child falls through the cracks.  It's really quite sad.<br />

<br /><br />I am very close to a friend who does custody evaluations and yes, the system is incredibly over-loaded and as she puts it, often determining what is best for the children in question is "chosing the lesser of two evils". Some of the situations are just unbelievable and sometimes it comes down to chosing which of the parents are less abusive or mentally unstable. <br /> <br /> <br />

The answer most unequivocally is forced sterilization. Only the government should decide who can procreate.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #307

<br />

<br />

<br />     Well, under the beliefs of the court system, since he could financially support the children he received custody of them.  She was so emotionally beat down she was unable to barely care for herself, let alone the children, and therefore couldn't be awarded custody.  <br /><br />     In an ideal world the children would've gone to their mother, but thanks to the wonderful advocacy of social workers and other people who love to remind us to 'think of the children' and such things, financial stability to support the children causes the courts to overlook the abuse of their mother.  It was a terrible catch-22, unfortunately, since putting them in the foster care might have been as just as harmful to them in the long run, seeing as how there was no record of him abusing the children.<br /><br />     Not that I'm disrespecting foster parents or social workers, but unfortunately the system is so overloaded nowadays that case workers have far too many families and children to keep track of that inevitably either the social worker burns out or the child falls through the cracks.  It's really quite sad.<br />

<br /><br />I am very close to a friend who does custody evaluations and yes, the system is incredibly over-loaded and as she puts it, often determining what is best for the children in question is "chosing the lesser of two evils". Some of the situations are just unbelievable and sometimes it comes down to chosing which of the parents are less abusive or mentally unstable. <br /> <br /> <br />

The answer most unequivocally is forced sterilization. Only the government should decide who can procreate.<br />

<br /><br />Ooh, watch out... that was one of the base platforms of Nazi Germany.  It's called 'eugenics'...
Tobin Blake, High Paladin of the Church of Francis, Testudine Shield, Adamantine Wall


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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #308

I guess I can't be sure that you didn't know I was kidding. I am a fierce libertarian and as much as I'd feeel good revoking rights from the entitlement portion of our society, I believe in justice for all.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #309

    Sorry, yes.  I did know you were kidding.  I was trying to kid with you too but I guess the tone I was aiming for was lost in dispassionate text.  <br /><br />    I too feel strongly about justice for all, which is part of the reason why I chose being an attorney as a career path.
Tobin Blake, High Paladin of the Church of Francis, Testudine Shield, Adamantine Wall


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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #310

:jacked: :jacked: :jacked:<br /><br />THE POWER OF THE BABE.<br /><br /><br />
Fotoz by Fritz

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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #311

  • henwy
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Lawyers and justice...I dunno. It's not quite oil and water but is probably like reindeer and snow mobiles. They're sometimes found in the same environment but usually only after one has run into the other.

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I'm like a ray of sunshine. Cancerous.

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Re: what makes one a &quot;tokenholic&quot;? 15 years 4 months ago #312

    My my, aren't we a jaded one?<br /><br />    It's not as rare as you might think, it's simply a matter of finding attorneys who don't allow their ability to manipulate a system that they must work within the confines of to go to their heads.  Yes, justice is a very elusive thing to get most times, but it's not always the attorneys' fault that justice isn't served, merely the fault of our terribly flawed system.<br /><br />    Now, I'm not saying we should do away with that system, since without it we'd never get any justice for anyone.  Vigilantism and anarchy have never served anyone well, since what may be fair and just to you might not be fair or just to someone else and vice-versa.
Tobin Blake, High Paladin of the Church of Francis, Testudine Shield, Adamantine Wall


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