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TOPIC: Orders...

Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #25

Ummm...so that means that PURPs have at least three different symbols then???

2004 was the star, 2005B was the dragon/wyvern D and .com was .com

Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #26

i have cloaks of displacement with .com and dragon head. i would like to build a set of each if possible.
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
TD Patron since 2005.
Completed 24 runs at GC 2017 and 21 at GC 2022.
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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #27

I checked my e-mail tonight (Sunday) from home and received an e-mail from a TD customer with the subject line "What! No Fireballs?!?!" and I immediately smacked my forehead and said a few bad words. As soon as I saw the e-mail it hit me...I didn't put the flameballs in ANY of the orders that were sent out on Thursday. Dugan and I were sorting and stuffing token bags as quickly as we could and then we were packing, printing postage, and sealing boxes frantically to make it to the post office in time. Needless to say, I forgot one minor detail...THE FLAMEBALLS.

...pregnancy brain....

Anyway, I can't send e-mail from home (long story) so I'm posting here in case anyone checks it wondering what the h3!! I was thinking. Please don't think I singled your order out. I'm an equal opportunity forgetter...nobody got them. I'll be sending flameballs out Monday. I apologize for the error. On a good day, when I'm not creating life, my brain works at about 70%....these days, I'm good to get 30% out of my noggin, so I do apologize for my slip.

Please do forgive...taking measures to correct my error first think Monday.

Lori :-)

Lori Martin
True Dungeon Exec. Director
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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #28

*little laugh* Its funny when you are use to doing things one way, you start and habit takes over. And especially when you rush, I know I always forget something when I rush, then it comes back later to bite me in the tush.

And yeah the palm flames are pretty spiffy. If I had had the money I would have been tempted to order the mugs for the palm flame. But I have neither the money nor the space for the mugs. But those palm flames are so fun! I used one quite often when I was the training room wench. You'd be surprised how much a glowing prop gets peoples attention. Teehee.

And Lori if there is anything I can do to help let me know. I'd be glad to email people if you have addy's if that would help out. Sorry I can't be of more help to you.

-your humble pixie servant
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #29

It's okay Lori. Until you posted that, I had forgotten about the flameball. I was so excited about the prospect of mugs and tokens. I'm still looking forward to receiving my package.
"It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years."Abraham Lincoln

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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #30

Hehe, no big Lori! Thanks for letting us know :-) I'm eagerly awaiting the pile of tokens, and having two packages to expect makes it all the more fun.

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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #31

Got my order of mugs and tokens. Yea!!!!!!!!!!! I've already sorted them and am very pleased with what I got, especially the +2 cloak. I also got a Wand of Magic Missiles and a Wand of Cure Light Wounds. I got a good mix of other tokens as well. Makes me look just that much more forward to Indy 2006.

"It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years."Abraham Lincoln

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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #32

OK, poor Dugan left for the post office about 10 minutes ago with the remaining orders and the flameballs from the first round of orders. Unfortunately, all the postage couldn't be printed, so he's at the PO at 5 pm on their busiest day of the year. I'm sure he's going to have some choice words for me tomorrow morning! (If he's out of the Post Office by then, of course!)

Thanks to everyone for cutting me some slack for forgetting to enclose the flameballs. I appreciate your patience!

Lori :-)

Lori Martin
True Dungeon Exec. Director
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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #33

hehe what are flame balls?
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
TD Patron since 2005.
Completed 24 runs at GC 2017 and 21 at GC 2022.
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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #34

Those palm flames golf balls that were used in the event.
They were spiffy, and could be different colors too! Much fun.
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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Orders... 18 years 6 months ago #35

i picked some things up over halloween that might be of interest. they are about five inches in diameter and light up with a push of a button. maybe they could be work into something like the flame balls? only bigger.
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
TD Patron since 2005.
Completed 24 runs at GC 2017 and 21 at GC 2022.
Proud Member of Team Legacy.

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