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TOPIC: XP Updates/Corrections

XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 5 months ago #13

I don't think xp is ever supposed to 'drop off'. It keeps getting added every year. The current maximum of 3150xp is based on reaching the final rooms (or finishing) all three modules so far: TD '03 (Indy or SoCal), TD '04 (Indy or SoCal), and True Heroes '04 (Indy or SoCal). You don't have to have the max to be 3rd level, though.

I expect that any xp from the next year will be added to the existing xp, further increasing players' levels. After a few years, there will probably be some 10th level players, possibly higher. As long as True Adventures continues to grow and expand, the players can continue gaining levels. There have also been hints that player levels will be used for something cool starting with Indy '05, but that's all still in development.

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 5 months ago #14

Looking back at an article on XP - you are probably right...It looks as if players are given the best score from any TA event and that score is kept until it is bettered.

I stand corrected. Thanks.
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 5 months ago #15

Ok, that's cool. It's not really a problem, I was more curious. The XP total is correct and such, so I'm fine.

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 3 months ago #16

I played at Indy in 2004, but didn't get any xp reported. I was eliminated in the last room ( i think it was). What do I need to do to fix this?

Thanks ahead of time.

Dan Gent

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 3 months ago #17

two things:

1) there are two Erik Andersons listed on the XP list. one of them is my friend, the other has no XP. how will he differentiate himself when he gets to the con?

2) could you guys change the link on the site that reads "Your XP" to link directly to the /xp page? going through those articles isn't as helpful as the pages that were set up for xp.

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 3 months ago #18

The same names can be differentiated by the email address, but for obvious privacy and spam issues we won't post the email address online.

If you want to see which one is which click through the history link to see what events where played by the players -- that should let you know which is which.

- Doug

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 3 months ago #19

well, i checked, and neither of them match my buddy.

one doesn't have any history at all, and the other includes an attempt in 2003. my friend didn't go to GenCon in 2003.

i pm'ed you his email addy. any help would be appreciated.

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 3 months ago #20

how long do you think it will be to post XP for SoCal '04 (my first time so I am clueless on time)
All hail DEATH the koolest dude you never want to see

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 3 months ago #21

Well if you reported your results when you finished the adventure your XP totals should have automatically updated. If for whatever reason you didn't report, email me your name and what room you made it to and I will make the necessary adjustments. If your not sure if you reported or just want to see what your total is, I just posted a new article clarifying what link to follow to check your XP. Go to http://truedungeon.com/1/xp for the most recent totals.

bur BUR bur BUR<br /><br />PS I can't spell, don't be suprised when you read my posts...<br /><br />Head D.I.N.O.

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 3 months ago #22

That article doesnt work nor does that link, idk if you are done setting it up yet or what, but thats what is happening to me
All hail DEATH the koolest dude you never want to see

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XP Updates/Corrections 19 years 3 months ago #23

Sorry my fault. I typed the address wrong. It should be


Also, I pulled the article down from the front page because of an unrelated problem. Our web expert will repost the article shortly...

bur BUR bur BUR<br /><br />PS I can't spell, don't be suprised when you read my posts...<br /><br />Head D.I.N.O.

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