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TOPIC: Baby Killers??

Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #13

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<br />To be less glib, I too am made unsure by this development.  Yes, Red Dragons are 'Always Chaotic Evil', and 99.999% of them are just like bears.  But does that really make it OK to kill a baby dragon that has committed no evil acts (yet)?  Can't we just find a Helm of Alignment Change, and drop it over the egg?<br /><br />OK, maybe that wasn't less glib...<br />

<br /><br />Actually Smoak has committed many evil acts.<br />First she attacked and killed hundreds of elves (probably including babies) with her horde and has taken over the town of gilhaven.  Second, she defiled the elven temple of Pelor and made it her lair (probably killing the priests in the process), she has consorted with dark pacts (if you believe a Marilith is her pet).  She's evil through and through.<br /><br />

<br /><br />Smoak is, but the egg hasn't done anything.  I'm not saying mommy doesn't need to bite the dust, just that it might not be right to kill the egg, or even hold it hostage.<br />

<br />I do not have the most recent edition of the Draconomicon's but if I recall correctly even infant dragons have much of their personality and some skills already instilled into them from birth - so instead of Tabla-rasa they are pre-coded for their behavior, so despite having not committed any acts of evil, a dragon egg will still radiate an aura appropriate to the class of dragon it is (this is how in one adventure we busted a plot by Tiamat clerics to smuggle evil dragons into the city amongst another egg shipment - then again since it was a home game the GM ruled it as such).
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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #14

In North America  sparrows are vermin.<br /><br />Have you ever seen what a sparrow does to a nesting blue bird?<br />It is everyone's duty to exterminate them. To shoot them on site, to trap them, to destroy their nest and dispose of the babies an the eggs. <br /><br />It is no different with Red Dragons. It is not an evil act to destroy their eggs --  it is an act of negligence not to.<br /><br />

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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #15

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Are you saying sparrows were an invasive species in North America?
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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #16

<br />In North America  sparrows are vermin.<br /><br />Have you ever seen what a sparrow does to a nesting blue bird?<br />It is everyone's duty to exterminate them. To shoot them on site, to trap them, to destroy their nest and dispose of the babies an the eggs. <br /><br />It is no different with Red Dragons. It is not an evil act to destroy their eggs --  it is an act of negligence not to.<br /><br /><br />

<br /><br />I had heard that Starlings did this, but not Sparrows.  Did you mean Starlings? 

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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #17

<br />To be less glib, I too am made unsure by this development.  Yes, Red Dragons are 'Always Chaotic Evil', and 99.999% of them are just like bears.  But does that really make it OK to kill a baby dragon that has committed no evil acts (yet)?  Can't we just find a Helm of Alignment Change, and drop it over the egg?<br /><br />OK, maybe that wasn't less glib...<br />

<br /><br />The beauty of Detect evil is your evil even if you arn't currently commiting the evil acts. Its such a simple world unlike the real world. Your evil from birth till death. That whole evil act thing second edition came up with was utter crap IMO and I'm glad they went away from it.  :)  Its a black and white world.
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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #18

babies, shmabies. Its them or us. Probably us.
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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #19

I changed my mind. I am attacking<br />The egg. That way I can say I killed a red dragon<br />

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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #20

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Which to attack first - the dragon or the egg?
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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #21

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This is why hippie touchy-feely bullshit is an evolutionary deadend I tell you.<br /><br />Good riddance.

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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #22

Do you know how many homeless elves an omelet like that would feed?   :lol:<br /><br />I agree with Henwy.  I bet 20 gp the elves of Gilhaven tried to reason with Smoak and look what that got them.  Now all the remaining dozen or so have to look forward to are cheap property values and a lifetime supply of firewood.   ;/<br /><br />Besides, once Smoak is no longer there, what does her child have to look forward to?  The mean streets are no place for a child; even if that child is 8ft long and breathes fire.  :lol:<br /><br />Its like when I tell people why I deer hunt. Evil dragons, like deer, serve no other function than to eat, procreate, and kill people. (I looked it up www.tecumsehautobody.com/deeraccidents.html:lol:

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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #23

Hmmm, reminds me of those two Grizzly cubs they recently had to put down, because they watched their mother kill a human....

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Re: Baby Killers?? 13 years 10 months ago #24

<br />

<br />In North America  sparrows are vermin.<br /><br />Have you ever seen what a sparrow does to a nesting blue bird?<br />It is everyone's duty to exterminate them. To shoot them on site, to trap them, to destroy their nest and dispose of the babies an the eggs. <br /><br />It is no different with Red Dragons. It is not an evil act to destroy their eggs --  it is an act of negligence not to.<br /><br /><br />

<br /><br />I had heard that Starlings did this, but not Sparrows.  Did you mean Starlings?  <br /><br />

<br /><br />Nope, House Sparrows  (better know as flying rats )<br /><br />See www.sialis.org/hosp.htm <br /><br />But the same can be said for Starlings in North America as well.<br /><br />

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