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TOPIC: New Players Handbook Beta

New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 4 months ago #13


Matthew Hayward wrote: Normal play difficulty: Nightmare

Put on the Bard card in black and white:

"Many Bards players like to role play their Bardsong performance by singing, rapping, or tap dancing. However, this is not necessary. If a DM asks you to sing you may politely say: 'No thank you, but my Bardsong is still active.'"

I think this would be really great, as I see it as a frequent topic of conversation on the forums.
"IMHO we like to solve problems here on the forums that are only perceived problems due to a myopic view." -Bob C

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New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #14

Pg. 2 - ToC:
  • There are some vertical spacing issues in the layout, some subheadings are right next to their parents, and some are spaced out.
  • In the "last updated timestamp" the L in last is lowercase
  • To be consistent, "token's worth" should be "Tokens Worth" in "What are my tokens's worth?"
  • The Wizard has both its basic and Sorcerer versions of the spell list in the index, the same is not true of Bard (Troubadour), Cleric (Templar), Druid, and Elf Wizard (Illusionist)

Pg. 4 - ToC:
  • "Rules and Policies" might be more clearly expressed as "Event Rules and Policies" or "Participation Eligibility and Policies". My concern is this whole books is 'rules' - but not the sort of rules that are being discussed in this section.
  • "Ok" should be "OK" in "What's Ok vs. Not Ok"

Pg. 5 - Introduction:
  • The list of classes in character classes should probably be capitalized (e.g. Barbarian, Bard, ...). If this suggestions is adopted the issue arises other places in the text, search and replace on each character class would be recommended.

Pg. 7

  • The highlights on the right hand side are on a white background, as opposed to the transparent background of the ones on the left, obscuring the parchment effect.

Pg. 8

  • "...whether it is a dexterity or a memory test." - A few pages back we called the figher tests "hand-eye coordination" tasks. I'd change this to "...whether it is a coordination or a memory test." to be consistent and to avoid confusing player "dexterity" with the D&D Dexterity stat.

Pg. 10

  • "If you have a token that increases your maximum HP"... would be more correct as "...modifies your maximum HP". (e.g. Fiendish Charm)

Pg.11 - Table
  • "slotless" shoudl be capitalized

Pg. 12 - Expendable Tokens

  • Might be better to either call the whole section "Consumable Tokens" or to ditch the word "consumable" in the explanation, lest people think there are two categories involved. I like "Consumable" more than "Expendable."

Pg. 12 - Duplicate Tokens

  • "Though it's technically only applicable to monks and rangers engaged in melee combat" can be dropped. Sll classes can use duplicate equipped thrown weapons.

Pg. 12 - What are my tokens worth
  • Eldritch / Grand Eldritch should be added to the line with Legendary
  • I think the ! should be outside of the () on the "...quite valuable (especially orange!) Token traders..." part

Pg. 13

  • I like the note explaining Tokens override rules, but often tokens don't do what they say on the token due to errata (e.g. Bracelts of the Zephyr, Gnomish Fizzy Lifting Pack). I'd add a line here saying "A complete, detailed description of a tokens effect along with current rulings is always available at tokendb.com"

Pg. 28

  • The description of Lesser Maze here explicitly states time is stopped in the pocket dimension and the monster can do nothing. I think older character cards or rules explicitly stated the opposite, to the effect of "you can't interact, but the monster could also be brewing up a surprise." I think the change is good

Pg. 30

  • "Every combat room has its own set of sliders. Do not take the pucks out of the room!" - I'd call them both sliders, or both pucks.

Pg. 30 - Initiative

  • "...there are no individual character modifiers." - Monk Drunken Master gives a +3 to Party initiative.

Pg. 30 - Initiative
  • The language against wasting time seems a bit harsh, maybe something a bit more fun like: "If your party falls to bickering over who should roll the initiative die, the Monster will simply cackle as precious seconds tick by. The person physically closest is usually the best choice."

All Pages
  • When describing attack modifiers, should it be "to hit" or is it "to-hit", or is it "To Hit" - whatver it is should be consistent throughout?

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New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #15

Pg. 31 - Ranged

I thought all spells, or at least all slide spells, were ranged attacks.

This is in line with the TDb wording of various tokens which explicitly boost physical ranged attacks.

There would be no reason to have wording restricting tokens effects to physicla ranged attacks if spells were not ranged attacks, such as the wording found on: Bracers of Archery, Bracers of Supreme Archery, Gloves of Greater Archery ( tokendb.com/token/bracers-of-archery/ , tokendb.com/token/bracers-of-supreme-archery/ , tokendb.com/token/gloves-of-greater-archery/ ).

The description of ranged combat in the PHB Beta implies that:
  • Not only are non-slide spells not ranged attacks, but also
  • Slide spells aren't ranged attacks either (because they do not get damage bonuses that apply to ranged attacks).

I am pretty the opposite ruling was explicitly handed down by Jeff during token design in 2016 for the 2017 Pixie Lyre - where it was stated explicitly that its damage bonus would affect spells without requiring the use of Earcuff of Inspiration.

Now seems like a good time to clarify once and for all:

a. Are slide spells cast from the character card ranged attacks, or not?
b. Are non-slide spells cast from the character card (e.g. Magic Missle, Fire Dart) ranged attacks, or not?

I personally think it would be incredibly confusing to have spells like: Magic Missile, Firebolt, Fire/Frost Dart not be ranged attacks. However, if those are the rules, then I would change the proposed wording in the PHB to be clearer on this point and say something like:

"Note: Spells are not ranged attacks! However, as a special case, some ranged To Hit bonuses also apply to spells that require a slide and are cast from the character card. In no case do Ranged To Damage bonuses apply to any spells, unless explicitly stated otherwise by a token effect as described in tokendb.com."

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New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #16

Matthew Hayward wrote: Pg. 31 - Ranged

I thought all spells, or at least all slide spells, were ranged attacks.

This is in line with the TDb wording of various tokens which explicitly boost physical ranged attacks.

There would be no reason to have wording restricting tokens effects to physicla ranged attacks if spells were not ranged attacks, such as the wording found on: Bracers of Archery, Bracers of Supreme Archery, Gloves of Greater Archery ( tokendb.com/token/bracers-of-archery/ , tokendb.com/token/bracers-of-supreme-archery/ , tokendb.com/token/gloves-of-greater-archery/ ).

The description of ranged combat in the PHB Beta implies that:

  • Not only are non-slide spells not ranged attacks, but also
  • Slide spells aren't ranged attacks either (because they do not get damage bonuses that apply to ranged attacks).

I am pretty the opposite ruling was explicitly handed down by Jeff during token design in 2016 for the 2017 Pixie Lyre - where it was stated explicitly that its damage bonus would affect spells without requiring the use of Earcuff of Inspiration.

Now seems like a good time to clarify once and for all:

a. Are slide spells cast from the character card ranged attacks, or not?
b. Are non-slide spells cast from the character card (e.g. Magic Missle, Fire Dart) ranged attacks, or not?

I personally think it would be incredibly confusing to have spells like: Magic Missile, Firebolt, Fire/Frost Dart not be ranged attacks. However, if those are the rules, then I would change the proposed wording in the PHB to be clearer on this point and say something like:

"Note: Spells are not ranged attacks! However, as a special case, some ranged To Hit bonuses also apply to spells that require a slide and are cast from the character card. In no case do Ranged To Damage bonuses apply to any spells, unless explicitly stated otherwise by a token effect as described in tokendb.com."

Adding some more information here, there are some glossary entries about ranged combat and spells that affirm that spells are (almost always) considered ranged combat, to wit:

Page 71: "Unless specified otherwise, magical attacks are also considered ranged attacks."

Page 72: Ranged Attack: A long-ranged attack made with a thrown or propelled physical weapon as well as (nearly all) magical attacks.

Given these items in the glossary, the content on page 31 is all the more baffling, if magic attacks are also considered ranged attacks, why wouldn't they get all damage modifiers that pertain to ranged attacks that are not specifically restricted to physical weapons.

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New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #17

Pg. 28 - Lesser maze examples

I find the way these examples are expressed to be extremely confusing in and of thesmelves, and I (sort of) understand the rules. The first scenario is actually two scenarios, and the inclusion of rolling initiative inside in the explanation of a turn in a round is confusing.

Scenarios two and three have different explanations for round 1 and 2 even though there is nothing different between those scenarios in those two rounds.

How about:

Scenario One: Monster Wins First Initiative

Round 1, Monster Phase: Monster monsts*
Round 1, Party Phase: Players play, can affect the monster, and lesser maze is cast
Round 2, Monster Phase: Monster spends turn in pocket dimension
Round 2, Party Phase: Players play, but can't affect the monster
Then the monster returns, and a second initiative is rolled, the winner of the second initiative takes their turn first in the 3rd and all following rounds.

Scenario Two: Players Win First Initiative

Round 1, Party Phase: Players play, can affect the monster, and lesser maze is cast
Round 1, Monster Phase: Skipped as the monster has been banished
Round 2, Party Phase: Players play, but can't affect the monster
Round 2, Monster Phase: Monster spends turn in pocket dimension
Then the monster returns, and a second inititive is rolled, the winner of the seconnd initiative takes their turn first in the 3rd and all following rounds.

As you can see - Lesser Maze is always powerful but even better when the Players win the first initiative.

* ...funny thing about monsters monsting...

NOTE: The term "phase" is used here instead of "Turn" to match the wording in the Glossary on page 72 under Round. Phase is probably clearer anyway.

Also, in this section lesser maze is inconsistently itilicized in lower case, and also non-italic and intercased.

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New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #18

Pg. 32 - Alchemical Weapons

"Weapon oils may be applied to alchemical weapons." - this being the first mention of Weapon oils may lead one to believe they may _only_ be applied to alchemical weapons; especially since the explanatory text from Alchemical Weapons talks about volatile chemicals.

Pg. 33 - Crit Examples
  • Example 2: ...but the sneak attack damage (15) is not doubled because the attack was not made with a Nightshade's +2 Short Sword... - This is all correct, but I think it would be clearer to say: "...but the sneak attack damage (15) as not doubled (sneak attack damage is only doubled under the influence of special tokens, such as Nightshade's +2..."

Pg. 34 - Castimg Times
  • Why does alertness cost a free action? If combat has started and actions are being tracked, it's too late to cast alertness, I don't see the point.
  • Maybe this table would be better listing only the items which are not cast as a standard action?

Pg. 34 - End of Room vs. End of Combat
  • Wait... what? Lesser Maze recharges Cloak of Shadowskin?

Pg. 36 - Recovering fromm Push
  • There is an extra "can" or "may" in "...the DM can may accept the Resurrection token"

Pg. 37 - Incorporeal
  • "A coin will be flipped..." - We don't use coins, do we?

Pg. 37 - Paralyzed
  • "...purely mental actions" - Maybe this is a good time to mention Psychic actions?

Pg. 37 - Silence
  • Should Bardsong be mentioned as something cancelled by silence?

Pg. 37 - Stas for Combat
  • I think this is the first time AC is defined as "Armor Class" despite earlier use.
  • Perhaps Stats for Combat should have subheadings for "Armor Class (AC)", "Saving Throws" and "Hit Points (HP)" for ease of browsing in the ToC.

Pg. 38 - Actions in a round
  • Before listing out the types of standard actions, I'd include a preample: "Each character may perform up to one Standard Action, and one Free Action per round, in any order."

Pg. 39 - Free Actions

Retrieving a potion takes a free action? This seems wrong. If it were true none of these things would be possible in one round, and I believe they all are:
  • Drink a Potion and Swap a Weapon (1 FA to ready the potion, 1 SA to drink it, 1 FA to swap a weapon)
  • Read a scroll with Shield of the Scholar and Drink a Potion
  • Apply an Oil and Fire of a Wand with Medallion of Mystic Mouth
  • Drink a potion, and apply an Oil with Pouch of Tulz

Pg. 39 - Unusual Time Rules
  • Under the list of things that modify Bardsong, Lyre of Echoes could be listed

Pg. 39 - Ability Scores and Their Effects
  • I think this section would be clearer if it began with a list of ability scores, e.g. "All classes have their base Ability Scores (e.g. Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) printed on their character cards in the upper left. Base ability scores range from 9 to 19. ..."

Pg. 40 - Stat Box
  • "Each point of CON Bonus increases..." - Calling Bonus amounts 'points' seems likely to cause confusion. I would suggest calling them 'modifiers' or 'ranks' or 'tiers'.
  • CHA 19 - "...you may equip up to two Figurines of Power" - I would rephrase as "an additional Figurine of Power" or "a second Figurine of Power" - as written sommeone could be forgiven for believing you can equip no Figurines of Power at all if your CHA is less than 16.

Pg. 40 - The Math

Before this section I'd add a simple table of:

Ability Score | Bonus Modifier
6,  7  | -2
8,  9  | -1
10, 11 | +0
12, 13 | +1
14, 15 | +2
16, 17 | +3
18, 19 | +4
And so on...

Before laying the algebra on them.

Pg. 40 - The Party Card
  • "AC for melee and missile (ranged)" - Can be simplified for "AC for Melee and Ranged"
  • Special damage types (e.g. poison, fire)are also included on the party card
  • I think this is the first time "Free Movement" is mentioned - maybe this calls for a paranthetical like (e.g. avoid hold, slow, and hinder effects)

Pg. 40 - Reading the Party Card
  • Opportunity to simplify by eliminating "missile" entirely and just saying "ranged".

Pg. 41 - Spell Res
  • Might be worth mentioning Eldritch Due 100% Spell Res negation here. As written it seems like Spell Res -% can only be 10, 15, or 20.

Pg. 43 - The Ghost Rule
  • Shirt of the Valiant (2018 token) should be listed with other things that interact with dead players. Also perhaps the Berserker's Fight After Death ability.

Pg. 43 - Treasure
  • I'm just confirming, as at Gen Con 2017 there were different rules enforced by different volunteers: The rules say "you may remove ONE token from the box for each treasure chip you turn in." At Gen Con 2017 some treasure volunteers were allowing magnatic wand pulls that fished up multiple tokens to count as 1 pull. If it was correct to allow multiple treasure tokens per treasure chip if 2 or more tokens came stick to the wand the wording here should be changed.

Pg. 44 - TE Loans Within Party
  • Thank you for allowing this - it makes my santa clause approach in PUGs permitted.

Pg. 44 - Miscellaneous Rules
  • I'd change the order of bullet 3 to say; "With the exception of damage healing consumables, when consuming multiple...." As written it first says "no stacking healing potions!" in the first sentence, and then says "Except you can stack healing potions!" in the second.
  • Bullet 3 Example 1: This example would be more informative if they consumed four ORCISH RATIONS and got +4 HP and -6 To Hit (capped at -6).
  • Charm Removing: I assume if the charmed person's roll allows them to act normally they can still chug their own Potion Siren Wine?

Pg. 46 - Experience
  • "players receive experience points for the number of rooms they enter.." should say "players receive experience points for the number of rooms their character enters alive..."

Pg. 46 - Table
  • Is it actually a rule that you can't enter True Grind unless you are player level 2+?

Pg. 48 - Cumulative Penalty Limitation
  • "...no single statistic can be reduced by more than 6 points..." - should say "Other than HP, no single statistic can be reduced by more than 6 points..."

Pg. 49 - What makes a weapon "magical"?
  • This section heading should be intercapped for consitency
  • Why is Silver mentioned in the exception line when below it explicitly says Silver with +x is magical, and Silver without +x is not magical - there is no exception here?
  • Staff of Focus and Baton of Focus don't have a +X, but are magical - so these are exceptions to the rule mentioned above.

Pg. 51 - Stow and Forget
  • Recorded Items: I'd explicitly mention things that modify your 6 attributes as stow and forgettable.

Pg. 31 - Gotta Bring 'Em All
  • I manage my entire partys tokens, which fill two three ring binders. After coaching, I take the binder sheets that are "stow and forget" and check them along with the binders in the bag check. Please don't require me to lug two over the shoulder 3 ring binders through the dungeon just so I can have my 3x Defender Plate and 10x +2 Cloak of Resistance etc. on hand. If ever there is a circumstance in the dungeon where I need those tokens due to module design and don't have them, I'm fine suffering the penalty of not having them.

Pg. 52 - Notes: What's OK vs. Not Ok
  • I initially misunderstood this section to be a list of "notes" about what is "ok and what is not OK". Not "what is OK and Not OK regarding Notes." Maybe change this to "Note Taking Policies"
  • Personally, I am much better at solving puzzles and such with writing. My character is a Wizard. I have a vial of ink and some parchment fragments. It annoys me a bit that I'm not allowed to take notes in the dungeon. I abide by this rule, but if the intent is to avoid _external_ notes can we say that? If the intent really is "you can't take notes on what you see in room 1 and use it in room 2" that's fine, I'm not entirely clear on intent.

Pg. 53 - Groups with Less Than 10 Players
  • The bold "Ghosting at non-Gen Con events is not allowed" should be nearly the first thing in this section. It should describe ghosting and then say "Ghosting is only permitted at Gen Con, the following rules apply only to Gen Con. To reitetrate, ghosting is not allowed at non-Gen Con events."
  • A few places in here it says "it's up to the group." This should say, "It's up to the hard ticket holder(s)." If I buy 4 tickets to a run and show up to a PuG with 6 other players, I will wear 4 wristbands and I will get 4 token bags, the group doesn't have any input into that decision. (I realize doing that would be a bad idea, and I wouldn't do it intentionally.)
  • "...no more than five Ghost characters may receive any Treasure Chip bonus" - What happens of Alice and Bob, who don't know each other, each buy 5 tickets into the same run, and each show up alone with the intention to ghost. Monkey knife fight for the Ghost treasure?

Pg. 60 - Appendix 2: Identifying Tokens

I would reorganize a lot of stuff in here to put the most relevant information for new players at the fronnt, I would put:


How to Read a Token


A brief, incomplete description of rarity, such as:

Tokens exist in multiple rarities, detailed below. The rarities you will encounter most often in your adventures are:

Common (Black text)
Uncommon (Green text)
Rare (Red text)
Enhanced (3 point star)
Ultra Rare (Purple text)
Exalted (4 point star)
Relic (5 point star)
Legendary (Orange Back)

The Token Traits Table

The content on Page 60.

Pg. 62 - How to Read a Token
  • "Year Icon..." references tentacles for 2016, it should reference horned cap for 2018.

Pg. 64 - Set Bonuses
  • The explanation for set bonuses and swapping says you lose your +2 STR from Orb of Might when engaged in Ranged. This is news to me. Amorgen's Spreadsheet appears to add your +2 STR from the Orb into Mighty ranged weapon calculations.

Pg. 64 - Defender Set
  • Could be clearer as "Gains Free Movement (e.g. immunity to hold, slow, and other hinderances).

Pg. 65 - Elemental Eldritch Trio
  • So... we'll have 4 Eldritch Pieces in 2019 with the Kilt of Sudden Breezes, but won't get the set power till 2021? Hoo boy...

Pg. 66 - Mithral Trio
  • If a player has the Mithral Trio and the Supreme Evasion ability and they fail a saving throw against a breath weapon, how much damage do they take? 1/4?

Pg. 66 Mithral Quintet
  • Is this "retribution damage"? If so it should probably say so. As worded this would happen if the attack were a success but no damage was dealt.

Pg. 66 Viper Strike Set
  • Sneaky sneaky... requiring a VS Fang to be wielded to benefit. Some folks will be happy to see this nerf no matter how minor.

Pg. 67 Appendinx 5: Magical Damage Resolution
  • Gloves of Spell Negation could be added to step 2 for commpleteness.
  • Are breath weapons magical? If not why are they being talked about in step 6? If so things that grant Improved Evasion should be mentioned too.

Pg. 70
  • The right hand column vertical spacing differs from the left.

Pg. 70 - Free Action
  • Maybe add: "Note: Some older tokens say they grant 'Free Action' - this term has been changed to 'Free Movement' (see below). They are: ...list of tokens that say free action on them...."

Pg. 71 - Hostile Action
  • Are we calling these 'hostile actions' or 'offensive actions'? Maybe stick to one or the other.

Pg. 71 - Hit Points
  • "A change in your Constitution score will affect your base HP." - Change to "will affect your base HP if it changes your Constitution modifier, see ...link to where this is explained...."

Pg. 71 - Natural 20:
  • What is the "[q.v.]" annotation in the middle of this text?
  • "A natural 20 against a monster is ALWAYS a hit." - Does this mean incorporeal creatures are always hit on a 20?

Pg. 71 - Non-Lethal
  • For consistency "the easiest..." should be capitalized: "The easiest..."

Pg. 71 - Normal
  • Maybe add: "The difficulty can only be changed from normal by unanimous vote of the entire party."

Pg. 72 - NPC
  • The "NO TOUCHING" rules should probably also be mentioned in the general Rules and Policies section.

Pg. 72 - Participation Token
  • There are redundant entries for both Commpletion Tokens and Participation tokens. One should probably be deleted, if not the description for one should just say: "See ...the other one..."

Pg. 72 - Projectile Weapon
  • Good grief, we've already got Ranged weapons and Missile weapons, now we have Projectile Weapons? Can we eliminate some of these terms?

Pg. 72/3 - Puck/Slider
  • Maybe eliminate one - throuhout the rules I think Puck is used much less than slider. Maybe just have one spot where it is first introduced saying: "A combat slider (also called a puck)..." and a glossary entry for Puck that says: "See slider."

Pg. 73 - Single Use
  • We already have Consumable. Simplify by changing this to say: "See Consumable."

Pg. 73 - Slot
  • I'd change "increase your available slot quotas" to "increase your available slot capacities" or maybe "restrictions" or "limits."

Pg. 73 - Spell Resistance
  • "A monster with SR 100% cannot be affected by spells". Is this true even when the caster has Eldritch Duo? If so I'd change this term to "Immune to Magic."

Pg. 74 - Token Databasse
  • There are some places in the text where the URL is given as www.tokendb.com - I'd make it consistent and drop the www. everywhere.

Pg. 74 - Traps
  • Do we need to distinguish between Magial and Mechanical traps?
  • Both trap sections have a mysterios to me "[q.v.]" in their text.

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New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #19

Overall - Character Classes in Detail

I am not sure the RoSP classes information is sufficiently broken out, I could excuse someone for thinking, for instance, all Barbarians get to Fight After Death. I know there is a mention at the beginning that green is only available to subclasses, but it doesn't really explain what a subclass is or how you get one. I'd preface each Green skill area with a new sub-section like:

Berserker Subclass Abilities

Subclass abilities are obtained by redeeming a Rod of Seven Parts voucher, and apply only to the run in which the voucher is used.

Or something.

Classes seem to mix up the order of 4th and 5th level powers, RoSP powers, and the "4th vs. 5th" distinction. I'd recommend they all be made consistennt with:
  1. First all 4th level powers.
  2. Then a spell list of relevant with 4th, 4th, and RoSP spells color coded.
  3. Then the "4th vs. 5th" block.
  4. Then all 5th level powers.
  5. Then all RoSP Powers.

Pg. 13 - Two-Handed Damage Bonus
  • On my screen the 3rd line down "better off using that as opposed to a weapon" is strangely truncated - it's like the top is cut off the line.

Pg. 13 - Fight After Death
  • If a Berserker is mostly dead with negative -20 HP, and gets Pushed out of the room with 8 points of Push Damage, and they have a Figurine of Power: Cricket - what happens?

Pg. 14 - Bardsong
  • The section mentiones UR instruments, however the 2017 Rare +1 Blowgun Flute also allows this, and should probably be mentioned if the URs are.
  • I would request a clarification here explaining that you are free to role play your signing, and DMs might encourage you to do so, but this is not necessary and you may simply inform the DM you do not wish to actually perform but your character's Bardsong is still active if that is your preference.

Pg. 15 - Taunt
  • "...must include the taunter." - I would change this to "if possible, must include the taunter (if the monster is unable to include the taunter in any attack, it may behave as normal)."

Pg. 15-16 - Cleric Spell List
  • The spell list doesn't have the nice vertical margin marker that the Bard does, which I think helps a lot in terms of intelligibility of this section.

Pg. 16 - Sunburst/Searing Light Spells
  • The description says it does Divine Damage and that undead take +3 from Divine, elsewhere in the Glossary Divine is not listed either as a standalone type or an energy type. Sacred is listed, but elsewhere in the rules it says Undead take double damage from Sacred. Can / should we collapse Divine and Sacred? If not Divine should get a glossary entry, and possibly be included as an "energy type."

Pg. 16 - Druid
  • Just like the Cleric mentions the thematic bit about only being able to use blunt weapons, mentioning that Druids may not use metallic armor might be a nice thematic touch here.

Pg. 16 - Polymorph

Should the description of Polymorph indicate:
a. It can be ended at any time as an (instantaneous? free?) action
b. it ends at the end of the room no matter what

Pg. 17 - Druid Spell List
  • This section is missing the vertical line for the spells section found in the Bard class.

Pg. 18 - Taunt
  • Taunt should specify what happens if the monster is unable to include the taunter in the next attack

Pg. 19 - Polymorph
  • It might be better to break out the Polymorph rules into a separate section and link to them from Druid, Elf Wizard, and Wizard rather than repeating them 3 times.

Pg. 19 - Elf Wizard Spell List
  • This section is missing the vertical line for the spells section found in the Bard class.

Pg. 19 - Instant Safeguard
  • Change to "If your AC is below 16, it becomes 16." - I don't think Instant Safeguard can lower your AC, can it?

Pg. 21 - Combat Prowess

Combat Prowess is confusingly stated. The word "base" in "base AC" usually means "before dexterity modification." This term is used differently for the Monk than every other class who has a "base AC of 10."

For example:
  • Initial AC for un-equipped Druid: Base AC 10 + 2 due to 15 DEX for 12 AC
  • Initial AC for un-equipped Monk: Base AC 16 + nothing despite the Monk's 15 DEX

So... Do Monks have a Base AC of 16? Or do Druids not have a Base AC of 10? Because it can't be both.

I'd sidestep the entire issue of "base" and say instead:

Combat Prowess: "4th Monks get +4 bonus to their AC, which increases to +5 if the Monk is 5th level."

Pg. 21 - Flurry of Blows
  • I would describe in detail the procedure for how sliding works. As written you could slide two pucks at the same time like a Ranger and be complying with the rules.

Pg. 23 - Ranger
  • Lol... it's nice to see it officially acknowleged in the rules that "(Rangers are) one of the two classes that can peform two attacks per comabat round." Hear that Ranger apologists? Two attacks. Not one attack with two pucks. You get two attacks.

Pg. 23 - Dual-Wielding Fighting Style
  • It was previously ruled that rangers MUST slide two pucks when engaging in melee attacks, they could not choose to slide 1 puck if that was their preference, perhaps even to the point of being unable to attack if they only had two weapons and one was eaten by a Rust Monster. Whatever the current rules are should be mentioned here.

Pg. 23 - Favored Enemy
  • "...distain." should be "...disdain."

Pg. 24 - Sharpshooter
  • What's a missile weapon? It's not listed in the Glossary. Projectile weapons are listed in the Glossary. Isn't this benefit for all Ranged attacks anyway? Don't rangers get this if the are chucking a Skill of Doom (I mean, as a practical matter they definitely do as it's baked into the character card).

Pg. 25

Q) Should the rogue be the only one allowed to see the clue?
A) This is up to the DM, but it doesn't really matter.

This seems wrong. It should either always be the players choice, or there should always be a consistent rule (e.g. show only Rogue, or show all). Anything else is asking for trouble. We already know the rogue clue is one of the points of friction and bad feelings ("Our rogue was selfish, they took the treasure") - why make it worse.

Pg. 27 - Wizard Spell List
  • This section is missing the vertical line for the spells section found in the Bard class.

Pg. 27 - Instant Safeguard
  • Change to "If your AC is below 16, it becomes 16." - I don't think Instant Safeguard can lower your AC, can it?

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #20

Little Things I Might Add

Saving Throw Rules:

The glossary describes how saves work, but I might put that in the main rules as well, perhaps with an example or two, and explanation of whether or not a 1 is always a failure and if 20 is always a success.


I'd include a section more towards the front advertising and suggesting people to go the forums to: form parties, seek advice, get questions answered, find trading parties.

Player level vs. Character level

I'd include the content under "Other Information of Note" related to experience, player level, and character level in a section with a more particular title, as this is a perenial point of confusion.

Party Commposition

Maybe I missed it, but I would have a more explicit party formation / composition section that details each player must play a different class, and perhaps that explains RoSP interactions with that.

Token Rulings, Details, Errata, and Database

It's sprinkled throughout, but I'd put somewhere more prominently a description of TokenDB and it's status as the official repository of rulings and errata for all tokens.

Owner Usage of Tokens

Somewhere, I'd have a section that clarifies while payers may trade tokens, and while consumables may be given away in the dungeon, permanent items may only be used by the character who has them in their inventory.

  • Someone with Ash's Death Pouch can't bribe death on behalf of a different party member.
  • Someone with a Pouch of Tulz can't let another player drink a potion as a free action.

Vulnerability, Resistance, and Immunity

I'd have a rules section that spells out how vulnerability, resistance, and immunity fowkr.

For example, Undead take Double Damage from Sacred. My Fighter is weilding a 2 handed weapon with Ring of Brilliance for +3 Sacred. Is the entire attack doubled, or just the +3?

Example 2: Lady Darlok of Nighttown is a renowned Lich, she is immune to Darkrift damage, resistant to Poison, and vulnerable to Fire and Sacred damage. My Barbarian wields a two handed weapon with: Bracers of Fire (fire damage), Ring of Brilliance (sacred damage), Ring of Enervation (Darkrift damage), and has applied Oil of Deadly Venom (poison).

How is damage calculated?

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #21

Big Thing #1 I Might Add

Explanation of Combat Modes:

I would include a section describing combat modes and not-a-modes. Something like:

You may enter a room or begin combat in either melee or ranged combat, or choose to enter a room with your hand empty for spell casting, or holding a wand, a Bard instrument, a potion, or anything else you choose.

Once combat begins, your character can be in a combat mode or not in combat mode.

The combat modes are one of: Melee or Ranged. Your To Hit and Damage for each of Melee and Ranged combat modes are recorded on the party card. The DM will see what mode you are using by what type of weapon token you slide (if you are using a compound weapon tell the DM before you slide whether you are making a melee or ranged attack). It requires a free action to change between combat modes.

While combat is going on you need not be in a combat mode, you could be doing other things with your hands, including but not limited to:
  • Casting a spell
  • Using a wand
  • Reading a scroll
  • Performing bardsong
  • Drinking a potion
  • Applying an Oil or Salve
  • Reviving another player

Some tokens, like Wands and Bard Instruments, have hand icons on them, indicating the number of free hands that are required to use them. It requires a free action to switch into or out of a combat mode and to empty your hands, or draw a wand, or pick up an instrument.

Notes on spellcasting and hands:

Generall to cast spells your hands must be empty. Exceptions to this are that you are permitted to hold a shield in your offhand, and you may hold an "... of Focus" Weapon in your main hand(s) and still cast spells. Cetain other tokens are permitted as well, such as +2 Staff of Power, all such exceptions will be mentioned in their description at tokendb.com.

Notes on set bonuses and hands:

If a main hand or offhand item is equipped in the melee and/or ranged combat mode in the coaching room and enables a set bonus, that item is "locked in" to that mode for the remainder of the dungeon. This does not prevent you from emptying your hands or reequipping other things in your hands (like a potion, instrument, or wand), so long as you are not engaging in the combat mode where the set item was equipped during coaching.

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #22

Big Thing #2 I Might Add:

While we are on the topic of set bonuses and hands, I have a problem I would like to raise.

First: I would like my red build Druid to wield a +1 Greater Scimitar and Ring of Brilliance in melee, and use a Baton of Focus for spell casting. I would like its party card states to show:
  • +1 Melee To Hit (from the +1 Greater Scimitar)
  • +3 Melee To Damage (from Ring of Brilliance)
  • +1 to Spell Healing and Damage (from Baton of Focus)

Second: I would like to my UR+ Druid to obtain 5th level via the Might Trio of +2 Scepter of Might, Orb of Might, and Girdle of Might, and to use Drue's +5 Baton of Focus for spell casting. I would like its party card to show:
  • 5th Level Player (from Might Set)
  • +5 to Spell Healing and Damage (From Drue's +5)

These results is permitted under the rules - as long as I am engaging in melee combat I must use the +1 Greater Scimitar or the +2 Scepter of Might and the Orb of Might in my hands, but when I am casting spells I:

a. Can't have those things in my hands anyway.
b. Can hold a Baton of Focus.

In the past I have been told by coaches and character builders that creating these builds and getting these results on the party card is not permitted.

This bugs me, it prevents me from using my tokens, and forces me to lay out substandard builds (either give up +5 healing and spell damage on the character card, or find some other way to make 5th level at the cost of a charm or ring slot).

I would appreciate a fresh look at this and hopefully a ruling that:


1. Spell casting is not a combat mode, and:
2. What you have in your hands when you cast spells has no bearing on set bonuses of any kind, and:
3. What you have in your hands when you cast spells has no bearing on what you have in your hands during melee


a. Coaches be instructed to record the builds above as described (e.g. a 5th level Druid with +5 to spell damage and healing)
b. Character builder be encouraged to add a "Spell Hands" slot to their builders that accommodates "of Focus" weapons and is used to compute the spell healing and damage bonuses instead of whatever happens to be in the users main hands.

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #23

Big Thing #3 I Might Add

I'd make a "New Player Quick Tips" one pager with a bunch of bullets like:

Try to arrive at least 30 minutes early to sign in, collect your tokens, find your coaching room, and plan your character selections

True Dungeon is an immersive experience: Clues and hints are not just visual, but can come from sounds, scents, and tactile sensations.

In the coaching room, try your best to make sure each player has a melee weapon and armor of some kind, other than Monks who are quite capable bare handed and for whom armor is few and far between.

In the coaching room, try to make sure each Barbarian, Cleric, Dwarf Fighter, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, and Rogue has a ranged weapon in case you are attacked by distant foes - the other classes have ranged spells if necessary

Characters will be injured, some may even die!
- A solid primary for a new player is to reach the 7th and final room alive
- A good secondary goal is to have your party complete the 7th room challenge on time
- Your own character's survival through room 7 makes a great vicory even sweeter

Remember - your DM doesn't know you get:
  • +3 Damage vs. Wombats
  • -5 Damage from Cold
  • +2 to Fort Saves vs. Getting the Hiccups
Be sure to tell your DM about any conditional bonuses you have that are relevant, and to ask your DM what damage types and save types are being made if it may be relevant to your conditional bonuses.

Rogues Box Ettiquite:
- For Rogue: When you open the Rogue Box you will be given a choice of shiny treasure or a clue that may help the party. The choice is yours, but don't be surprised if your team mates take umbragee if you choose fabulous prizes over their well being.
- For Everyone Else: You knew they were a Rogue when you took them with you, be cool when they take the treasure - we're all here to have fun!

The coaches, DMs, and other volunteers are there to help you have fun!
- If you have a concern or challenge you can ask any DM or staff member to fetch an Activity Coordinator (AC) - these supervisors are well equipped to address any issues that might arise, and appreciate you bringing your concerns up so they can be addressed quickly before others encounter the same challenge.

Finally, Team work makes the dream work! You're all in this together!

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New Players Handbook Beta 6 years 3 months ago #24

Damn Matt. Almost took me two full beers to get through all your comments. Some nice recommendations.
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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