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TOPIC: McDroggins Commodities Exchange

McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #1

Hello everyone. I was wondering how to get trade goods if you don't have enough of the right tokens. So I'm going to set up a commodities exchange. Let me know what you all think!!! Let the cross Moj-anation begin!!

Trade Good Cost Quantity Available

Alchemist Ink $5.00 X2
Alchemist parchment $5.00 X1
Aragonite $40.00 X0
Darkwood Plank $5.00 X1
Dwarven Steel $5.00 X4
Elven Bismuth $20.00 X0
Enchanters Munition $5.00 X0
Golden Fleece $80.00 X0
Minotaur Hide $5.00 X3
Mystic Silk $5.00 X2
Oil of Enchantment $20.00 X0
Philosopher's Stone $5.00 X1
50 GP $1.00 X400(2000gp)

I am buying or trading these items

*Item/cash value/trade value

any common = I will pay $0.08 cash/ I will give $0.14 in trade

any non weapon/armor uncommon =$0.24 cash/$0.42 trade

weapon/armor uncommon = $0.29 cash/$0.50

any non weapon/armor rare = $0.48 cash/$0.84 trade

10 gp = $0.15 cash/$0.18 trade

any weapon/armor rare=$0.56 cash/$0.98 trade

Alchemist Ink, Alchemist Parchment, Darkwood plank, Dwarven Steel, Enchanters munition, Minotaur Hide, Mystic Silk and Philosopher's Stone= $2.00 cash/$3.50 trade

Any monster bit =$5.00 cash/$7.00 trade

Elven Bismuth and Oil of Enchantment = $9.00 cash/$14.00 trade

Aragonite = $18.00 cash/$27.00 trade

Golden Fleece = $33.00 cash/$49.00 trade

Redoubt Plate( TDdb ) = $50.00 cash/$70.00 trade

Amulet of Treasure Finding( TDdb ) = $100 cash/$125 trade

Any UR = PM your offer and the UR

Shipping rates 1-10 tokens = $3.00 : 10-175 tokens = $6.00 : 175+ tokens = $12.00

Please feel free to PM with desired trades, that my current stock doesn't allow for. I will work towards filling requests as quickly as possible!!!

Check out this $8k pack auction
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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Last edit: by McDroggin.

McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #2

Are your prices going to fluctuate, like real commodities? I would hesitate to trade $120 in gold for a Fleece :P

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #3

Yes, they will change. And thanks for the input.. that did work out a bit high... but you are getting about $100 exchange value at those rates....I will revisit my prices tonight. Thanks again
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #4

Your tier 1 components seem to be fairly accurately priced IMO.

Tier 2 (Bismuth and Oil) should probably be 100 units

Tier 3 (Aragonite) should probably be 200 units

Fleece should probably be 400 units

You still make a profit on the conversions but it's more palatable to anyone who knows the approximate token values.

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #5

Thank you very much for your input, I welcome all input and hopefully we can turn this into something that most will find value in. I will be making some updates on the pricing and structure shortly.
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #6

I'll be standing by to see what you come up with ^_^

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #7

Hi all, I just wanted to put a quick example in to illustrate why I hope this store will be of value to people.

Say you need 3 alchemist inks (90 units) and have one extra philosopher's stone (25 units), dwarven steel (25 units), 2 uncommon weapons (8 units), a 50 gp token (5 units), one rare weapon ( 8 units), 4 random uncommon (12 units) and 7 commons ( 7 units). You can send in your extra pieces, that you don't need or can't turn in yet, and get the 3 inks that you need!!

Feel free to mix and match as you see fit....


example was based on the current "exchange" rate at the time of post
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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Last edit: by McDroggin.

McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #8

Check out the new exchange rates.
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #9

updated quantities and added some shipping info
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #10

Increased the trade in values on some items to reflect current demand... Thanks for everyone's enthusiasm!!
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 4 months ago #11

increased some trade in values
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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McDroggins Commodities Exchange 8 years 3 months ago #12

updated available quantities
Clan newbies and jerks
McDroggins Commodities Exchange

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