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TOPIC: Please give feedback on the new event strucure...

Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #1

Well, we have taken your survey feedback and we have crafted the details of the 2005 events. Please let us know what you think.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #2

What classes were dropped/added? I notice the new treasure tokens still have a MW Bards Instrument in them...

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #3

No classes were dropped. Nor were any added. There's a MW Bard instrument is still there because the bard is still there. The new web page says something about the classes in the "Class Ability System" section of the web page. *shrug* Works for me. I would have preferred more class options for the TD group but hey, this setup works so I can see why no one messed with it? :)

Oh, and to answer the actual question, I haven't TD'd before, but I've read basically the entire web site now. :) I think it looks spankin'! :) And I mean the way TD will be setup/played as well as the site. hehehe
Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations...<br /><br />Always remember, your weapon was made by the lowest bidder...

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #4

admin - Awesome! Truly awesome. Having a dual-part dungeon, with both groups working together towards one common goal is inspired.

I'm incredibly psyched about this whole thing, and can't wait to play and be involved. Woohoo!!!!
- Koralk<br />TD Wizard Extraordinaire

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #5

After evaluting all the feddback we decided to leave them as they currently are organized. We feel that it will work best.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #6

  • Douglas
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Being completely honest (have I ever been otherwise) :^)
While there are things that I like, I am a little disappointed by the new setup.

1) I noticed that you decided to keep the same characters and not introduce new classes to the mix. Unfortunately, this will mean that some people are stuck with classes they dont want and I am sad to see this potential facet for new game dynamics was not changed.

2) I like the dual dungeon approach! Very cool. However, I see that you have decided to go with a Hardcore option that is the same dungeon only harder. Unless the "keepsake" is significant, I'm not sure I agree with this as I fail to see why people would do the Hardcore option given that the chance of survival is say only 25%? Personally, I would rather do the easier option to experience the greatest amount of the dungeon as possible. And given that, it would be unlikely that I would go through the same dungeon again. Other people might disagree.

3) From the picture, it looks like you slide the TOKENS now? I thought the tokens would be put inside a slider of some sort. Care to comment on this?

4) At GenCon So Cal, we had 24 minutes for Inn/Training and 8 12-minute rooms. It seems like you have cut out one of the rooms (7) to give more time in the Inn? If this is the case, why cut one room? I understand you are trying to give people more time to prepare but I don't think people want LESS dungeon to do it.

5) I am a little unclear about the weapons. If a player does not purchase tokens, are they stuck without a (standard) weapon or are they given the "basics"? If they are given the "standard" fare, then why have the standard weapons in the token bag as commons? Why not only magical?

So, I am still looking forward to TD and I applaude your work. I am just not as enthusiastic about these Event Details as I was hoping.

See you in Indy,
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #7


I know you spoke directly to Jeff with that last post - but since when can I keep my mouth shut on hot topics...or shut in general - just ask me - I can shut up. ;)

But until then - here are just a few musings while we anxiously wait for Jeff to repond.

1. I am a little sad to see less flexibility here as well - but I understand the logic that the adventure is really tailored to a set cast of characters. I think keeping things the same is a bit limiting, but a nesessary evil if we want the great adventure I think Jeff has in store for us.

2. Again semi-agreement with you here. I would like to think some B/C players will see the greater challenge and want to compete at the higher difficulty level.

4. YIKES did not see this - one less room but more to do in the tavern - it almost sounds like a fair trade off - I wonder if there are some pre-adventure opportunities in the tavern that should happen to increase success in the dungeon proper? What ever could be behind the drainage grate??? If the tavern is as big as it is being billed and has so many rooms we should not feel the hurt of the loss of a dungeon room too bad in my opinion.

5. I thought I read someplace that there would be a way for ALL players to have a standard weapon and perhaps armor - like a free pull from a chest of tokens or something as part of admission fee...I hope this is still the case.
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #8

Just commenting on Question # 5, here...

Every person, when they show up for their timeslot with ticket in hand, gets to draw a weapon and armor. The reason weapon/armor tokens are included in Token Bags, is because certain weapons are more rare than others (I'm guessing the token draw chest will only contain things like daggers, quarterstaffs, and the occasional longsword or the like; whereas token bags will include longbows, greataxes, repeating crossbows, etc.).
- Koralk<br />TD Wizard Extraordinaire

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #9

About #5 - that was my take as well mighty Koralk - but where did I read that???

I wonder if that is still the case - I think so....but...
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #10


Being completely honest (have I ever been otherwise) :^)
While there are things that I like, I am a little disappointed by the new setup.

1) I noticed that you decided to keep the same characters and not introduce new classes to the mix. Unfortunately, this will mean that some people are stuck with classes they dont want and I am sad to see this potential facet for new game dynamics was not changed.

Well…introducing new classes most likely would not solve the above problem. The seven we do have offer a good variety, but there is nothing we can do about the problem of two players wanting to play the same class. That seems to always happen. I would like to remind people why I chose the “True� Dungeon name…it is supposed to be a test of your skill…not your characters. Sure it is fun to play a certain class, and the specific class tests are fun…but try to remember that your main character class is called “gamer� and that is the one class you should really be focused on. It is your smarts, wits and horse sense that will get you through the adventure.

2) I like the dual dungeon approach! Very cool. However, I see that you have decided to go with a Hardcore option that is the same dungeon only harder. Unless the "keepsake" is significant, I'm not sure I agree with this as I fail to see why people would do the Hardcore option given that the chance of survival is say only 25%? Personally, I would rather do the easier option to experience the greatest amount of the dungeon as possible. And given that, it would be unlikely that I would go through the same dungeon again. Other people might disagree.

Yeah…I think the dual dungeon should give everything a more epic feel. And regarding the hardcore thing…well I tried to guess a good number for people who want a real challenge to overcome. Personally, I would probably try it first on Hardcore, and then do it on normal the next day. I would want to try it at least once on Hardcore to see if I was as good a gamer as I pretend to be.

3) From the picture, it looks like you slide the TOKENS now? I thought the tokens would be put inside a slider of some sort. Care to comment on this?

We are currently playtesting a host of different systems…and we won’t puck until we feel we got something that works well. We would like to have the tokens by themselves as that would be cooler, but that would probably mean a re-design on the boards. So…we are working on it.

4) At GenCon So Cal, we had 24 minutes for Inn/Training and 8 12-minute rooms. It seems like you have cut out one of the rooms (7) to give more time in the Inn? If this is the case, why cut one room? I understand you are trying to give people more time to prepare but I don't think people want LESS dungeon to do it.

Last year there were 8 rooms…that is true. However, one of those rooms was the training room, so you really had seven adventuring rooms. We are keeping 7 adventuring rooms in 2005, but we are making a 36 minutes tavern & training room. Believe me…with the way the tavern is shaping up…that tavern is going to be very cool, and it will be equal to two rooms in the dungeon.

5) I am a little unclear about the weapons. If a player does not purchase tokens, are they stuck without a (standard) weapon or are they given the "basics"? If they are given the "standard" fare, then why have the standard weapons in the token bag as commons? Why not only magical?

Each player gets one random free weapon token and one free armor token at the start. They can trade with others or try to upgrade with GP and Gems at the blacksmith. You don't have to buy tokens to play...especially if you are playing the Wizard or other less combat oriented class. Sorry...I really don't understand your other questions.

Thanks very much for your good questions, and I am sure many people had the same questions. I am sorry that the event may not be as cool as you thought it was going to be, but there are many behind-the-scene issues that have affected the event's details. While we have tried to incorporate as much feedback as we could, sometimes staff, funding and other issues have molded the details. Please trust us that we have put a great deal of thought into these details, and that we have set the events up as best we can. Thanks again for your input.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #11

  • Douglas
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Thanks for the quick response.

Following up with a couple of quick comments:

Having multiple character options wouldn't necessarily "solve" the problem but it would definitely alleviate it. I thought the overall concensus here by players was that it was a good thing and they wanted it so I assume there must have been some other unknown influence against this. But I digress.

As for the room count, you are correct. I was counting the Magic Mouth room and the Treasure/oracle room as two separate rooms. :)

I am still a little unclear about how the Inn will play out. Are there two sections? One for the "dungeon" where dungeon-type things happen and one for hanging out/eating? I ask because I am curious about the choice to limit people to 24-minutes for the Inn. While the increase in time will certainly be helpful, why the limit?

Thanks again,

P.S. I placed my order for Treasure Tokens today! :^)
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei

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Please give feedback on the new event strucure... 19 years 2 months ago #12

Depending on how it all works out, and I am just speculating since I have not talked ot Jeff lately, the inn is open for anyone to hang out, the "town" area would be reserved for "on deck" players to trade and practice.

There may also be opportunities for "practicing" in areas of the tavern, but I haven't heard yet.

Hanging out in the inn may be free or may be a nominal charge, but I doubt anyone with an event ticket and reserved space would be turned away if they showed up early. That is, unless we hit our max body count for fire safety reasons, each room, even the big ball rooms has a pre-determined max body count limit based on square footage and availability of fire egress. Then the tavern might have to be limited to "paying guests" so to speak. I think the times established are minimum (at least in intention)

You should know better than to pick up a duck in a dungeon....

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