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Welcome TD Coach!


Welcome True Dungeon Coach Volunteer! 


If you are reading this newsletter, then you are one of the very special True Dungeon Volunteers selected for the important role of Coach.  Not only must Coaches have the rules knowledge of DMs, but they must also have the personal communication skills to prep a group of eager adventurers for an event. 


We have two great tools for Coaches to help them get the most of their volunteering experience.  First, we have prepared a “Coaches Guide” that offers a great deal of vital information for Coaches.  The PDF of this Guide can be downloaded here:




Second, we have appointed two great Coaches to be your Coach Coordinators for 2012.  They will be offering advice and guidance leading up to the event (via email and TD Forum), at the training session on Wednesday night at Gen Con Indy, and during the event itself.  If you have any questions or concerns about your Coach duties, please contact either Dan Druegar or Will Walker.  One of these veteran Coaches will be onsite at all times to answer questions or to address concerns.



"Simply put, True Dungeon is the coolest event in the gaming universe. It’s the largest event at Gen Con. It must be seen to be believed! I am very proud to have True Dungeon as the Gen Con centerpiece.”


-- Peter Adkison, CEO/Owner Gen Con, LLC


New Training Set-Up for Players


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There have been some BIG CHANGES this year with True Dungeon.  First of all, we are moving to a new venue inside the Indiana Convention Center – with more than double the space that we had at the Marriott.  Exhibit Hall D is  in the heart of Gen Con Indy.


All this new space has allowed us to create a special pre-event special area called the “storyscape” which is much like a miniature Gamer Theme Park that provides a cool place to start and end your adventures.  Gone are the admin desks out in the lobby, and instead each event has its own special entrance inside the storyscape. 


Each new entrance will contain a common Muster Area with two waiting tables and one admin table.  Once players check in at the admin table they can have a seat at one of the waiting tables until the time of their event arrives.  At that time, a Coach will enter the Muster Area and take the group of ten players into a small (but private) Coaching room.  There, the Coach will have 24 minutes to prep their group before they are moved into the Training Room for 12 minutes.


This new training structure should be much more immersive and fun than the old system – plus the private Coaching room should be a more effective place to prep your party.  You can read more about this in the Coaches Guide mentioned above.  PLEASE take the time to download, read and study these Quick Guides so that your volunteer experience will be as enjoyable as possible.  Your effort is greatly appreciated!   Here are the Guides and resources which are available.  To have a successful Gen Con Indy Coaching experience, you must download, read and in some cases study the information below.  Your efforts are much appreciated, and it will be vital for the enjoyment of thousands of True Dungeon gamers.

“MUST READ” Reference Materials


Coaches Guide


Dungeon Master's Guide



2012 Quick Token Reference
All coaches must know the "Special Rules for 2012" (found on pages 9-10 of the QTR) like the back of their hand.



Images of the 4th-level character cards can be viewed here: <some small changes this year!

Images of the 5th-level character cards can be viewed here: <some small changes this year!



Player's Guide

Once you have had a chance to look over these materials, you must take a mandatory online “open book” Coach/DM quiz linked below.  Your Coach Coordinators will be automatically notified when you have taken the quiz so they won’t have to bug you about it as the deadline draws near.  Please take your online quiz by August 10th, 2012.


MANDATORY Coaches Online Study Exercises
*Must Be Taken By August 10!*

In order to make sure all Coaches have a good time volunteering at TD, the team has crafted five, short mandatory online study exercises that you must complete. They are open book, and help ensure that you will have the knowledge you need to be an effective Coach.

Use the information below to register for the free online education software we are using. The software allows us to track progress and determine problem areas we can touch upon at the in-person training on August 15th. You are required to register an account using the UNIQUE TEMP CODE assigned to you. (See the steps below.)

1. Go to JunoEd.com

2. Click "Sign Up"

3. Use your unique temp code

4. Register as a “Student”

John Doe, your unique temp code is XXXX-XX-XXXX


The “quizzes” MUST be completed by Friday, August 10th in order for you to be ready for further DM training at Gen Con Indy 2012.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you have NOT received your special unique temp code from Stu Ough via email by the time you read this message, please email him at stu@truedungeon.com to get your code.


Thank you for your commitment that makes TD the best event at Gen Con Indy. Your passion and effort is greatly appreciated!



You Have Access to Special Hidden Volunteer Forum!


If you have made a True Dungeon Forum account, then you have been granted special access into a private sub-forum only for volunteers.  Please go to the TD website, click on the Forum tab, and then look for the special Volunteer section.  There are separate folders for DMs, Coaches and NPCs, as well as a place for general questions.


True Dungeon Forum


If you do not see the special Coaches area, please contact Dave Radtke at dave@truedungeon.com to fix the issue.



Thank you!


I realize that this is a lot to be hit with at one time.  Quick Guides!  Online Quizzes!  Volunteer Forums! 


I just wanted to let you know that I deeply appreciate your help in allowing the collective dream of True Dungeon to happen.  This is our TENTH year of TD, and we are celebrating with the new cool pre-event space that should enchant thousands of gamers all weekend long.  Together we put on an event that is quite special and amazing, and it is all due to the passion of some very cool people who love to make other people happy through gaming.

See you at Gen Con Indy!


Best Regards,

Jeff Martin