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Pre-Orders NOW OPEN! < Honest!


We have the True Dungeon Store OPEN and READY to take your pre-Orders are now being accepted for the 2012 Treasure Tokens. 


We had a bit of a server issue last week when we opened, but now we have an upgraded check-out – and we are ready for your pre-order. 






BIG Upgrade in Token Images in 2012!


It appears that the dpi on the token stickers is going to be DOUBLED in 2012.  The proof tokens look amazing – with great detail.  I am very happy with how all the 2012 tokens look. 











Transmuted Token Fun in 2012!


You can read all about the 2012 Transmuted Token Program HERE.  You should be able to start sending in for your 2012 Transmuted Tokens in about a month or so.




Gen Con Ticket Draw


On April 2nd,we will hold a special drawing from all the 2012 token buyers to date.  Ten lucky token buyers will win, and each can "pre-buy" up to 10 tickets (of one slot) before anyone else!  Winners will be contacted on April 2nd, and they have until April 10th to pick their event slot (and pay for the tickets).  If we do not hear back from a winner by April 10th, then another name will be drawn.  True Dungeon event tickets go on sale for everyone in early May.  For every 10-pack you buy, we put your name in the "virtual hat", and each winner will have the chance to "pre-buy" a full 10-ticket slot of tickets BEFORE they go on sale to anyone else!  This means that you are guaranteed to get the exact slot you wish without having to worry about the crazy time during event registration.  You still have to buy the tickets at the normal price.  NOTE:  The more tokens you buy, the greater your chance of winning!


Description: Description: Golden Ticket
We are randomly inserting 30 special Golden Ticket tokens into the 2012 token collection.  Instead of a Common token, you get one of these uber-cool tokens in your 10-pack.  Details for the Golden Ticket Event will be released in early 2012 on the URL printed on the token. You will also get a host of extra goodies which include a completely awesome pack of uber-rare and powerful tokens and an exclusive GT-only surprise inside your True Dungeon adventure.  

Set Powers
Possessing more than one Ultra Rare token can give your character some added benefits.  Three notable set powers are in play this year involving the five "Might" magic items.  These gain your character +1 to their level!


*Available this year as one of your Ultra Rare selections with every $250 purchase.
Trio of Might:  Equipping with any three of the above tokens makes your character 5th level (instead of 4th level) for the dungeon.  Being 5th level gets your character more hit points, powers and 3rd level spells if your character is a spell caster.
Quartet of Might:  Equipping with any four of the above tokens makes your character 5th level (instead of 4th level) for the dungeon, and your character gains +2 to melee damage.
Quintet of Might:  Equipping with all five of the above tokens makes your character 5th level (instead of 4th level) for the dungeon, and your character gains +4 to melee damage.


There are also other set powers for possessing other groups of certain tokens.  We added some set powers for some Common, Uncommon and Rare items this year.  You can see a complete listing of them on page 6 of the 2011 Token Guide.  The 2011 Token Guide currently does NOT have these new set powers added in 2012:


Mountain Dwarf Set (-1 damage from Cold)

Footman Set (+2 to AC & -1 damage from Cold)

Defender Set (+1 to AC and immune to Hold, Slow and other hindrances)

Templar Set (Regenerate 3 HP at the beginning of each room)

Dragonhide Set (Wear any 3 and automatically make saves vs. breath weapon & +3 to saves)




$250 Pick-Your-Ultra-Rare Order Option

In addition to the 30 10-packs of tokens, you will receive the following:

•    ONE (1) Ultra Rare token of your choice from either the 2011 or 2012 print runs—mix & match as you like. (And there is about a 30% chance you will receive a random UR in your 10-packs!)




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$1K Module/Special Token Order Option

In addition to the 120 10-packs of tokens, you will receive all of the following:

•    Four (4) Ultra Rare tokens of your choice from either the 2011 or 2012 print runs—mix & match as you like. (And there is a really good chance you will receive 1 or 2 random URs in your 10-packs!)
•    One (1) signed copies of BOTH modules (shipped after the event is over in November, 2012)
•    One (1) “Rod of Seven Parts (Segment 5)” Ultra Rare tokens (shipped with your modules in November, 2012)



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$2K “Adventurers’ Guild” Order Option

In addition to the 240 10-packs of tokens, you will receive all of the following:

•    Eight (8) Ultra Rare tokens of your choice from either the 2011 or 2012 print runs—mix & match as you like. (And there is a really good chance you will receive 2 or 3 random URs in your 10-packs!)
•    Two (2) signed copies of BOTH modules (shipped after the event is over in November, 2012)
•    Two (2) “Rod of Seven Parts (Segment 5)” Ultra Rare tokens (shipped with your modules in November, 2012)
•    One (1) Limited-edition “Adventurers’ Guild” entrance button
•    Access to the exclusive “Adventurers’ Guild” seating area inside the 2012 storyscape area.  Your AG button must be presented to enter and must be worn at all times inside the special seating area.  This area will be visible from other parts of the storyscape area, but this area will be separated by a low barrier -- and only have one point of entry/exit.




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$8K "Onyx Set" Order Option

Option #1:

In addition to the 960 10-packs of tokens, you will receive all of the following:

•    32 2012 or 2011 Ultra Rare tokens of your choice. (And there is a really good chance you will receive 9 or 10 random URs in your 10-packs!)
•    Eight (8) Rod of Seven Parts (Segment 5) Ultra Rare tokens with your modules.
•    Eight (8) signed copies of BOTH modules after the event is over in November, 2012.
•    A proof set of Onyx tokens of the 2012 Common, Uncommon and Rare (but no Ultra Rare) tokens immediately after placing your pre-order.
•    One (1) über-rare Wish Ring immediately sent with your Onyx set of tokens
•    Four (4) Limited-edition “Adventurers’ Guild” entrance buttons
•    Access to the exclusive “Adventurers’ Guild” seating area inside the 2012 storyscape area.  Your AG buttons must be presented to enter and must be worn at all times inside the special seating area.  This area will be visible from other parts of the storyscape area, but this area will be separated by a low barrier -- and only have one point of entry/exit.



As above except the first line is changed from 32 Ultra Rare tokens of your choice to only 16 2012 or 2011 Ultra Rare tokens of your choice.  However, you will receive a complete set of the 20 different 2012 Onyx UR tokens along with your Common, Uncommon and Rare Onyx tokens. All 140 of these Onyx tokens will be shipped out immediately after placing your pre-order. You get your Wish Ring now, too!  In addition, we will also immediately ship your choice of the 16 Ultra Rare tokens (with Gold backs) along with your complete Oynx set and Wish Ring.  If you select Option #1, all of your 32 Ultra Rare choices will be mailed with your order around March 1st.

The deadline for Option #2 is Feb. 15th. After that date, only Option #1 can be selected.  If you wish to go with Option #2, please just select 16 Ultra Rares instead of 32 URs during the Check Out process, and then put a note with the order that you want the Onyx Set.



Condensed Packs ($1K each)

Some token collectors don't want to spend a lot of time opening up hundreds of 10-packs of tokens. They asked if we could make a "condensed" version available that would look like what 120 10-packs would look like AFTER a bunch of the Common tokens were turned in for Trade tokens. Condensed packs save collectors the hassle of opening up all those 10-packs, sorting them, and then sending them off to exchange for Trade tokens. When you tell us your Ultra Rare choices you may also tell us how much of your order, in increments of $1,000, you would like to receive in Condensed form. There will be a text box available during your ordering process to tell us how many $1,000s of your order that you want in Condensed form. Instead of getting the normal 120 packs, you will receive the following:

•    4 Ultra Rare tokens of your choice from either the 2011 or 2012 print runs—mix & match as you like
•    1 random 2012 Ultra Rare (There is a 20% chance an ADDITIONAL random Ultra Rare token will appear in your random Rare token bag.)
•    120 Random Rare tokens (10% of these will be platinum backed)
•    240 Random Uncommon tokens (10% of these will be platinum backed)
•    21 Fermented Frostberry tokens (Common)
•    4 Minotaur Hide (Trade tokens)
•    8 Dwarven Steel (Trade tokens)
•    5 Mystic Silk (Trade tokens)
•    1 Philosopher’s Stone (Trade token)
•    2 Enchanter’s Munitions (Trade tokens)
•    4 Darkwood Planks (Trade tokens)
•    4 Alchemist's Parchment (Trade tokens)
•    1 Alchemist's Ink (Trade token)
•    2,100 GP
•    Chance at a Golden Ticket*

Punch Cards: Last year we included a Punch Card with every Condensed Pack but that won’t be necessary this year. The only 2012 Common token in a Transmuted recipe is the Fermented Frostberry, and each Condensed Pack comes with 21 of those tokens.

*Golden Ticket: The chance to get a Golden Ticket will be the same exact chance you would have with a regular token purchase. The proper amount of Golden Tickets will be randomly placed among the “120 Rares” bag in all the Condensed packs. You will ALSO find that we have randomly added the “1 in 100” random Ultra Rare tokens inside these random “120 Rare” bag. On average, 1.2 additional Ultra Rare tokens will be added to your Rare bag, so most Rare bags will have 120 Rares inside plus 1 Ultra Rare as well. One out of five Rare bags will have two Ultra Rares. A very few will also have an additional token included—a Golden Ticket token. So, most Rare bags will have 121 tokens, 20% will have 122 tokens, and fewer will have 123 tokens.

In addition to everything mentioned above, each Condensed pack (or non-Condensed $1K order) receives a signed copy of each of the two modules from 2012 as well as one über-cool “Rod of Seven Parts (Segment 5)” token after True Dungeon is over in November of 2012.  There will be a text box available during Check Out to tell us how many of your tokens you want in Condensed form.