I'm not sure about this, but I believe Montana has a clause in their constitution that allows for withdrawal from the union, as a condition of becoming a state. But that is what the Civil War was about. Don't think a state can leave with a mess at this point in history.<br /><br />As to DC. I attended to HS in Maryland, and I spent a lot of time in DC. That gives me no special qualifications other than I spent several years in the environs and some of these arguments go back to that dim age of history. Historically DC was a part of Virginia or Maryland. If they want statehood--they should be ceded back to those two states. Historically it was seperated so no one state would have any undue unfluence over the federal seat of power, and it was situated centrally in the country at that time because of the power struggle between the northern and the southern states. So now we should set aside a 10x10 mile square Federal capital in the center of Kansas and give the land back to Maryland and Virginia. Basically DC is just a city. What would qualify it as a state? It would make far more sense to make New York City, or LA or Chicago, or Phoenix states. Cripes, everyone in Oregon (outside of Portland) would love to have Portland be its own state, just so the rest of the state could do something productive without all the restrictions imposed on the rest of the state by idiots who have never been outside of the city limits. That would be a great precident--maybe we could just write a new constitution since ours is so worthless now--any city over a certain size could become their own state.<br /><br />Taxation without representation?? Last I was there, they didn't pay any taxes other than their regular old federal income tax--just like the rest of us, and all of their services are paid for out of the federal budget. Wow--they have no state taxes or city taxes or county taxes. Last I knew, their Mayor and city council are not appointed positions. All of their police and fire protections and other services including schools are provided by the Feds unless they are a private school.<br /><br />I think we should just start over--Give DC back to Maryland and Virginia (they would love the problems that are there--I've seen them first hand). Tell Kansas they have to cede to the federal govenrnment a 10 mile by 10 mile square. Build all new federal office buildings, parks, monuments, Capitol, White House, Supreme Court building, etc.--updating them all to new green standards, with all the new earthquake natural disaster requirements. Think of how many people that would put to work, and the CHANGE--that would really be new change in New Washington--it would need a new name. But here is the real trick--nobody could live in that square. They would all have to live outside in Kansas so we wouldn't repeat the mistakes we currently have. No permanent residences, except the White House and I guess embassies for other countries--period--only office space, parks, monuments, cafeterias, museums. I guess you could have hotels for visitors, but that is as close as it gets, and nobody can visit for more than 2 weeks. Come to think of it--who would want to be in a nut house like that for more than two weeks?--seriously disturbed people--I mean that is who runs the joint now--why should it be different in my Brave New Washington?<br /><br />Gotta go--my tongue is getting outside my cheek.
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)