Wayne Rhodes wrote:
Harlax wrote:
Mike Steele wrote:
Flik wrote:
Jeff321 wrote: Sorry if this was already answered in a past round and I missed it. When we have the final transmuted Teeth, will that still count as 7 unique teeth for Semi-Lich skull?
It was answered before and no, the completed Eldritch teeth item will not count as seven individual teeth.
As far as I know, I don't think it's been answered if you can equip any of the individual teeth at the same time as equipment the Eldritch Tooth Transmute.
I would hope not.
My understanding is the finished set doesn’t count for the scull but you can equip any number of unique teeth and they will add 1 HP each but not add to any other powers.
That is why I am asking. Assume for a second the completed transmute is called the Dentures of Cavadar (DoC), and the DoC itself unlocks Psychic Powers... the possibilities are:
1. DoC doesn't count as 7 teeth for the Skull. 7 teeth CAN'T be equipped along with the DoC.
In this case the Skull becomes obsoleted once the DoC is made.
2. DoC doesn't count as 7 teeth for the Skull. 7 teeth CAN be equipped long with the DoC.
In this case I should have been collecting two sets of teeth all along to keep the 7 hp... DOH!

But since I haven't been, once I transmute my single set of teeth into DoC, the Skull becomes useless to me.
3. DoC DOES count as 7 teeth for the Skull.
In this case all is good! I'll get the Skull, since I know I can keep the 7 hp once I transmute the DoC.
If the DoC itself does NOT enable Psychic Powers, that changes things a bit, since the Skull would still be somewhat useful as a slotless Psychic-enabler in all 3 scenarios above. But, losing the 7 hp still wouldn't feel great in #1 and #2.
Maybe the best solution if we don't want to give everyone a permanent 7 hp would be:
DoC doesn't count as 7 teeth for the Skull. Individual teeth can't be equipped along with DoC. DoC doesn't imbue Psychic ability itself. So the Skull is still useful as a slotless Psychic-enabler.
But in that case I'd think it should be explicitly announced in advance. Otherwise you have a situation where people buy the Skull for +6 hp in 2020, and then in 2021, transmute DoC, and regret buying the Skull the previous year when it's now worth 0 hp.
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