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TOPIC: Final Ultra Rare Images

Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #25

Dex lenses, just, wow.

I don’t know when the blade ended up FoB compatible, but I like the VSF equivalent with different damage.

I’m excited, the cap, the lenses, the monkey ring, it is all so good this year. Can’t wait to see what the wizard and fighter year brings.
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #26

Yeah I look forward to designing the two new legendaries next year. It will be easier since there will just be the two!

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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #27

so many weapons again this year. there were 3 last year which are still available. imo 3 out of 20 is too heavy when there are so many other slots.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #28

Wow and Thanks
Please visit my fledgling token store.
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #29

Wayne Rhodes wrote:

Harlax wrote:

Mike Steele wrote:

Flik wrote:

Jeff321 wrote: Sorry if this was already answered in a past round and I missed it. When we have the final transmuted Teeth, will that still count as 7 unique teeth for Semi-Lich skull?

It was answered before and no, the completed Eldritch teeth item will not count as seven individual teeth.

As far as I know, I don't think it's been answered if you can equip any of the individual teeth at the same time as equipment the Eldritch Tooth Transmute.

I would hope not.

My understanding is the finished set doesn’t count for the scull but you can equip any number of unique teeth and they will add 1 HP each but not add to any other powers.

Where was that stated? I must have missed it.
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #30

Wayne Rhodes wrote:

Harlax wrote:

Mike Steele wrote:

Flik wrote:

Jeff321 wrote: Sorry if this was already answered in a past round and I missed it. When we have the final transmuted Teeth, will that still count as 7 unique teeth for Semi-Lich skull?

It was answered before and no, the completed Eldritch teeth item will not count as seven individual teeth.

As far as I know, I don't think it's been answered if you can equip any of the individual teeth at the same time as equipment the Eldritch Tooth Transmute.

I would hope not.

My understanding is the finished set doesn’t count for the scull but you can equip any number of unique teeth and they will add 1 HP each but not add to any other powers.

That is why I am asking. Assume for a second the completed transmute is called the Dentures of Cavadar (DoC), and the DoC itself unlocks Psychic Powers... the possibilities are:

1. DoC doesn't count as 7 teeth for the Skull. 7 teeth CAN'T be equipped along with the DoC.
In this case the Skull becomes obsoleted once the DoC is made. :(

2. DoC doesn't count as 7 teeth for the Skull. 7 teeth CAN be equipped long with the DoC.
In this case I should have been collecting two sets of teeth all along to keep the 7 hp... DOH! :( But since I haven't been, once I transmute my single set of teeth into DoC, the Skull becomes useless to me.

3. DoC DOES count as 7 teeth for the Skull.
In this case all is good! I'll get the Skull, since I know I can keep the 7 hp once I transmute the DoC.

If the DoC itself does NOT enable Psychic Powers, that changes things a bit, since the Skull would still be somewhat useful as a slotless Psychic-enabler in all 3 scenarios above. But, losing the 7 hp still wouldn't feel great in #1 and #2.

Maybe the best solution if we don't want to give everyone a permanent 7 hp would be:
DoC doesn't count as 7 teeth for the Skull. Individual teeth can't be equipped along with DoC. DoC doesn't imbue Psychic ability itself. So the Skull is still useful as a slotless Psychic-enabler.

But in that case I'd think it should be explicitly announced in advance. Otherwise you have a situation where people buy the Skull for +6 hp in 2020, and then in 2021, transmute DoC, and regret buying the Skull the previous year when it's now worth 0 hp.
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #31

Mike Steele wrote: Hi Jeff,

Thanks for adding +1 Mighty Shortbow.

Wouldn't Charms of Glory and Brooching be more consistent if they had wording like "May Equip up to one additional Back Slot item" for Brooching and "May equip up to one more Ring" for Glory?

Lenses of Agility: Making it +4 Dex and making it Bows and Crossbows is too much I think. +2 Dex and just Bows was fine.

The intent of Charm of Glory and Charmmof Brooching is to future proof them I believe.

I also think the goal.of the lenses is to have them go toe to toe with other eye slot items (LoVI, Sniper's, LotF, etc) while allowing for new players to be excited and give non-Thor's (and non-sling) wielding Rogues a reprint. I suppose it could be expanded to say "2handed ranged weapon" to include a blunder weapon.
If my assumptions regarding their goals are correct, they hit it perfectly.
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #32

Wayne Rhodes wrote: I still think the shield needs the AC dropped by one or the saves removed from it. It’s as good as the relic shield IMO. I would trade 1 AC for +1 all saves.
That said since I don’t have the Blessed Redoubt Shield I’ll be just PYPing one of the shields assuming it doesn’t get a last minute change.

Agree. Drop one point of AC or the saves.
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #33

Did I just see that the flame blade is FoB compatible? O.o
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #34

Chef Pandakage wrote: Did I just see that the flame blade is FoB compatible? O.o

Yeah it's basically tokendb.com/token/2-viper-strike-fang/ Pretty nice.

Just wanted to also mention I think the Lenses are great!
Classes Played: Barbarian (65 times), Monk (56), Ranger (33), Rogue (25), Cleric (21), Fighter (13), Druid (12), Paladin (11), Dwarf Fighter (10), Bard (7), Elf Wizard (2), Wizard (2)
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #35

Lenses. Wow. Feeling a bit of whiplash here. The token is clearly better than LoVI for basically all rogues except those who wield hammers and slings. And it is clearly better (IMHO) than Lenses of the Fae unless you really value the incorporeal effect. It almost feels better than two URs rolled into one. Have we managed to obsolete two tokens in one fell swoop (other than for hammer and sling rogues)? Perhaps. But maybe I can live with it. The +4 dex might be good enough on its own to justify a PYP for existing LoVI users. And the range sneak effect might be good enough on its own to justify a PYP for existing Lenses of the Fae users (who don’t also use the hammer). I hadn’t anticipated feeling this way, but I think the new token might be so far superior to the existing LoVI and Lenses of the Fae that I don’t mind the obsolescence. Its not an annoying incremental improvement (which is how I felt about the +2 version; the additional benefit wasn’t worth the PYP at just +2). This final version feels worth it. I will be buying it and looking for a happy home for my LoVI. (Hammer and sling rogues, PM me if you want to make a deal!)

Moral of the story: if you are going to obsolete a token, I guess you’ve got to go BIG or don’t bother.
Last edit: by Boilerplate.
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Final Ultra Rare Images 5 years 6 months ago #36

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Boilerplate wrote: Lenses. Wow. Feeling a bit of whiplash here. The token is clearly better than LoVI for basically all rogues except those who wield hammers and slings. And it is clearly better (IMHO) than Lenses of the Fae unless you really value the incorporeal effect. It almost feels better than two URs rolled into one. Have we managed to obsolete two tokens in one fell swoop (other than for hammer and sling rogues)? Perhaps. But maybe I can live with it. The +4 dex might be good enough on its own to justify a PYP for existing LoVI users. And the range sneak effect might be good enough on its own to justify a PYP for existing Lenses of the Fae users (who don’t also use the hammer). I hadn’t anticipated feeling this way, but I think the new token might be so far superior to the existing LoVI and Lenses of the Fae that I don’t mind the obsolescence. Its not an annoying incremental improvement (which is how I felt about the +2 version; the additional benefit wasn’t worth the PYP at just +2). This final version feels worth it. I will be buying it and looking for a happy home for my LoVI. (Hammer and sling rogues, PM me if you want to make a deal!)

Moral of the story: if you are going to obsolete a token, I guess you’ve got to go BIG or don’t bother.

I don't think that anything has been obsoleted here.
For non-Rogues, Lenses of the Fae is still better (particularly if you're at an odd Dex.) Don't discount the 50% miss irritation until you've gone up against incorporeal monsters! Especially not if we're getting a haunted house-themed dungeon. I bet we'll have spirits/wights!
For Rogues, this is clearly better than the Lenses of Vital Insight *only if* you use a bow or crossbow. But (as some folks so kindly pointed out to me recently!) not every Rogue has access to a bow/crossbow. Some haven't bought one (yet - this may incentivize their purchase) and others put enough resources into their Relic/Legend Hammer that they're not going to switch. It's definitely not a given.
Not to mention that this leaves room for some cool items in the future like Ranged Sneak Throwing Daggers or a cool Blunder Weapon (which adds accuracy for a Sniper Rogue build?)

To me, this is an excellent example of encouraging Build Diversity.

And clear evidence that Jeff listens to his player base!

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